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Everything posted by CrashB111

  1. CrashB111

    Please may I have a gun?

    Get a Hatchet, guns are overated. Also Barns.
  2. CrashB111

    As long as I didn't hack it in right?

    Don't be a douche, kill a zombie or a pig, put the gun on the corpse and hide it. The weapon isn't legitimate and it makes you as bad as the hacker for using it.
  3. CrashB111

    vehicle "hoarding", what the hell is it?

    Alot of this came from when people would do this for shits and giggles: Player 1's clan finds all the vehicles on the map and moves them to a central location near the edge of the map, They then proceed to drive all the vehicles the maximum distance they can off the map until they run out of gas. Since nobody can get to these vehicles now (the end of the map goes for hundreds if not thousands of kilometers) the offending people suicide and respawn back in the map. The vehicles will stay outside the map for + - 7 days since they don't auto explode/reset till they have been idle for that long, so if 1 person stays with the hoard (alternate accounts quite possibly) they can keep all the vehicles off the map indefinitely. This was fixed since things don't save off the map now, but it was a serious concern.
  4. CrashB111

    How populated is Green Mountain?

    Not at all, no real loot spawns there save for 2 ATV's but those will flip trying to leave the complex so it is hardly worth it.
  5. CrashB111

    Where are Czech backpacks commonly found?

    Don't do this. You first need to open your backpack while your accessing the one on the ground, move everything in your pack into the one you are trying to pick up. You'll know when you've move it all out because your backpack you are wearing will say (example) 8/8 if your wearing the Coyote Patrol Pack, because the 8 is how many open spaces you have out of 8 total. After moving all the gear into the new pack, equip it from the scroll wheel option and you'll be wearing the new pack with all the stuff from your old one in it. The reason you do this is because sometimes gear will delete itself if you drop your backpack with said gear in it.
  6. CrashB111

    Barbed Wire Getting Annoying

    There is a problem with that though cracker. When the server resets all the wire will respawn where it was before. So even if you purge the server of every last strand of wire, once the server resets that night to make all the loot spawn/helicopter crashes move/etc, it will cause all the wire to magically reappear where it was.
  7. CrashB111

    When is 1.7.2 coming out?

    A reset isn't a bad idea. Would at least purge all the server hoppers of their ill-gotten gear and since it is Alpha people should expect to lose everything anyway.
  8. CrashB111

    Barbed Wire Getting Annoying

    Bumping as this is still an issue.
  9. CrashB111

    Barbed Wire Getting Annoying

    I was at the NW airfield once and to get into the ATC I had to vault over some wire, upon landing my legs broke and I had to shoot myself with morphine before I could vault back over and go in the back way through the ladders.
  10. CrashB111

    Barbed Wire Getting Annoying

    Inadviseable at the least. You can break your legs and kill yourself by trying to vault over the wire, and most of the time it is placed in such a way that you can't vault over it because it is in a low door frame, or on an incline that makes you unable to go over.
  11. CrashB111

    Where are all the vehicles????

    Check the super far north of the map. Between Server Hoppers and Hoarders alot of the vehicles end up stashed up there where they don't even get used.
  12. Katana doesn't make any sense I'm sorry this isn't L4D2. At least the hatchet and Crowbar are logical in an industrial/farming area. Shovels would make sense as a melee weapon as well.
  13. CrashB111

    Barbed Wire Getting Annoying

    The real issue isn't the Barbed Wire itself, but the fact that it respawns every server reset. So I can use my toolkit to completely empty Cherno and Elektro of wire only to have it all magically reappear after the server resets rendering my work pointless. This also lets the wire build up over time since no matter how much is removed, the amount can only increase.