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evolution (DayZ)

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Everything posted by evolution (DayZ)

  1. evolution (DayZ)

    Universal Sign of Peace ?

    Shoot first ask questions later ;)
  2. evolution (DayZ)

    Spawn Surpressors?

    +1 to this, wouldn't be a bad idea. Although not really important I think, maybe added towards the end.
  3. evolution (DayZ)

    No female zombies?

    +1 Wouldn't mind a female zombie running at me with bouncy boobies. Oh yeah and for realism xD
  4. evolution (DayZ)

    Respawn / Suicide is Required

    I think the respawn button should be brought back, but can only be used(pressed) every 5 or 10 minutes. This is long enough to prevent suicides and still allows for a respawn if, you are glitched or hacked(as mentioned above).
  5. evolution (DayZ)

    DayZ Memes

    https://i.chzbgr.com/completestore/12/6/15/bpklFtbl5U-sLxo3D89Gsg2.jpg https://i.chzbgr.com/completestore/12/5/14/gqGM_El0xEegKtUuhccFwQ2.jpg http://i44.servimg.com/u/f44/17/24/51/20/20011410.jpg http://i.imgur.com/jHIEe.jpg https://i.chzbgr.com/completestore/12/7/6/MDL396ezrUC5s7qYWitEgQ2.jpg http://i.imgur.com/16SPX.jpg http://i1107.photobucket.com/albums/h391/choppytehbear/1blk1.jpg
  6. evolution (DayZ)

    Re-Implement Starting Pistol?

    Yep and here it goes :D Take a look at these Goodlad118; http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/25263-spawning-with-weapons/page__hl__+starting%20+weapon#entry248699 http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/16761-starting-weapon/page__hl__+starting%20+weapon#entry229657 http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/22492-starting-with-a-weapon/page__hl__%2Bstarting+%2Bweapon http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/21368-bring-back-markov-at-spawn/page__hl__+starting%20+weapon#entry213884 Use the search function next time.
  7. evolution (DayZ)

    There's too much wind in Chernarus...and it's not just the Beans.

    In your audio options you can reduce the sound of the game. I did because I thought the game was a little too loud.
  8. evolution (DayZ)


    haha those were only the first two pages as well. Ahhh it's just annoying to see the same post over again :|
  9. evolution (DayZ)

    "I can't see a dam thing" *walks into a wall

    Yeah I agree. Night time is too dark as it is now, hard to play when you can't see 1 metre ahead of you. +1
  10. evolution (DayZ)


    Use the search function next time... this has been suggested TOO many times.. Here's one: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/37433-cannibalism/page__hl__cannibalism Don't forget: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/31732-cannibalism-drug-addiction-and-bbqing/page__hl__cannibalism There's also: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/29101-cannibalism/page__hl__cannibalism Why not add: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/25016-cannibalism/page__hl__cannibalism Maybe this?: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/24381-canabalism/page__hl__cannibalism#entry239996 Let's not forget: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/14310-cannibalism/page__hl__cannibalism
  11. evolution (DayZ)


    GTFO the suggestions forum.
  12. evolution (DayZ)

    empty server = less loot

    +1 Great idea.
  13. evolution (DayZ)

    Eliminate the Bandit/PK'r Advantage

    You seem mad... Anyway, I really don't think this will solve much. I mean if you saw a bandit (lets say with your suggestion, the bandit skin is brought back) he is still going to kill you. And you are either going to avoid-or attack (which is the same as what you'd be doing now with a player you saw in DayZ. I get the idea, but identifying a bandit, I think, isn't going to solve the problem and frankly I don't think anything will solve the PvP in the game. -Shoot on sight or be killed is pretty much the motto now. Deal with it and shoot back.
  14. +1 to this idea. Although repairing weapons/finding batteries should be put in. I don't think that you should throw away NVG's because the batteries have run out.
  15. evolution (DayZ)

    Damaged gear when killed

    +1 good idea if it can be implemented.
  16. evolution (DayZ)

    Punishment for banditry?

    -1 to this. It kind of takes away the realism of the game. Might as well start to make zombie bosses, alien weaponry, skills to upgrade etc etc. If you don't like getting killed, then kill.
  17. evolution (DayZ)

    Starter weapon...

    STOP WITH THE "STARTING WEAPON" POSTS FFS! USE THE SEARCH BAR ~I'm using all caps because I am in fact RAGING at this stupid post which has been done numerous times.
  18. evolution (DayZ)

    Why I've Stopped Playing DayZ

    1- This is a rant not a suggestion 2- I think the quirky movements are more scary than if zombies had smooth movements, adds to the "rigor mortis" effect I'd say. 3- ALPHA <--- big one here, sit back and take this one in for a bit. 4- Everyone learns the hard way. I like that the game is unforgiving + harsh. When I was a new player I had to learn, same with everyone (I assume). And the fanbase is growing. So the DayZ crew must be doing something right, right? 5- Take a look at #3 again.
  19. evolution (DayZ)

    CryEngine 3 - Possible?

    A loooooooooooooong time man...
  20. evolution (DayZ)

    Consequences of player killing - a new direction!

    Exactly my thoughts
  21. evolution (DayZ)

    CryEngine 3 - Possible?

    As much as I like DayZ right now, I'd love to see DayZ on CryEngine 3. I love the look of the CryEngine 3 and from what you've been saying it seems very flexible to do many things with. If Rocket had been saying that he would like to move to another engine, this would be a great move. +1 To this, ~And to all of those who think there PC cannot run the game, I think (not 100% sure) that the ArmA 3 Engine requires more PC value than the CryEngine 3. (if rocket were to choose between the two)
  22. Hello players of DayZ, i'm looking for people to join me and survive!! Steam username is 360evolution360 so send me an add and we'll hit up dayz and loot NW airfield or something ;) We'll chat on Ventrillo so be sure to have that. ~Cheers, eVo
  23. evolution (DayZ)

    Balance of Power: Peaceable vs Bandits.

    -1 Neg, this punishes 'bandits' too much and there seems to be no balance.
  24. evolution (DayZ)

    [Suggestion] Blood Transfusion

    Just today when I was on 5k blood I found 2 cows, gutted them, cooked the meat and received all my blood back. The game isn't that hard. Just adapt. Maybe receive 2k blood to make it more balanced.
  25. evolution (DayZ)


    This could work if each player was limited 1 sign per life. This shouldn't put too much stress on servers and gameplay.