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Everything posted by Siri302

  1. Siri302

    [Video] DayZ Derpage!

    I was laughing AT the laughing in the Meatshield video! Hahaha, hilarious! :lol:
  2. I chased the first guy I saw in a vehicle. Didn't really work though, not sure why I thought it would at the time, either..
  3. Uhum, so I checked if there were any other threads on this and I couldn't seem to find any so here goes.. So this is a very, very small addition to the game I'm suggesting.. I guess some could call it pointless. But I'll take the chance: I was thinking that maybe a sound of a zip being opened should be triggered every-time you access your backpack, similarly if someone else accesses your backpack or vice-versa (I guess you could add a 'zip closing' sound for when you leave the gear menu as well). I've seen a few videos of people being ''robbed'' of their equipment, and sometimes they were none the wiser and usually end up getting shot/hacked by the thief. Well in reality you would hear someone going into your backpack to steal your stuff - so why not add this to a game that strives to be authentic, and allow players to realize when someone is sneaking their paws onto your gear, and hopefully allow them to react more quickly because they'd have a very limited time to respond.Yes, you'd have to be careless to allow this to happen to you - but a backpack not making a noise when you open it is kind of odd and kind of implies you were running round with it open.. :huh: Also it would also be kind of cool if you're looting somewhere and from a building you hear this zip noise faintly - and so you know someone is in there looting - then you may react as you regular play-style dictates. Maybe this noise could also catch the interest of any curious nearby infected too. :) I'm not saying this is something that HAS to be added immediately, if at all considering how small of an addition it would be, it's just something I thought could add just a little to those ''OH CRAP'' moments. Once again I know absolutely nothing about coding - so I have no idea how this could be implemented and whether it would drain any resources or whatnot.
  4. Siri302

    A possible small addition..

    Really? Link please? :huh: I tried searching ''zip noise'', or something along those lines, to no avail before I posted this.
  5. Siri302

    zombie children??

    I'm all for blowing the heads off infant zombies. :thumbsup:
  6. I just lay low when I see another player, wait it out in a bush or something.. No point interacting with someone you don't know since EVERYONE (okay, maybe somewhere around the 75% mark) are going to shoot you for loot, fun or safety. I will only return fire - but so far I haven't had to using this tactic.
  7. Siri302

    A possible small addition..

    I get that it isn't really a feature, but I think it would just be another bit of sound that would be there - kind of a no-brainer. But now that I think about it, I can't actually think of any games that DO have a sound for when you access the inventory or whatever :huh: ... maybe I'm just not thinking hard enough. Replacing someones inventory with empty cans... you've just given me the best way to troll my group. Thanks! :D I was thinking that it might be easier to add if the sound was generalized, but what you're saying would make those packs without zips more valuable as they would surely be far quieter if they had buckles/drawstrings - if we're talking about aggro. But would also mean that someone could rob you more quietly, and so would be more likely to get away with it! So that would be a great addition to this if it's easy to add different sounds depending on the pack you're using. I think the Assault Pack has a zip, the Coyote Patrol Pack also seems to have one.. but I'm just referring to the Wiki pictures and I can't make out an awful lot.
  8. Siri302

    My Dayz Shortfilm. my vision on dayz

    Awesome! Thanks! :D
  9. Siri302

    My Dayz Shortfilm. my vision on dayz

    I've planned a few DayZ themed short stories which I'll be putting together soon, I just really need to get the hang of the editor first then i'll start uploading them :)
  10. Siri302

    A possible small addition..

    Exactly, seems like it's just a missing sound to be honest, or was overlooked because it was such a simple addition. :huh: I don't really know why it isn't in the base game, either..
  11. Siri302

    Spread The Word: Surrender Key

    If a bandit is honorable enough to not shoot me while/after doing this, then he/she deserves my loot far more... More bandits like this would be much appreciated! I think this behavior is more fitting of the title ''bandit'' rather than the ''all-out-psychopathic-murderer'' players..
  12. Siri302

    What's your longest survival time?

    My current life is probably my longest - about 2/3 days, I haven't played for a while, so I'm not certain exactly. I'm sure my time will come soon though..
  13. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/29313-some-feature-ideas-requesting-feedback/ Is that similar to what you're suggesting?
  14. Siri302


    I would personally pass up the loot there until you have someone to watch you back. Though when I met up with my friend at Stary Sobor there didn't seem to be anyone around, we were tempted by the military stuff but eventually decided we weren't going to bother. Then again after that we immediately went to the NW Airfield and got fully kitted out without attracting the attention of any zombies/players. Really, you are going to have to decide if possible loot is more valuable that your 'life'. :P
  15. Siri302

    Passing out every time i log in?!

    Are you below 3000 blood? Or did you log out while in shock..? Either of those could be your problem... or there is some weird bug, which could well have something to do with the fps. I'm not entirely sure, but the first two would be my guess..
  16. Siri302

    A possible small addition..

    Sounds like it could be a good addition for discerning what exactly is being accessed. :)
  17. Siri302

    Why cant the visuals look like this??

    That is exactly the theme that the Resident Evil 3 movie wanted to deal with, because the idea hadn't really been explored much. :P Chernarus is no desert wasteland though - and these effects in the video seem they would compliment that environment more - the screen saturation especially. But I can really see it working if it is used for mist/fog instead. Because in this video it is being used more to give the impression of a kind of dust effect, or to add a sense of it being hot and humid? That's just the feeling I get..
  18. Siri302


    Hahahahaha, that's so random! :D
  19. Siri302

    Why cant the visuals look like this??

    No matter how beautiful it looks - I'll have to agree with crimsom. This looks more like something that would be suited in the Fallout 3 wasteland, rather than the Chernarus wasteland. But if it was being used as a mist effect for certain weather types/altitudes then YES PLEASE! :D
  20. Siri302

    "Hey, I just shot you" - Call Me Maybe ft. DayZ

    Hahahah, I'm going to have to say I love the "Hey, I just shot you and this is crazy, but here's my blood pack, so heal me maybe." line most, obviously. Pretty sure I've had a similar situation with accidental ( accidentally on purpose ;) ) friendly fire! This needs to be made into a parody, I can see this being a situation bandits might get themselves in! :P
  21. Siri302

    A possible small addition..

    That would make sense to have general ''rummaging'' noises or something when you move stuff around, no idea if that would be difficult to add? Considering the amount that people add/remove/swap things around in their packs. With the backpack - using my idea of what coding is like - it would be similar to how you trigger a noise if you open a drink or start eating. So would this other rummaging noise play when you click on a item in your pack, or when you actually move it somewhere? I'm not sure if excessive moving around stuff and triggering the noise would be a problem? So have we haggled this aggro pull down to 2m - 5m? At that range I'm sure a zombie would see you anyway, unless the new enviromental variables influencing zombies effective hearing/seeing range isn't actually as buggy as people make it sound.. So at night - providing you are prone, I can see this being when the infected are in close enough range to hear something possibly tasty looking through their packs (Or in rain maybe) and would decided to waddle in the general direction, or at least look in your direction for a period of time. And if you happen to pop out then the usual Benny-Hill-theme-chase-scene can ensue. :D I was thinking that pack bugs could present an issue if this idea was added, whether the zip noise gets stuck on repeat. Or when you realize one of your items has been eaten by the pack itself, people generally open and close their pack a few times having a WTF moment. That could kind of be unnecessary opening and closing noises (and potential aggro), just because the pack is buggy, and isn't necessarily because you are looting. I guess packs overall would have to be fixed before something like this could be added. Glad to see that people think this idea could be good in-game! :D
  22. Siri302

    Take the Cherno Challenge

    This would be a good video tag type thing for any people uploading videos of themselves playing DayZ to youtube, just a thought - and you'd get to see if they legitimately completed the challenge. :D The Blood Donor sounds good to me and I'll give it a try when I next find myself on the coast!
  23. I just feel like a walking loot pile at the moment. To be honest, in future, I'd probably pick a hatchet over the high end guns.. I avoid all other players like the plague unless I know them, so PvP hasn't been a problem for me, but now I feel it might. The hatchet is unlimited ammo and silent, perfect for taking out infected quietly and looting a place with minimal detection - however you're pretty much a gonner if some guy pops up in front of you with an Enfield. But then again - if you die, what did you have to loose. A hatchet? Well excuse me while I just pop into the next barn I see and re-equip myself.
  24. Siri302

    A possible small addition..

    It was just an option, I mean I'm just throwing my idea out there. But yes as I was writing the post I was realizing how small time frame you'd have to react if you heard said opening noise- hence why I said it may be pointless. But hey, I'm in the suggestion board to make suggestions! :) Exactly the circumstances under which I was thinking this could be a useful addition!
  25. To be honest, I think I'm set for a while. I have plenty of equipment which could do relatively decent damage. Say, if I wanted to hunt small animals (air rifle), for defense I have hatchets, chainsaws ..hedge strimmers.. I'm pretty sure my local farming community has an abundance of real guns too. I have a naturally filling well and vegetable patch for maintained food and water supply next to my house. A fairly large stack of beans and other slow-degrading food stocks line my cupboards. As an added bonus I also have a horse as a low fuel consuming mode of transport (plenty of grass to go round here..). I live on a hill in the countryside with ''fortifications'' (.. nice thick hedges..LOL, and big iron gates. There is also a lot of scrap metal and boards we have stored which could easily be added to make a better perimeter) and can see for miles around. BRING IT ON APOCALYPSE. :D (... it would appear my family is well prepared for this kind of event ...)