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Everything posted by terrvik

  1. terrvik

    Remove Teamspeak.

    Nothing should be blocked, but I hope groups and server will crop up that encourages the use of the in game voice system. Serious fun for serious people. B)
  2. terrvik

    game achievements?

    I would really love to see some achievements and challenges to constantly remind me I am playing a game because I can't have fun without someone telling me with numbers I am actually accomplishing anything! The more the better. :)
  3. terrvik

    DayZ Game

    They find love and live happily ever after? Sorry, what's the question? :) If you have bought Arma 2 and then buy DayZ you will have two games.
  4. terrvik

    Would you quit if servers went expert?

    I would smile for a week. I started on a veteran (with first-person only) servers with everything off back in the days where you had to hammer the enter key to even get in a server. Was really baffled when I learned that stuff like waypoints and such were used. :) And I am not "hardcore" either, I suck at the game. I just like the emotions the harsh environment conveys.
  5. terrvik

    Remove Teamspeak.

    Why do people hate fun so much? :( Like using a tank in a football game. You get an advantage but playing the game with the intended rules and guidelines would provide a more satisfactory experience. Actually, a tank in a football game would be hilarious Nevermind.
  6. terrvik

    Remove Teamspeak.

    You fit right in then. If it was possible it would be the one best thing to happen to the game. Of course it isn't byt one can dream, right? :) Hopefully some communities will be born that encourages this.
  7. terrvik

    Standalone Poll: First Person Only?

    Where did I say I want to force it on everyone else? O.o I am just arguing why first person is the shit and third person is simply shit. Play however you want, I'll stick to first person even on third person servers. Because the game is about more than just being a MMO with zombies for me.
  8. terrvik

    Smooth here

    Holy fuck that spambot is going bananas. To the OP: If you want more viewers on your videos, at least take the time to come up with a more detailed and thought through suggestion. :)
  9. terrvik

    Standalone Poll: First Person Only?

    As I said earlier: it is not about realism for me. The thing with DayZ for me is that it is an experience more than a game. You do not play for gear, kills, points or whatever (or at least you should not, I realize that people right now have got DayZ and regular Arma confused) but to get a unique gaming experience few other game offers. An emotional ride of sorts. In the beginning I experienced those rides but I do not anymore. First person for me is just what it is: first person. Me. Third person is someone else filming "me" from behind. I want to be the character, not play as a character.
  10. terrvik

    Standalone Poll: First Person Only?

    I have not played many Zombie Survival Sims previously to this one. :) DayZ is kind of free to set it's own rules. In my opinion first person only is a given, not because of the "cheating" with third person view, but because it adds so much to the tension and fear when playing and not being able to be fully aware of your surroundings. Either stick to first person only or make the camera closer to the player in third so it's more difficult to use as a surveillance device!
  11. terrvik

    Please help :D

    You have to find a map in game to be able to use. :) Please do yourself a favor and do not look up maps online, those first days are the best time you will ever have in DayZ. Just keep exploring and accept that you will die, A lot. :)
  12. It's probably like this right now to test it out properly. Like a "debug monitor" of sorts for the combat mechanic.
  13. Take the radio to green mountain at night. Just be prepared to run. As for dogs, see: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/103845-rolling-changelog-for-community-builds/
  14. terrvik

    a cool idea

    Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me. I'd fuck me so hard.
  15. What is silly about it? I seriously do not get it now. :) EDIT: Maybe it just is that many of us enjoyed playing DayZ because it altered the way you are "supposed" to play a game. No scores, no information, no purpose and no goal. Maybe that is frustrating for some, while many of us like it. The thing is with game mechanics and numbers that there will always be people trying to break the system. If the stats are hidden and everything is designed to make you as the player recognize signs to evaluate a situation this becomes harder.
  16. terrvik

    Fix Land Navigation

    There are no inter-dimensional Aliens in Counter-Strike. :)
  17. terrvik

    Airplane - Fighter

    "Oh come on guys how can you use realism as an argument in a game about zombies!?"
  18. terrvik

    Are you still enjoying dayz?

    Is there any interest out there for a masturbation joke right now?
  19. terrvik

    Better zombies

    As the guy in my picture puts it: From this article: http://www.guardian....n-pegg-dead-set I will always be more of a fan of slow zombies, simply because I find them more scary, but i realize why in a video game the faster kind is a better choice. EDIT: Oh, this one as well: EDIT2: By the way, this video is very funny now after the release of the World War Z trailer.
  20. terrvik

    Better zombies

    The only way slow zombies would be a threat is if there were loads of them, and that probably just is not doable. I am very curious to see how the hinted backstory of the infected will turn out. Unrealistic or not, internal logic is always a great way to increase immersion.
  21. I hope that at least we can all agree that killcounts (zombies or players) is a bad idea? Even if there is a separate stat window you have to open to see the number of kills this can still be used to check if you got a guy from far away or not.
  22. Hehe, sorry if it came out as rude. Was not intended. More like snarky sarcasm. I do enjoy discussions and have nothing against differing opinions. :) Will answer later when I'm not being murdered from inside by a headache. EDIT: What it all comes down to is that other mechanics for the medical and humanity system is planned and the debug monitor was never intended to remain in the final game. So the discussion from the start is rather pointless.