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evolution (DayZ)

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Everything posted by evolution (DayZ)

  1. evolution (DayZ)

    Logging out in shock should kill you

    Just add a 1-2 minute timer for a D/C. That should fix all problems.
  2. evolution (DayZ)

    So suggestions (would add realism IMHO)

    Raw Meat +1, the rest not too sure about.
  3. I don't know about you but when I drink soft drinks I get more thirsty afterwards because they contain sugar. +1 for water>soft drinks
  4. evolution (DayZ)

    DayZ lagging obsessivly, I need help!

    What are your computer specs? (ram, CPU, graphics card) - To talk to people it is direct channel. I think it has a radius of 40m.
  5. evolution (DayZ)

    Warming yourself with dead cows.

    Lol But -1
  6. evolution (DayZ)

    F'n A zombies, man.

    Nah zombie speed is fine. I think if they were to walk or jog they'd be too easy. And if they were to combat this by adding more zombies it would put more strain on servers. As for the zombie detection that definitely should be fixed. But I guess it is only an alpha and I'm sure the DayZ team is aware of the zombies.
  7. evolution (DayZ)

    More Animals

    -1 I think there is enough wildlife, although I would like to see dangerous animals (bears, wild wolfs, etc) in the game.
  8. evolution (DayZ)


    -1 neg, if you're shot down a defib shouldn't be able to save you
  9. evolution (DayZ)

    Simple Solution to Banditry

    Great idea, I also read the karma idea, very interesting as well. +1 to this thread
  10. evolution (DayZ)

    Knocked Out...Really?

    I find it unrealistic that when just 1 zombie scratches you, you get knocked out unconscious. Don't get me wrong I like the idea of the unconscious state just not when it's used in silly situations. For example, to be rendered unconscious you could be in severe pain, broken bones, a horde of zombies attacking you, dehydration/hunger and any other reasonable scenarios. But I find it frustrating when I'm going up against a few zombies and one of them knocks me out unconscious and I die with good gear... Anyone else?
  11. This game is supposed to be realistic although it is still a game. Maybe if you did increase the reload time 3x longer, people would think the gun is worthless hence rendering it unused and just another 'crappy gun'. I think it should stay the way it is. Also this isn't an urgent issue so maybe these things can be looked at in beta?
  12. evolution (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Everything seems decent except two things. 1- The latest patch doesn't work, leaving you stuck on a loading screen. 2- I still believe that zombie's spot you from too far away.
  13. evolution (DayZ)

    Rocket's overall plan.

  14. evolution (DayZ)

    This game

    Relax it's a working progress.
  15. evolution (DayZ)

    Finding Ammo Differently

    Hey guys, you know how all the ammo is sprawled on the floor? Well maybe it could be put into cupboards, drawers, on a table or any other 'common' place instead all on the floor. I just think it would be a better touch to the game and make it more realistic. For example, instead of spawning all the loot on the ground of the supermarket, maybe on the shelves or counter.
  16. evolution (DayZ)


    I'm thinking of having some sort of rare item (like NVG's or any new item) and have them spawn in random locations. Instead of your stock standard loot spawns, make rare items spawn in a footlocker in the middle of the forest or a safe buried in the side of a house, but once looted the caches disappear. This would stop people camping for the best gear and actually have to walk around looking for items.
  17. I wouldn't like to play as a zombie. Good idea though if players were able to be infected and had to scavenge items for a cure, just maybe they would die if they didn't find one.
  18. evolution (DayZ)

    City names

    -1. When I walk into a city irl the name doesn't pop up in front of me. Use a compass/map.
  19. evolution (DayZ)

    A sex system in the game?

  20. evolution (DayZ)

    Upgrade the Crossbow?

    +1 for your suggestions but if they should be implemented the weapon should be balanced. But also maybe use the search function next time?
  21. evolution (DayZ)

    There is too much ammo

    I don't agree. Considering the amount of zombies in a city/town and there speed it would make the game extremely hard to play if ammo was scarce. I think what you're trying to suggest is a more melee/sneak based system which I disagree with. As for making ammo...well you said it yourself, its going a bit too far.
  22. evolution (DayZ)

    Forum: Do Not Suggest List

    Hahahahaha, made my day xD