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Everything posted by FrostDMG

  1. FrostDMG

    Randomize loot spawning more?

    Absolutely agree. Same thing that happend in the mod i.e run to redbricked houses ignore everything else. Now even though all buildings are enterable, people dont even bother because of high yield buildings. IMO there should be no "tiers" of buildings. All buildings should be low yield.
  2. FrostDMG

    I can punch a grill in DayZ?

    Laughing so hard. Owned... pure and simple. M8, get rekt.
  3. The vast majority of us have played the mod and know the joys and pains of having helicopters - broken window causing fuel to leak, main rotor parts being nowhere in sight when you needed them, the joy of fixing your first heli... Then taking to the skies to find every possible clan camp on the map... Good times! However, thanks to the mod I have experienced the potential benefits and downsides of helicopters and came to the conclusion that they should NOT be included in the stand alone. My main gripe with helicopters is simple - whoever has one, controls the map. Helicopters not only nullify distance, but also the threat of other players. When you're moving at 200 KPH, way in the clouds, you're not in any danger at all. Small arms fire barely tickles you when you're on the ground, in the air it's nigh on impossible to get hit. This is a huge problem in my opinion, as it allows one group of players to have an immense advantage over everyone else. Players who die can be instantly picked up at the shore and dropped at the camp to re-gear in no time. At least when you're taking a car down to the shore, you're risking not only the vehicle but also your gear - is it really worth it risking your car just to pick someone else up? Groups who control helicopters have supreme reign over the server and quite frankly destroy the server - trust me, finding camps in a heli is very easy, camps are the only thing holding groups to a server, so when the camp's gone, so are they. Helis are basically too good. You can make them only have space for 2 players and my opinion would remain the same. All the other vehicles have serious disadvantages. In my opinion the period of time when Helis were disabled but cars were about was some of the most fun I've had on DayZ. Searching for players and camps on foot with my squad, yes please! Planes IMO could work, since they require a good bit of land to land and take off and if the 3rd person is disabled, it's very hard to see anything out of them. Thoughts, opinions?
  4. I would absolutely LOVE to see the old zombie aggro brought back. I'm talking back two years ago from the mod, not the horrible thing it is now... •You should be able to navigate around infected areas by staying prone. •Amount of noise made depending on surface should matter. •Zombies shouldn't randomly aggro from 300 meters away. •At night they should be effectively blind allowing you to crouch walk everywhere. •Firing a gun should be a last resort and should aggro an ungodly torrent of pissed zombies onto your ass. Back in the mod you could have a number of people in the same town all unaware of eachother simply because how stealthy most players were. You could actually follow trails created by people crawling through long grass. Right now there's no downside to YOLO RUN, in fact it's much better to do so, since sneaking means the unreliable zombie aggro could give you away anyway. If you're gonna talk about pathing etc save your breath. This small issue could've been fixed a long time ago.
  5. FrostDMG

    Please, bring back old Zombie aggro!

    Yeah obviously, but zombie aggro has nothing to do with pathing.
  6. FrostDMG

    Please, bring back old Zombie aggro!

    Exactly! They were far from good or even "ok" but you could still get by without causing a massive stir. Not sure why you're stating the obvious. The fact is the detection system worked better in the mod, so there's no way why it shouldn't work in the SA, even though it's still in Alpha...
  7. FrostDMG

    playing as a bandit! NO I DONT MEAN KOS!

    Lol. It's neither difficult nor rewarding, unless gear and torture is what gets you off... If you managed to handcuff someone fully geared then it's their fault for being stupid and letting you do so, tbh.
  8. FrostDMG

    Please, bring back old Zombie aggro!

    Not sure if sarcastic...
  9. FrostDMG

    In the name of god.

    That's Rogovo. I can't even read Cyrillic but it's pretty easy to figure out lol.
  10. FrostDMG

    Nighttime in this game is horrible

    Doing it right! Very cool screenies.
  11. FrostDMG

    DayZ - My hopes for what we will see by Release

    Doesn't mean you should...
  12. FrostDMG

    Vehicle Discussion

    Ahhh 3rd person brigade... Everything is now clear.
  13. FrostDMG

    Any News on Global Chat?

    And a gun, car, food...
  14. FrostDMG

    Any News on Global Chat?

    There's no need for it and it massively ruins immersion
  15. FrostDMG

    Requesting this Bag Please.....

    Good idea, I agree that there should be a way to carry more weapons, however, it should had a negative effect on the characters movement speed and how fast they get up from prone/crouch etc.
  16. FrostDMG

    Vehicle Discussion

    Steam overlay trick anyone? Incredibly useful in the mod.
  17. FrostDMG

    Vehicle Discussion

    Really? Why would you need to run 10k in a straight line... Like EVER? You usually go between towns and meet players or avoid zombies, I can only imagine running diagonally across the map would be a solid 10k run... In the mod you could use the steam overlay trick, but if you went afk there's a high possibility of getting shot... I don't even know why people complain about running. If you don't find the game interesting or don't have time for it, simply don't play it. Nobody's making you...
  18. FrostDMG

    Vehicle Discussion

    That's the point though. Cars and camps are fair game. You can't simply have a car like your personal mount in WoW lol. You have to hide it somewhere where you think it won't be found and then pray that nobody stumbles upon it.
  19. FrostDMG

    Vehicle Discussion

    They're adding new ways of interacting with the environment tbh, and making vehicles too easy to obtain and maintain will simply devalue them. You gotta remember that the map isn't exactly massive, especially if you know it.
  20. FrostDMG

    Vehicle Discussion

    But this isn't meant to be a fast paced action game. You're meant to go through periods of sometimes hours without seeing anybody. That's what makes player interactions so good in this game... If everyone has a heli then nobody would interact.
  21. FrostDMG

    Nighttime in this game is horrible

    People who say "it's literally pitch black" at night are over exaggerating very badly. Yeah, it's dark, but it's not THAT dark. If you're out in a field and let's say there's no moon but there are a few clouds in the sky you'll be able to see outlines of trees and where you're going. You won't be able to see stuff on the ground, but you won't be in pitch blackness either. However, if you go into a shaded area i.e a forest, then yes, it's pretty much pitch black. I like nights in DayZ. You can actually get lost and wonder around for a bit, not so much in the day. IMO the gamma/HDR/brightness options should be disabled so that anyone who wants to play with an unfair advantage over the LEGIT players has to at least use their GFX drivers. Forgot to add, maybe they're a little TOO dark sometimes, but with few tweaks they should be bang on perfect.
  22. FrostDMG

    Vehicle Discussion

    As long as vehicle physics are fixed, they might as well be as the same as they were in the mod tbh. Upgrading cars with scrap metal for home made armour plating would be pretty awesome however. Also, why do you people keep on making posts in custom colours? They're literally unreadable for anyone browsing on their phones, and they're not easier to read than the default grey either...
  23. Yeah this is the only downside I can think of tbh...
  24. FrostDMG

    DayZ - My hopes for what we will see by Release

    Why do you feel the need to quote the entire wall of text?????? Also time to starve after spawning takes long enough, no need to making it even easier. 40 minutes is plenty of time to find food.
  25. FrostDMG

    Ghillie suit, rangefinder ?

    Wow. So many people can't spell G-H-I-L-L-I-E. People calling it "gullie" need a permaban. On topic, crafted ghillie isn't a bad idea, would be pretty awesome actually. Rangefinders aren't needed imo. People need to learn to use the map... ;)