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About SkoomaKing

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. SkoomaKing

    Dayz Oring NEW MAP Released

    pics or it didnt happen.
  2. everything is just amazing..i cant wait for the standalone! my only hope is that my archaic nvidia 9800 gt piece of garbage can run this...
  3. SkoomaKing

    Frame rate trouble!

    i got the same problem with the same card
  4. SkoomaKing

    ArmA II Free no longer on Steam?

    maybe stop being a cheapass and buy the game
  5. SkoomaKing


    wow that was amazing..subbed and beans for u cant wait for ep 2 lol
  6. SkoomaKing

    Kid goes insane in DayZ(RAGE)

    ahaha take my damn beans that was too good.
  7. SkoomaKing

    Reason behind your username?

    i like skyrim just a tad too much....
  8. this server has given me some of the best pvp battles ive had in a while
  9. SkoomaKing

    First Run to NWAF; Tips?

    go to both barracks, its too risky to go to the hangers,atc tower and firehouse. just check both barracks and get out. the longer you stay bad things happen.
  10. SkoomaKing

    cannot harvest wood in takistan..

    u cant man i spent half an hour trying to harvest wood from the "forests" in takistan. i suggest when u find a wood pile, who take it more valuable than diamonds...
  11. when allowed i wanna make a merc group. just waiting for approval..
  12. read an article on kotaku calling it the best zombie game ever made. then i watched some vids and i was sold. i bought it a couple days later :)
  13. great idea .the only thing is that the zombies would get in the way.