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Everything posted by FrostDMG

  1. I don't understand this. Why are large cities like the new one up north (west of Svet) being added? For me and everyone I know, that city is an unplayable mess - talking 15 FPS max. Why waste time and effort putting those massive clusterfucks in when most players won't even go there because of how "killer" the city is - TO YOUR FRAMES THAT IS! You added a new building to that city - I can't wait to never see it. Btw my specs are: 4670k, gtx770. Some of my buddies have even better specs and the piece of shitty city lags for them too.
  2. Can someone explain to me what sort of magical algorithm is used for hit detection? Do I have to spin clockwise 3 times, then counterclockwise 2 times, following that draw a pentagram and shoot? Will that register my shots? So, since SKS, Sporter, Blaze or AKM don't seem to kill in one headshot, I guess only the Mosin is a viable choice now. I've been in firefights where I shot the enemy in the head, then in the body - dude still runs off. Not even knocked out. I've had a friend of mine get shot by 4 or 5 Mosin rounds but he barely lost any blood - all of his items were ruined though, so he definitely was hit. I just don't get this. There is absolutely no consistency between firefights. I've also checked my ping and the ping of people that I actually managed to kill - never above 100, mostly around 40.
  3. FrostDMG

    Hit detection is still absolutely abysmal.

    But then they wouldn't be able to do their cashgrab.
  4. FrostDMG

    Hit detection is still absolutely abysmal.

    You gotta love that. Hitting someone first only for them to spray and kill you in one shot
  5. FrostDMG

    Hit detection is still absolutely abysmal.

    Good joke about the rest of the game. And this isn't to do with random dispersion. This is to do with registering the hits. I can hit a guy and see the BLOOD COME OUT OF HIS HEAD then TORSO but he'll still walk away.
  6. FrostDMG

    Hit detection is still absolutely abysmal.

    If you don't understand that no matter how inexperienced you are with a rifle it'll still shoot straight, I feel sorry for you.
  7. FrostDMG

    Hit detection is still absolutely abysmal.

    I recommend getting DayZero and playing on SE2 - hardcore only (no retard 3p bullshit) - server usually pretty busy, has 50 people playing even during the night.
  8. FrostDMG

    Hit detection is still absolutely abysmal.

    Yup. 100% agree. Never change a running system. But it seems they changed it, and what did we get? Fuck all that's what. BUT PAYDAY MASKS LELELELELEL.
  9. Doubt it. They're too lazy to even keep up with their weekly updates on the piece of shit that is tumblr. I wouldn't expect DayZ to come out before summer 2015, and by come out I mean BETA - if ever this game's finished that is.
  10. FrostDMG

    Hit detection is still absolutely abysmal.

    I know, I was hoping to try the Blaze from 420 meters away but I won't be able to hit anything.
  11. Games fine except cities. I've had friends with far worse systems have smooth framerates too. It's just shit optimisation.
  12. On Arma 2 or 3 I get over 100 FPS in Chernarus, dropping to 70 in cities. It's the fact that your FPS is server dependant which kills fps for most people. Noone will "live" in cities fyi.
  13. FrostDMG

    Armed Helicopters Are NOT Overpowered

    Cool thread. Just like the one I made - which you would've found if you searched - it descended into the same arguments being put forward over and over and over in an infinite loop.
  14. Yup. I had a similar thing on DayZero. Fortunately medium cities don't lag for me (not that badly at least) but the large cities are an absolutely clusterfuck of a joke.
  15. FrostDMG

    Glitchy scopes.

    No it is not.
  16. While this isn't essential and shouldn't be a top priority, I feel that PIP (picture in picture) would be a very nice addition for vehicles, especially on Hardcore servers, since there's no third person, meaning mirrors actually have a use.
  17. FrostDMG

    DayZ moving to new engine - ENFUSION

    OP should be renamed because it's fucking misleading. Why hasn't anyone pointed that out??? ITS NOT A NEW ENGINE, THE NAME'S CHANGING. FUCKS SAKE CHANGE THE OP NAME. Oh wait then you wouldn't get everyone to read your topic.
  18. FrostDMG

    Can't we all just get along \(;o;)/

    Wat? This isn't Canadia. Plz out.
  19. FrostDMG

    Make mics a requirement.

    In order to launch DayZ you should have to have a working mic plugged in. Easy to implement too. Make the game check whether thr device is plugged in, then you should have to say something like "DayZ" into the mic, voila. Working mic confirmed. You're good to go. This would be pretty hard to circumvent and people MIGHT just start talking to eacher. Literally no downsides. Get at me.
  20. You know what. It's not even a report. This is FUCKING DISGUSTING. More than 50% of POPULATED DAYZ SERVERS are ran by loot hungry clans (as shows) or some other bullshit with NO KOS rules - wtf you think this is Canadia!? Why are people allowed to run servers with "high loot", "no KOS", "24/7 day", "2 hour restarts", "1hour restarts"?!?????? I understand the 24/7 day thing I get that nights can suck, but 24/7 day and fast restarts = gtfo. 3 hour restart should be MINIMUM! This sums it up the best: All this bullshit needs to be cleaned up and the motherfuckers responsible sent back to Rust/Minecraft/BF3/4/5/6
  21. I know the chances of the devs reading my idea are pretty small, but here I go anyway. Please do remember that these are changes for the FINAL release. Currently I don't think they should be implemented due to spawns, items and new towns being tested! The map (not including Chernarus+ towns, but you get the idea): Let's start from the bottom! The purple zones are the designated spawn points - pretty much identical to the ones found in the mod. I feel that spawning on the South coast offers the best progression and allows the map to be fully explored on your journey North - for example exploring small and cool towns such as Msta. Having said that, one way in which my spawns differ from the mod is the lack of Eastern spawns - i.e Solnichny and just South of Berezino. This is simply because I want to slow people down and encourage them to explore the central portion of the map instead of rushing to the nearest city. I would also like to explain my other idea which isn't illustrated in the picture - i.e normalized loot spawns. What do I mean by that? In my opinion it would be highly beneficial for the overall scavenging aspect of the game to reduce EVERY building's loot yield to "LOW" - I know this sounds extreme, but hear me out. I think that buildings spawn too many items, and while the spawnrate of certain items is certainly abnormally high, I think that this excess of loot - which is often found to be surplus anyway - is making the game too easy and basically teaches people to go from one "HIGH" or "MEDIUM" yield building to another, often skipping "LOW" yield buildings - as they're considered a waste of time. This system would force players to explore more towns, especially up North where supplies are scarce. Applying this to the military loot, this would encourage players to move from military base to military base in hopes of SOME loot - not GUARANTEED gear like it is in the mod and now with barracks being overflowing loot piñatas. Anyway, this brings me to my next point. The blue circles. What do they mean? The blue circles are the rough areas of heli crash sites. The ones paying attention might have noticed they're quite far away from the shore - make no mistake, this is on purpose. As with most changes that I propose, I want people to go INLAND and away from spawns and the shore. Helis should offer chance of extremely rare weapons and gear but you should have to look for them in areas where other players might be lurking. The heli crashes I have in mind aren't the ones from the vanilla mod! These crashes would spawn dynamically! That's right, this has been done in DayZero I believe. A damaged AI Huey would fly overhead and crash soon after. I think this is a very cool idea since it would encourage nearby players to converge on the heli's location, increasing the tension with every step taken towards the crash site, hoping that you're the first one there. This combined with the lack of helis (which I would personally like to see gone in the final release) would make the events even more special. Onto my last point. Red squares. You probably guessed what these are. Military loot spawns! But wait! What about the Balota and the military base North of Kamenka? They're gone! RIP. Bye. See ya later. High end military gear should NEVER be available to fresh spawns. As you might've noticed I added 3 more military bases. One at Gorka would tie in nicely with the Gorka military base fan lore, and the two bases up North could be NATO ones. What's my reasoning for this? Simple. Spread the loot, encourage players to travel from base to base, increase chance of player interaction. In the mod NWAF was the end all be all looting place, cool idea, but it caused the airfield and surrounding areas to become overly populated comparing to the rest of the map. This system - combined with all buildings being of "LOW" yield would spread the player population. There are also many other changes I would personally add - i.e ensure that guns - especially military grade ones - are very rare, bringing back some of the excitement to finding a military rifle. Ammo should also be rare - you should have to think twice before firing a shot. Anyway, would be interesting to hear what you guys make of my ideas. I do realize that I have a strong bias towards the hardcore element of the game, but I feel that DayZ is the right hardcore game for my ideas. Cheers.
  22. Reported to the internet police. Also reported to the Gestapo for typing "u" instead of "you"
  23. FrostDMG

    Make mics a requirement.

    This is a very interesting idea actually...
  24. FrostDMG

    Make mics a requirement.

    You're also not required to play the game. Your choice buddy.
  25. FrostDMG

    Did you run a DayZ mod server? If so...

    You can still be kicked, server can be locked after restart for "testing" lol...