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Everything posted by teih

  1. teih

    Green mountain...

    Ohh, shi-
  2. teih

    My Epic Kill

    Edit: Found the black text, you clever bastard.
  3. teih

    Green mountain...

    By just mentioning Green Mountain you have sealed your fate. I am terribly sorry....
  4. teih

    world record?

    How do you even function?
  5. Thanks for taking the time to make this! Highly appreciated.
  6. teih

    WTF Global/side chat removed?

    The stache has a point.
  7. teih

    Shotgun or Lee Enfield???

    Doesn't take much for you to get wired up, huh? Also no, it's not ok.
  8. teih

    I have a dog

    It's a secret.
  9. teih

    Best DayZ video ever

    And there you have it.
  10. teih

    DayZ: My thoughts so far

    Thanks for sharing your opinions :)
  11. teih

    How rare are NVGs?

    What does skill have to do with drop chance...
  12. teih

    This is getting old...

    Seriously, what a dick...
  13. teih

    Shut up and take my money!

    I'm not a brony, but there is nothing more sad than bandwagon hate. Think for yourself, for crying out loud. To OP: the poster looks great.
  14. teih

    Definition of the word ENDGAME

    Dolan pls...
  15. teih

    World too big for own good?

    I personaly want an even bigger map.
  16. teih

    Lost Everything

    Funny how you were on the exact same place as me and my friend when we discovered his character had been reset. Didn't happen to me though so guess it's just a coincidence
  17. Are you trying to get banned from the forums? (your profile picture) Also, seems his d#ck suffers from severe blood loss (kinda goes against all logic, I know.)
  18. teih

    This game

    Alpha. Don't get attached to your items. I am sorry that I'm so cold, but you KNOW this already. Come back when the game is more stable (in beta). Also, why does this need its own thread?
  19. teih

    Rocket's herpes

    Maybe he's just really fascinated with herpes. Nothin wrong with that!
  20. Thanks! I'll test it next time it happends to me.
  21. teih


    This topic was written in meme. Anyways, judging by what you said and his complete lack of skill, it seems like yet another butthurt hacker.
  22. It's a bug related to the patch. I also don't think your body dissapeared, so your killer probably got his items. Not your fault ;) Edit: in order to have your progress saved you have to re-connect manualy.
  23. The Yogscast are giving a false impression of the mod, making it all seem way, way easyer than it actually is. The problem, ofcourse, is that people who buy the mod, judging from their series, will get the crap kicked out of'em in seconds and won't understand what on earth is going on.