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Everything posted by terrvik

  1. terrvik

    Concerned about Standalone Interiors

    The numbers will surely go up as well. Lose some, run into to more. Hopefully. :)
  2. Well shit, as long as a locked car can be broken into and stolen anyway so it's not only just because people can't hide their crap for shit.
  3. terrvik


  4. terrvik


    Yes, antibiotics are used to cure an infection you get from low temperature. I know! :) Right now, that is the only way to get infected in the game. EDIT: To be clear: when I say "infection" I mean a general disease not the "zombie virus". EDIT2: Sorry, I misunderstood your point. I blame lack of caffeine as always. :)
  5. terrvik


    Well, yeah. But not from being clawed by the infected, which is what is being discussed. :) My point is that the zombies probably aren't washing their hands that often so they should be a source of disease, just as I hope dead bodies and water will be in the future as well.
  6. terrvik

    What you guys should really be concerned about

    The game has not even been born yet.
  7. terrvik


    But you should be able to get an infection, just not THE infection.
  8. terrvik


    What if you don't get the "zombie (infected, whatever)"-virus but just get plain infected? The infected (using that word a lot now...) are pretty dirty fellas, surely they would spread some kind of disease around, just not *that* disease.
  9. terrvik

    new zombie:)

    I think they should be slower and deal less damage. :)
  10. terrvik

    Some kind of helper reward system

    I'm a friendly "helper" and I don't want to be rewarded for it. Not artificially anyway...
  11. terrvik

    Infected children in DayZ. Poll.

    Controversy can also very much help. Seriously though it is a horror game aiming for realism so there should be all kinds of infected people. Since sales aren't a priority the ratings should not be a problem. Ever since the first interview I saw about this game the goal of making me as the player feel emotions always seemed to be the most important aspect of the game and murderous children would really have an emotional impact, as would infected elderly and whatnot. If I get killed because I hesitated for five seconds wondering if I could shoot a kid... well then; mission accomplished. I have never had to deal with that in a game and I truly hope that DayZ will force me to. Sorry if this came out as a mess... I lack caffeine.
  12. terrvik

    Standalone: Actual Mtn Dew Curse

    Shark jumped.
  13. terrvik

    Worn paths in the world

    Great idea. There's a whole great system for tracking waiting underneath as well! What if trees gets damaged when you run past? Bushes gets deformed? If you are bleeding or have recently bandaged the textures would change to show some blood on the leaves? Have beans.
  14. terrvik

    Infected children in DayZ. Poll.

    GTA is more tounge in cheek. DayZ is all about emotions and if a game can make me feel uncomfortable killing enemies that would be... well, not awesome obviously but... I don't know, fitting? :) My opinion is that you should feel horrified about what is happening in the game and child zombies would certainly horrify me!
  15. terrvik

    Kill Cam - Kill Tags

    The clowns don't think they are playing a hardcore sim right now. The clowns want it to continue to develop towards BECOMING a hardcore sim! EDIT: I'm a clown.
  16. terrvik

    Compatible with mac, IOS.

    The funny thing is that everyone goes on about apple-fanboyism but I have never met a larger group of elitists than PC-gamers. :) I got a Macbook for free from my school. Socialism can be kinda awesome like that.
  17. terrvik

    Stand Alone Title

    DayZ: This time you have to PayZ?
  18. terrvik

    Compatible with mac, IOS.

    I do? Why should you have both?
  19. terrvik

    More explosives....

    It would be awesome if there were ways to build your own homemade explosives with different materials following the idea of "if you know how to do it in real life". I have no idea what that would do to the rating though... "game teaches kids to build bombs" anyone?
  20. terrvik

    Debug monitor gone?

  21. terrvik

    Churches & Repentance

    The game is set in a country where there are churches. How's that for absurd logic?
  22. terrvik

    Churches & Repentance

    Thank you.
  23. terrvik

    How to use bloodbag in DayZ

    Why? Are you one of those guys having a few beers and driving because "you can?". Of course you are not, you are thirteen years old. Silly me.