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Everything posted by bond1971@tpg.com.au

  1. Hi Oslo, I have already answered this in another thread and there could be others trying to help out there as well so I would suggest looking through the forums for possible fixes to this. I recently purchased a few copies of this for the kids so I had a lot of fun installing it, configuring it and then finding servers that matched the beta versions etc so I am nearly a pro now. www.dayzwiki.com is a great resource and has a section devoted to installing Dayz. What you need to do when first buying the game is - 1. Run ARMA2 at least once. When you get to the menu screen you can exit out. 2. Run ARMA2 OA at least once. When you get to the menu screen you can exit out. 3. (I install mine manually but I will show you how to do this via Six-Launcher). Download and install 6-launcher. It will download 16 meg when you first run it, takes forever to get it down so be patient. 4. Exit out of Six-launcher and relaunch it. 5. Exit out of Six-launcher and relaunch it (No, its not a duplicate bug, the launcher is buggy as all hell). Basically keep exiting out and relaunching until it DOES NOT download 16 meg. 6. You need to go into the six-launcher options, located at the bottom. Check the boxes you want, but make sure you check update beta box. And dont bother trying to run through steam (I do at home but like I said I install it manually). 7. Six launcher takes too long starting arma2 so you will not get a spot on a server UNLESS you pick a server and when it says server full or nearly full then choose join anyway. You can then change servers anyway. 8. When you start up the game, go to options, video options, disable post processing effects, match display resolution with 3d display resolution (both need to be the same), turn off v-sync, change video memory to default (unless you have a low video card then max it). 9. Prepare to be PVP'd to death. There are also some good threads on how to optimise ARMA2 and these work well if your machine struggles with FPS. Hope this helps.
  2. Hey all, the Pvp in this game has now taken the game down to the dogs. For those of you that remember when DayZ first started out, you would run into other survivors on the beach or in the towns close to the beach and 'salute' or chat over direct chat and forge friendships to tackle the zombie problem and get beanz. People were friendly and the common enemy was the zombies. (In my opinion this is what set the game aside in the first place, otherwise I would just play Counterstrike). Now... the zombies are easy (does anyone actually crawl around anymore like we had to at the start or are you like us and simply run around at top speed and turn to fight them as they enter a doorway?) , its the other people that are the problem. I am now forced to fire as soon as I see anyone as I now expect that treatment myself should someone see me. This game has turned into the madmax of post apocalyptic scenarios. In fact, DayZ is now probably the best Deathmatch game around. There are no more forming groups of friendlies or helping out strangers. The whole game feels like Cabramatta in Sydney after dark. People are actually just sitting in a kill spot with a sniper rifle and killing people because they can, they are not even looting the bodies in some cases but just senseless killing. The carnage that is occurring in Electro and Cherno are the worse hot spots as kids are grabbing a gun and just running around killing other people, its just stupid. /flame suit: on Now before peeps start spamming 'thats what would happen in a real apocalypse !!!!!!' then think again, people would not kill women or kids for the fun of it, bandits would still operate sadly as this is just human nature but not to the extent we are seeing in DayZ now. I know the game was developed by a soldier and even though I take my hat off to him for what could have been a fantastic game I think the emphasis on mindless slaughter is too much, bring back the Bandit skins or implement one of the many hundreds of ideas I am seeing from other people that are also trying to come up with means of balancing out the mindless slaughter but something needs to be done about this. Yeah yeah I expect lots of 'carebear' insults etc as I have seen these responses against others that have expressed concerns about the banditry in the game, but as its an alpha (as everyone seems to say in times like this) then I think any feedback, both constructive and positive should be welcomed as I too reflect some of the players that also play this game.
  3. bond1971@tpg.com.au

    Need help with this AWFUL game+installing this AWFUL mod

    Hi OP, I came across this same error when I purchased several copies for my family. I bought them all through Steam so when it came up with bad/invalid serial number I was concerned. It turned out however that due to demand from new accounts the issuing server was simply lagging. By the time I had installed the mod on the computers the serial number 'became good' by itself and the error has not re-appeared. Apparently as DAYZ is going nutz with new subscribers etc you need to allow time for the serial to be recognised. I am sure a dev will respond in time however I can confirm that it happened to one of the accounts I purchased and resolved itself within a few hours, perhaps you are not giving it time between re-installs etc.
  4. bond1971@tpg.com.au

    Feeling A little Awful.

    Jeez I hope the devs are reading this sh*t.
  5. bond1971@tpg.com.au

    please guys...just stop this flame

    COD kid..
  6. bond1971@tpg.com.au

    Point of this Hack?

    The guy that just spawned near you in the field was probably some poor Joe logging in where he last logged out before. Why did you think he was a hacker because he spawned close to you?
  7. bond1971@tpg.com.au

    Get Rid of heart beat

    Heartbeats are working ?, I didnt think this was implemented ?. How does it work, do you point your crosshairs at someone and you can hear a heartbeat, the faster it goes means its a bandit?, can anyone explain this in more detail?
  8. bond1971@tpg.com.au

    My first two murders ever! Lol

    This is worse than the guy that posted he was friendly and then killed him anyway.
  9. bond1971@tpg.com.au

    I feel bad...

  10. bond1971@tpg.com.au

    Objects at distance blur?

    There are quite a few optimisations you can follow so I would suggest searching for arma2 optimisations in google. To stop the blurriness, simply turn off post processing effects. This can be found in options > video > advanced > top right.
  11. bond1971@tpg.com.au

    Kicked from Server (Ping to High)

    On a more serious note, it does seem that there is 0 tolerance, ie if your ping sharply exceeds the limits set by the server then its auto boot whereas they should have if it 'sustains' a high ping for a period of time then give the kick. Domenico, seeing as you have supposedly fast connection already then this must be occurring to you. Do you have anyone else in the house that could be also using your net and causing it to spike momentarily enough to get you kicked?
  12. bond1971@tpg.com.au

    Kicked from Server (Ping to High)

    Have you tried pausing your pron download?, works for me.
  13. bond1971@tpg.com.au

    Disconnect after being shot solution?

    Lol supafly, it doesnt matter how the player disconnected, if a meteor landed on their house and destroyed everything there would still be a 15 sec countdown occurring on the Dayz servers ..... pulling out your network cable etc doesnt matter how you are disconnected from the server, the SERVER will begin counting down.
  14. bond1971@tpg.com.au

    Disconnect after being shot solution?

    I think the simpliest solution would be to implement a countdown timer of 15 secs or even longer upion a disconnect. If a character wishes to camp out for the night, or is DC'd, or hits ALT-F4, regardless of how they exit the game there is a enforced timer that begins counting down and when it hits 0 then the character is exited out of the game. This poses no problems if the character is in a 'safe' location and is camping out for the night, it will only adversely affect those people that are exiting out to avoid death or being killed.
  15. bond1971@tpg.com.au

    Choosing a 'Skill' when respawning

    Hey, just thinking but have you considered introducing a 'skill' tree into DayZ ?, what I mean is when you freshly spawn, you can choose to be a male or female but what about another choice as well, ie - Butcher/Chef - You start with a knife. You can 'gut animals' to get meat (I am aware that everyone can now but perhaps make this a skill only). Can also use those empty bottles to extract fluids to drink etc. Ammo Maker- You can use scrap metal to make pistol or even gun magazines. Medic- You receive bonuses when applying bandages both to yourself or to others. Perhaps you can apply them quicker or/and it actually gives you back some blood. Perhaps (long shot) you can restore life if someone has died within past 10 seconds. Engineer- You can repair cars (I am aware that you can do this now but perhaps make it a skill only) or even apply armour to a car to make it more durable/resistant? Lay wire or build defenses, lay tank traps etc. As you can see there would need to be some balancing to make the skills equal, ie otherwise everyone would choose medic but these are just off the cuff suggestions. This would encourage people to band together or group up to share their skills, compliment a group with an ability they need etc.
  16. bond1971@tpg.com.au

    Special Events ? - ie Halloween etc

    Hi Rocket/Dayz Team, have you thought about special events that effect the entire map or possibly just locations, ie Cherno or something. Perhaps a server wide message that the zombies have massed and are herding through %insert name here%. This does not need to occur often but perhaps on special occasions, anniversarys etc or game milestones. Some ideas could include - Survivors must hold the Power Plant at Cherno, or defend Devil's castle. If a zombie reachs a designated point, event over. Zombies 1, Survivors 0. To encourage people to participate you could have the zombies involved in these events carry more than usual or even rarish loot. The events could vary from defend a location to even take a location from an area that has been modified to include a shitload of zombies, that respawn quicker than normal, this might encourage survivors to band up to try and take the location. Or special modified zombies, they come from the ground, they march as a herd to specific location. I remember watching one of the Walking Dead episodes where there is a skidload of zombies all marching together over the hill towards the farmhouse the people are staying in. They were literally overwhelmed. This could bring value to the entrenching kits, barb wire etc, we could actually try and defend a specific location. Anyway, just a few thoughts, not sure what people think.
  17. bond1971@tpg.com.au

    Simple Fix to Barbed Wire

    Hey, I think everyone agrees that having barbed wire everywhere is a problem, Cherno and Electro are prime examples of where there is literally wire everywhere, most buildings are prevented from being entered. Freshly spawned survivors are most likely not going to have the necessary tools to remove it either. Why not make a change so that we 'can' still cross wire however it hurts as you are doing it. If you have a tool to remove the wire then this still works however if you do not then you can still cross wire however it will slow you down (like climbing over a fence) and also hurt you while you are standing on it. If I was being chased by zombies, wire is not going to stop me from trying to get away, hell I would throw myself over it, take of my shirt and try and use this to climb over, throw a dead body on it, wire was used primarily to SLOW down anyone trying to enter, give the defenders a chance to take them out while they were crossing it.
  18. bond1971@tpg.com.au

    Special Events ? - ie Halloween etc

    Haha an afterthought, what about an option to spawn as a zombie, your only role in life is to hunt survivors, you only get the special benefits and attacks that the zombies have, this includes their super movement speed etc. This only occurs during events though but it could add depth to the take or defend location ideas.
  19. Heya, Ive noticed a lot of new servers lately which is awesome as getting on a server was quite painful. However Ive also noticed that there are now heaps of servers that are password protected with names like DayZ + Friends, whats the go with this ?, how easy would it be to get on a server with just a group of buddies, farm everything safely (apart from those annoying zombies of course) and then go to a populated normal server with all the leet gear?? This seems to be really unfair to those of us that start off a beach like landing at Normandy in 44 with small numbers of survivors making it inland to find stuff, all you have to do is to join a 'friends/buddy' server and gear up ? Not only am I seeing a lot of passworded servers but also servers with limits of 10+ people, how easy is it with only 10 peeps on a server instead of 50 ? Anyway, love the Game, ive bought 5 copies for the entire family :) (Does this qualify me for a 'buddy' passworded server ? :)
  20. bond1971@tpg.com.au

    Password Protected Servers ? Whats the Go?

    haha I like your thinking when it comes to Server hoppers :) but im a softy, prefer to warn people first, only pvp kills I have is when retaliating when someone in party has been murdered, subsequently getting myself killed as well. Anyway, thanks for responding, I do too understand the need to lock out servers occasionally to patch, purge, hotfix etc and even allow reasonable time to actually log in and test it. Hats off to those sysadmins that pride themselves on running a smooth environment, my gripe is only against those server admins that use it selfishly. I am from Aus (as I note you are) and the servers I can join are slim picking at best, was only the ANZ server (2 at +2 and 2 +10) however I have noticed more and more servers, teh AU ones and a raft of NZ ones that have low ping times. It just used to hurt when you couldnt get on as they were full and you would see half empty password protected ones that you couldnt join. I think this problem will sort of go away when more and more servers come online and you can join servers quickly.
  21. bond1971@tpg.com.au

    Password Protected Servers ? Whats the Go?

    Nah I don't want my own server, the appeal with this game is the interactions with others as with any other multiplayer game. I can see how easy it would be to gear up though and then swap back to normal servers, it sort of takes away the death penalty and the challenges newly spawned people face at the start. Yeah I am sure I will see heaps of responses like 'Just testing the server' or other such rubbish, these were locked before 1.7.2 and I am quite sure will be locked for some time to come. Was mostly curious as to the response from DayZ and what they plan on doing about it, their response might be nothing and thats ok, I would just like to know.