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About Araxor

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Araxor

    So today I got banned...

    it was just for 5 minutes, anyway I think you guys are right in some way
  2. I have no clue why I got banned... to be fair all I remember is killing some hacker 2 days ago with a heat visioned sniper rifle. this hacker got some hacked in silenced gun I was sure it didn't exist in dayz.but due to stupidity I picked it up and used it as my secondary weapon to kill zombies. note: after I killed this hacker he turned me into a goat, he let me dance and kept posting messages in the middle of my screen. right after I relogged cause I turned into a goat I lost my backpack and only got my primary stuff left. he then came flying over to me in a huey and was starting to land, so I aborted and joined another server cause I was sick of this hacker. his name was TURK_Commander or something like that. I think it was an UK 173 server I was playing on. I guess I was banned due to having a hacked in gun of some hacker guy? also yesterday my character bugged out and glitched into a rock and broke his leg and bled out so I died, as I was fully geared I really wanted my stuff back. So I walked back to my body to try and loot it, but saw it was glitched into the stone. it had NV goggles, the heat vision L85 rifle, range finder, ghillie suit (everything) so again I did something I wasn't supposed to do and removed the rock files from my game (FOR 5 minutes only cause I hate hackers) and looted my gear and got it all back then relogged and put back my rock files. note: I knew how to do this cause some irl mate plays by removing his tree files -.- I hate him for doing that. anyway I just ran into some bad luck and cause of my mistakes I got banned :/
  3. Hey, My playing times are mostly 19:00 - 3:00 GMT+2 (The Netherlands, Amsterdam) I'm currently playing for 2 weeks straight now, I've gathered some pretty nice stuff already. got 3 silenced primary guns, an Sniper-rifle and alot of ammunition for each gun. containing: M4A1 Camo SD Bizon SD MP5SD6 BAF AS50 As I'm getting pretty bored of solo play cause it's the same everytime, I'm looking for a squad with like 4-6 members to play with. I've got a headset for communication :)
  4. Araxor

    Server Abuse?

    I've got the same problem in Seattle 52tizzle I killed some guy seemed like he had awesome loot with his camouflage suit and everything. the server got disconnected and he disappeared and seconds later I was shot in the back. check this post of me: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=24215
  5. Dear Admins, While I was playing on the Recruit Server: "Seattle 52tizzle" I shot a guy(my first kill ever in this game). and then when I wanted to loot his gear the server got disconnected and rolled back. His body was gone and I didn't have "1" Murder anymore in my stats. So I went to explore back into the woods to get cover cause I was in the middle of an airfield, THEN I got shot in the back all the sudden, didn't have enough time to see who it was, but I'm guessing it was the person I killed before the rollback and shot me in the back.