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Everything posted by terrvik

  1. terrvik

    random global ban

    Read the stickies in the Ban Appeal section. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10011-do-not-post-your-global-ban-appeals/
  2. I wouldn't accuse you of forcing it on me, no.* But I would lose all interest in the game if that was to become the case. Fair and balanced, sure, but boring as hell. To be fair I don't think the population on servers is a good way to gauge what the community thinks or what is good for DayZ either, since a majority of servers still have side chat and 24/7 daylight on and I don't think there even is a discussion that these should be removed (in the SA, I totally get why this still exists in the mod). Both sides have good points and valid arguments, I simply don't like it when people get so defensive and hostile. A question though; why is it that these polls can't be considered valid? I have looked through every discussion thread there is (here, reddit, even youtube comments) and there seems to be a much larger support for FPV than the available servers tell. Why is this? EDIT: By the way: a large portion of the "community at large" entered the scene when there was already plenty of available sub-mods of DayZ, many of which didn't even resemble what DayZ originally was. Since the SA will be an expanded "back to the roots" kinda thing, is it really necessary to cater to everyone? *EDIT: Actually, I don't see how that is forcing anything. If that's your opinion then that's your opinion. Me preferring first person isn't forcing either, I am just stating and trying to argue why I think it works best for DayZ.
  3. I have to ask how we first person people are "trying to force our ways on others" when it looks like we are the ones getting third forced onto us. :) EDIT: Looks to me like when the standalone hits a third (kinda fitting, right?) of the servers should allow TPV and the rest should be FPV only.
  4. I would recommend http://bmrf.me/ or http://zombies.nu/ depending on where you are located. DayZero, sure, but it's close to Vanilla and the first person servers are always full (60-65 players). I play on SE2. Come murder me! :)
  5. Welcome to join the discussion. :) http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/145895-first-vs-third-person-discussion-dslyecxi-video/
  6. One solution would be to put the "eyes" of the infected zombies in third person as well on servers where it is activated. Imagine zombies with the same line of sight as a player in third, seeing over walls, inside and outside of buildings and around corners without you ever seeing them. Imagine the outrage. But it is fair since it's the same for everyone right? :) Can someone point me to a post where I am being selfish by the way? Getting tired of this bashing, especially since I have been trying to keep this on a good level.
  7. Oh dear God I hope not. :) Can't someone just post a link to this on reddit? Or maybe just start the same poll over there to get some more people involved? Not to prove anyone right or wrong, but it might just be good for Team Rocket to have at least some data :) (I'm not creating an account on reddit, leave me out of it!)
  8. I disagree. Loot farming for example is a mechanic of the game but I still think it is an exploit and should be fixed. The fact that "everyone can do it" doesn't matter. What I personally think of third person shouldn't really bother the people who like using it anyway, it's not like I'm attacking them personally (unlike a lot of other users in this thread). I for one think this discussion is extremely healthy. When it stays as a discussion. I haven't bothered replying lately since so many replies simply are insults or remarks. On a different note; I remember playing OFP and wondering what the point of the third person perspective was even back then. As previously said I was very surprised when I found out how many servers had 3DP on, since the first months for me (April-June) were exclusevily first person. Didn't seem to bother anyone back then. :)
  9. I hope they utilise that professional writer, hinted at in an interview, to write a manual in the shape of a report or article full of lore and background. Also to start the game you must use the manual to find the correct words on the correct pages, asked by the game on startup. Watertight piracy system!
  10. No it's not. It's a new thing and I don't think there are any rules as to how this "genre" should work, not yet. Many seem to think that either first person or third person "should" be the standard for DayZ when the truth is that it is all up to Team Rocket. All we can do is discuss why we prefer one or another, as we are doing right now (well, some of us at least...). As soon someone says that the other side is wrong or that either perspective is more valid because of the genre the point of the thread has been missed by miles.
  11. Good that you told us twits who's boss in such a polite non insulting manner then. Sometimes I don't know why I even bother; I always seem to mistake arguments for actual discussions. Silly (rude twit) me.
  12. I don't know the meaning of the word. I really don't. But it used to have!
  13. You are very correct, it was extremely unlikely. :) I remember when you used to fall off ladders if you had your sidearm equipped. Fun times! EDIT: Ok, this was off topic. Point is: there were, are and will be many game breaking "bugs". This thread is to discuss way to "fix" them.
  14. But it's probably why it's so popular in DayZ. I'm not saying third person per say is a bad thing (in other games, or in general) but in my opinion it doesn't fit what DayZ is trying to do. Some people surely like third person because they find it more fun but I would bet my last cup of coffee (that's nothing I'll lose easy, just saying!) that the majority uses it for it's corner bending abilities.
  15. I like to use Amnesia as an example here. If I could look around corners using a similar exploit, which I think it is, that game wouldn't be half as scary as it is.
  16. You miss the point quite spectacularly. Well done.
  17. Wasn't referring to you, but the people who calls me an asshole and compares me to a nazi but then abandons thread as soon as a real discussion sparks. :)
  18. Put the third person camera closer to the player character. Put the camera on the shoulder and let us "switch" shoulder like Metal Gear or The Last of Us does it. Don't allow 360 degrees freelook while in third person. By the way, why is it that there are only people who prefer first person that are suggesting fixes so far? :P
  19. The only reasons I've found in the last twelve pages to support third person have all been points towards why first person is better. Please redirect me towards what I've missed. :) The only real reason is the fact that some people feel sick in first person. Legit reason, but isn't this more because the limited FOV which will be fixed in the SA?
  20. Will we be able to manually set opacity of the HUD? And will the inventory screen be transparent? I kinda like the idea that you can't see around you when you are digging through the backpack...
  21. NO. That's not the point at all. I, and many others in this thread, just think rocket should just stick to his guns (2) and create a game without compromises or listening to everyone. If he tries to please everyone he will end up pleasing no one. If this in the end means that there will still be a side chat and third person then, well, so be it. I will always remember DayZ as that game with potential that didn't have the balls to upset people in the end after all, and wait for another game dev to try it again in the future.
  22. There's no reason calling me an asshole just because we are having an discussion. Chill.
  23. Some aviator glasses on then run around saying hecker and server/client-architecture a lot. If no one is paying attention say something about a bubble. No one will know the difference!
  24. That's not really the problem with third person though. The problem is everytying* that comes before the shooting starts. :) I want to be able to hide from a helicopter. A pilot in third person can just look below or behind and all around him, which ruins the experience. EDIT: *everytying? I'll just leave it in...