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Everything posted by Mrksjke

  1. I never ever visited your shitty server, neither I will. Ever.Keep butthurting, lol.
  2. Thanks to OP for pointing it out. Hope lockers will get what they deserve, a.k.a. their server will get blacklisted : ) Server owner's reaction is just ridiculous. Calling names in the report thread, whining about "ungratefull" kids... Like somebody cares that he wasted his money to farm some gear\vehicles on "his own" server. Lulz.
  3. Yes, they can be farmed. And who cares how players obtain their loot? Unless they cheat - everything is okay.
  4. Mrksjke

    Need morphine and blood in Mogilevka

    North-east from Cherno, North from Prigorodki.
  5. Mine varies from 10 minutes to ~20 hours max. So, all in all... it's nearly 3-4 hours average.
  6. Mrksjke

    Canada 1/2

    I played on canada 1 a hour ago, it was okay and well-going with like 20 players on it.
  7. I support you, OP. It sucks to be kicked for killing a bunch of "clanmates" who can't fight back legitimately.
  8. Mrksjke

    How to use the glock 17 flashlight ?

    The "L" button when it's equipped and pulled off.
  9. Met a guy under the name "citizen" today in Berezino, on LU123. I was searching for morphine on the hospital and then he shew up, talking to me via VOIP. I gave him a transfusion and my AKS kobra I found in the tents (it took too much slots in my backpack. Besides, I got an AKM for myself earlier that day), then we looted 2 supermarkets (he needed some tools like compass \ map and a good pack). Then the server got laggy and he DCed. Still a memorable moment tho : )
  10. Okay then. You'd better leave his stuff on him and hide the body, so the spawned\duped items won't stay in the game.
  11. You could click "Study body" to get his name, then report him as a cheater. There's no way to get 2 ATVs on the island you're talking about.
  12. It's an infection. Your blood will drop down to 6000 if you won't find antibiotics, which are pretty rare. They can be found in the loot piles (not in the boxes) inside any of the hospitals in Chernarus.
  13. Mrksjke

    Introduce yourselves

    Hey guys, I'm Mark (Valera_Gladkostvol IG) and I'm a random Russkie kiddy hanging out on SP1 server :>
  14. I risked joining a server while it was lagging and I lost all my stuff in a moment : ( Just wait for it to be stable again, guys.