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Everything posted by terrvik

  1. terrvik

    Additional Player Type?

    Like I need your beans...
  2. terrvik

    The goal in Dayz should be survive, not pvp

    Please don't, it is crap. Anyway there is a difference between being able to kill other players and a term like pvp. Pvp makes it sound to competetive in a gamey way, which it should not be. But never should there be restrictions on killing.
  3. terrvik


  4. terrvik


    The original suggestion didn't say anything about helium?
  5. terrvik

    Steam never gave me a cd key??

    Contact Steam Support with the receipt you got when you bought the game. Their servers can be slow sometimes, but it can't hurt to get them on the case.
  6. terrvik


    Bigger balloons or smaller dogs. Can anyone donate a cow? For science?
  7. terrvik

    Standalone Pre-Order

    Check rockets twitter; he clearly states there won't be any preorders. :)
  8. terrvik

    More Emote Animations Please!

    The side chat will be removed. At least on proper (good) servers.
  9. terrvik

    Steam never gave me a cd key??

    So if you right click ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead in your game library and click View CD Key, is it blank?
  10. terrvik

    Realistic helicopter control simulation

    Hopefully the land vehicles will have gears as well. A big truck or bus is pretty difficult to drive and that should be represented in the game. Drive on the wrong gear for to long and watch your engine go up in smokes. Run out of fuel? No problem, put the car out of gear and push it. Or light in on fire and push it down a hill to create a distraction. :)
  11. Being able to take criticism is a quality as well.
  12. terrvik

    Realistic helicopter control simulation

    Yes, flying helicopters in game should be really really hard and require training. Pilots in-game would have real value. Also, no tutorials for DayZ, ever. Learning stuff on your own was amazing the first week of playing.
  13. So the game should check thirst levels, hunger levels, amount of food in backpack, amount of drinks in backpack, distance from loot spawns, damage recently taken. All this trouble for an idea that is not very good to start with. :)
  14. So a kill in self defense, where I don't loot my attacker, would hurt my karma?
  15. How would the game know if you killed another player for the supplies or just for fun?
  16. terrvik

    Scripted Activity Animations

    I also hope that in addition to more fleshed out animations there will be more visual changes depending on what gear you carry with you. Not just clothing and such, but if you have a full backpack the model will be "bigger" than if you are carrying an empty backpack. If you have a tent it will be attached to the pack, a compass will be hanging around your neck and so on. There could be a difference where a player can have some items "ready" for quick use, these will be visual on the character model, or other stuff packed in the backpack.
  17. terrvik

    CD release

    With distribution comes additional costs. There is a reason digital releases can be cheaper. :)
  18. terrvik

    Additional Player Type?

    If only there was some kind of military game similar to DayZ.
  19. terrvik

    Scripted Activity Animations

    Words, words, words. :) Yeah, I did not mean that the animation should affect anything (clumsiness, whatever), just that it could look different depending on the situation. Might be hard to please everyone though. And with "panic" I meant how the game currently registers when infected are close and earlier made the character freak out.
  20. terrvik

    Scripted Activity Animations

    I wonder if there could be a way to alter the speed of the animations. Not sure how to explain what I'm thinking here but you would remove a backpack with different speed if you are in a stressful situation or not. Like if the current "panic" is activated the animations are sped up; not much but just to give the illusion of stress. Whuhat?
  21. terrvik


    If you get liftoff and the balloons pops... it will rain cats and dogs. Sorry.
  22. terrvik


    Found another scientific document you can take inspiration from. http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/thumblarge_655/13251550234IBtqr.jpg
  23. terrvik


    More balloons needed! And more color.
  24. terrvik

    Possible solution to "New spawn I don't care attitude"

    Maybe this will solve itself with the new, rebalanced, map.
  25. terrvik

    Fight with your bare hands.

    I'ts planned for standalone. I think you can find it in the one-liner question thread. :)