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Everything posted by xx_fr0st-w0lf_xx

  1. xx_fr0st-w0lf_xx

    Problem with Script Restrictions

    I find that quite odd, but considering its a mod of one of the most buggiest games I ever played I don't doubt your words
  2. xx_fr0st-w0lf_xx

    Humanity Improvements?

    Humanity is so messed up trying to fix it will only cause more problems
  3. xx_fr0st-w0lf_xx

    Removing M107/AS50 in favor of increased sniper damage?

    Wait does op want to increase damage to sniper rifles? cause yea they are the most under powered guns right now. :/
  4. xx_fr0st-w0lf_xx

    Are bicycles and cars made out of glass? aka - damage

    Yesterday I drove my UAZ over a rock and it decided to explode. Like 0 fucks were given, but on the other hand doors are made of titanium, you walk into a door and your legs are in piecies
  5. xx_fr0st-w0lf_xx

    DayZ Recording with Dxtory, bad FPS

    I recordd to my ssd and im always above 30 frames and my specs are a little lower then yours
  6. xx_fr0st-w0lf_xx

    How to find a gun

    Alright Go to cherno or ELectro. Unless you have herpes I can guarantee you will find a gun. I always find at least a side arm in the first 5 -25 minutes
  7. was expecting garbage, this was quite good.
  8. xx_fr0st-w0lf_xx

    What are the best alternative maps?

    taviana and namalsk. the other maps just dont quite match the feel for dayz
  9. xx_fr0st-w0lf_xx

    Admin abuses should be addressed before SA

    Admin abuse is pretty bad, its all about finding a server you enjoy and like with good admins. I really hope dayz stand alone has better public servers this way we don't have to soley rely on private servers. Those servers should strip the admins of abuse powers (such as seeing everything) and if a unfair bad is called by the admin or the admin appears to be abusing, he/she loses the privilege to host a dayz server
  10. I don't mind suggestions, the suggestions form is blessed with amazing suggestions and at the same time plagued with horrible ones. And that is the way it should be, you hit or you miss and you don't know until you post it there so that others can add on to the positive or point out it flaws. But when you start talking about defecating yourself, like maybe Im not seeing it clearly or im closed minded but how does it add anything worthwhile to dayz. In my opinion there is a so many more important things to work on then this, but hey, its just my opinion
  11. The fualt does not lie with dayz, and the fact that both rocket and Bohemia are working on standalone/dayz I would highly doubt you would see any more optimization for it. I mean arma 2 just eats CPU
  12. xx_fr0st-w0lf_xx

    A new DayZ

    aw hell no.
  13. Every time you suggest that you should shit your self in dayz, god face palms. Don't make god face palm any more. Thank you.
  14. If they don't respond to direct or side chat chat, shoot them in the face. If they have a bandit skin, shoot them in the face. If they seem suspicious, shoot them in the face.
  15. xx_fr0st-w0lf_xx

    So rocket, a western city eh?

    Taviana has pretty big city called Sabiana. Took me time to cross it and inspect its loot, any city bigger then that is somehow a little pointless. I would prefer more medium and small cities rather then one large city.
  16. xx_fr0st-w0lf_xx

    Please stop the hackers

    I have not encountered a hacker in a while :) stick to private hives
  17. xx_fr0st-w0lf_xx

    Ideas for later maps

    Namalsk. You will enjoy that map
  18. xx_fr0st-w0lf_xx

    What is the best DayZ map so far?

    1. chern 2. taviana 3. namalsk
  19. xx_fr0st-w0lf_xx

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    I would love to see things like these be implemented, as long as any skill obtained is lost upon death.
  20. xx_fr0st-w0lf_xx

    Your Shoot On Sight Threshold?

    I will shoot if: 1) regardless of weapon or location, I will not think twice before putting him down. 2) If armed and I see then first, if they have decent loot I might go for the kill. 3) if they see me first and fire, ill fire back. I won shoot if 1) Hero skin 2) survivor that has no weapon or low grade weapons 3) if they made contact with me any time prior to the confrontation 4)If they spot me first and seems friendly.
  21. xx_fr0st-w0lf_xx

    v175 beta: meat issues [solved] [old]

    Couldn't agree more. The mod has been shat on with these starter package, as well as 24/7 day, pay for gear and so on. I still think it's a great game but i will be one of those people leaving when standalone arrives.
  22. xx_fr0st-w0lf_xx

    Ban appeal CA 24

    About 5 minutes I some how got banned from your server, not sure why. Here is my story: I join fresh spawn off near kamenka. I went to the market there, saw a guy who said friendly and he shot me in the face, nothing unusual. So I re spawn and somehow back on the coast of kamenka. I get to the firestation where i find an Cobra with no mags. I here some zeds around so i wait near the top of the firestation thinking of what i should do next. All of a sudden this unarmed guy casually walks up the firestation. sees me, and runs because i have the cobra. I didn't bother going after him because I had no ammo. Next thing you know my guy looks up and starts spinning. I have absolutely no control over him at all, cant type cant hit escape. So I alt tabbed and shut down arma 2 just in case something fishy was going on. I tried rejoining and it simply says "you were banned" You guys have a good server and Id hate to find a new home server, it would be great if you can look into this problem Thanks in advance -frostwolf
  23. xx_fr0st-w0lf_xx

    Bonfire, buying bases and 'rules'

    Look after reading what the owner had to say about it, you can't really blame him. The thing I would never even think of playing on the server never mind paying for it. I feel kinda bad actually with the position he is put in :(
  24. xx_fr0st-w0lf_xx

    How to download 1.7.5

    make food rare Thats it, dayz is now a whole new game with one simple, and welcomed change