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Everything posted by xx_fr0st-w0lf_xx

  1. Epoch has a lot of great ideas, but a lot of shitty ones as well . I hope SA takes some bit and pieces from all these mods to make one true dayz experience, because vanilla dayz is stale and while mods help freshen it up they add a lot of unwanted things. And nothing is rare in epoch.
  2. xx_fr0st-w0lf_xx

    DayZ SA not being moddable

    Dayz was never about survival, its to easy to survive.I wouldn't consider epoch or origns or vanilla survival the only thing that can be considers pure survival is namalsk. Namalsk was the only time where I felt that I needed to survive. Food was rarer then military loot and it wasn't uncommon to freeze to death during the nights. I remember when I was 10 minutes before dieing of starvation and I found a few corpses by a train track that had 2 cans of beans and a soda can. I felt like the king of the world. High military loot was in abundant but unless you plan on eating bullets they weren't much use to you. They were traded for food. I remember offering a guy an akm for a can of beans once and he felt he was getting ripped of. I don't get that feeling with dayz. And unless its your first life on dayz, you can't call vanilla dayz survival. Because it isin't. Mods just add variety and longevity to the game. I won't make it fun forever but it will feel like a new game with every submod you launch. Thats why I want modding in, so I can feel like I'm playing Namalsk again. Once again, well said.
  3. I can't bring myself to shoot unarmed players, that's something I really can't do.
  4. xx_fr0st-w0lf_xx

    Looking For Decent DayZ Partners

    Alright, I messaged you my skype. This is the server IP so you can start getting whitelisted and getting basic gear. I will be on once I finish my essay.
  5. xx_fr0st-w0lf_xx

    DayZ SA not being moddable

    You see how many things you got to do :) If it was vanilla it would be I got my sniper.....and.....uh..............I shot a guy.................and then I died.
  6. I can I agree that maybe that's how it will start, but then people will get comfortable with the system and understand their limits and once again be more inclined to shoot. What would reduce kos would be like. I see a guy, I got only 8 bullets in my chamber, I kind of want to kill him, but I really have to bring back these cement blocks so I can continue the construction with my west side of the base.
  7. xx_fr0st-w0lf_xx

    Looking For Decent DayZ Partners

    Jesus that's harsh. Well if you don't mind epoch (its whitelisted) and you got skype, let me know, we can roll together with a few pals I got on the server.
  8. If takes me 8 hours to find a gun that gives just an additional reason to gun that guy down. I would be to afraid of losing what I spent 8 hours on. How do I know he is no threat to me? How do I know he didn't see where my base was? How do I know he isn't stalking me? How do I know his only motive isn't to feel me with lead. Finding a gun is harder, which mean i will be using weapons a lot less, which means when I do find a gun I'm going to want to have as much fun as I can with it, which means I will be more inclined to go hunting for players. The only "cure" to pvp is to introduce more things to do. As much as the world hates epoch, I have seen considerably less pvp in the server because people are to busy doing other things. Building a base, getting ores, searching for rarities, and so on. If all I can do is get gear and kill people, what do you expect me to do once I have gotten gear? Store for future use? Nope can't do that. Sell it for cash? Nope can't do that it either. Trade it for survival gear? Nope not even that. I'm going to use it. I'm going to make sure each one of those 8 bullets count.
  9. xx_fr0st-w0lf_xx

    What Do You Want to see Dayz SA?

    What I want most, That feeling i got the first time playing dayz
  10. xx_fr0st-w0lf_xx

    DayZ SA not being moddable

    To be honest it won't really make much of a difference if it moddible or not. It has only been a year since vanilla mod was released and it's basically empty. Just because they will have loot spawn in different places (which epoch has) or volumetric clouds (which arma 3 has) or a better inventory system (which arma 3 has) or item damage ( Better watch out, don't wanna break your flashlight). Doesn't mean it's going to last any longer. A good game could allow modding with out having to worry of the game going to pits. Most people enjoy playing mods with base building and trader and currency not because it is easier but because there is more to do. The more things there is to do the funner it is. I completely understand the hardcore players not wanting it to be moddible, You enjoy the hardcore aspect and I'm completely fine with that. That is my vision of dayz. Thats how dayz should be played. But it could only be fun for so long. If dayz isn't going to be moddible then I hope there is going to plenty of things to do. You must understand there is a reason why there is 2487 epoch servers and only 1506 vanilla servers.
  11. xx_fr0st-w0lf_xx

    Looking For Decent DayZ Partners

    I'm also full time college student :( tough life, you enjoy playing epoch?
  12. xx_fr0st-w0lf_xx

    DayZ SA not being moddable

    Yea the submods are whats keeping the dayz mod's hearth beating. With out it, it would be dead. If standalone is not moddable I give 6 to 8 months before it dies. Just look how vanilla dayz is doing.
  13. I play several games for progression, however most play the game for action, fun and that Adrenalin rush. The community will continue to KOS because its fun. Unless I make contact prior to meeting a person or they are unarmed I'm going to blow their head off because I have 101 reason to do so. It being fun exciting is one of the many. You said dayz isn't that mindset, but that's exactly what it turned out to be, and absolutely nothing can be done to stop it. People will always kill each other. You need to stop fighting it, stop denying and just accept it. I thought just like you when dayz first came out, hated the KOS. But now I learned to embrace it, I got used to it because trust me it's not going anywhere.
  14. xx_fr0st-w0lf_xx

    Yeah, I seriously just did this...

    Wow. god help you
  15. xx_fr0st-w0lf_xx

    DayZ SA not being moddable

    This guy nailed it on the head. Well said. The fanboys on the site are the clear minority. If they weren't epoch and origins wouldn't be as successful as they are.
  16. xx_fr0st-w0lf_xx

    New Member looking to start a Youtube Series

    Have you already got a server chosen and do you play epoch. Got an epoch server with anti theif, amazing admins and its pretty populated (20-50 players) If you're interested let me know. Ill roll with you if you ever join. (Its called bambi rescue squad but let me know and ill give you details to everything)
  17. xx_fr0st-w0lf_xx

    Will hackers really be subdued in SA? Not likely.

    Pretty good, really happy hackers are fixed (I shat 2 bricks when I saw the purple name scrolling down the page :D )
  18. xx_fr0st-w0lf_xx


    I agree, Zeds have been made tougher to balance out its stupidity. I want fast zombies with good animations rather then clucky zombies that are powerful as hell.
  19. xx_fr0st-w0lf_xx

    Chernarus & The Apocalypse: My Factbook.

    Exactly it is its own nation, but the campaign is pretty good, the Russians get involved through a terrorist attack and things escalate, unlike everyone else, I enjoyed the campaign. (Bought arma way before dayz was made)
  20. xx_fr0st-w0lf_xx

    A poem for DayZ

    Well done, that was enjoyable. Sums up dayz quite well
  21. xx_fr0st-w0lf_xx

    Leave mod after SA

    If dayz standalone is unmoddable i wouldn't be surprised if the mod continues to thrive. If it wasn't for the submods and the new maps dayz would be empty right now.
  22. It should be removed, it doesn't belong, but thats not going to stop people from jumping of rocks to re spawn
  23. xx_fr0st-w0lf_xx

    Servers in SA?

    easier to find a populated server for a vanilla game? I don't have to explain to you how the situation was with arma 2 and dayz because you're living it right now. How easy is it to find a vanilla dayz game? Not to easy. Its overshadowed by all of its submods, exactly how arma 2 was overshadowed by dayz.
  24. Nothing will stop KOS. Nothing. Its not because the game is bad its just because its a game. Its a game. Its not meant to be taken seriously, you can't expect people to take it seriously. I know dozens of people who play the game solely to kill other players, and as much as I hate that, there is nothing wrong with that. Things can be done to reduceit slightly, like more powerful zombies and scarcer weapons and munitions., but nothing will ever stop it.