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77Sam77 (DayZ)

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About 77Sam77 (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Gender
  • Location
    The Netherlands
  1. 77Sam77 (DayZ)

    Let's team up!

    My skype is: Sam de Blank If i search you, I get 4 accounts Joseph thy proffesional Johan Gunér (Vaxholm, Sweden) Johan Guner (Sweden) johan guner (Colombia) Which one is you?
  2. 77Sam77 (DayZ)

    Let's team up!

    Hey! Just to let you know, I'm kuba's friend Ill add you to skype.
  3. 77Sam77 (DayZ)

    Need a bro to play with

    Heey, I'm 15 years old and from Holland. I can speak english very good too. I have 4 months of experience with the game and know a good part of the map by head. I won't be able to go on skype always but i think most of the time. PM me if you're interested
  4. 77Sam77 (DayZ)

    im bored and need a partner to join me

    Hey, I have been playing dayz for 4 months now on my own and I think it´s time to find someone to play with. I´m 15 years old and Im from Holland I have a camp in dayz with a lot of guns, medical supplies consumables and car parts. I´m not online 3 hours every day (I play on the laptop of my brother, so sometimes I wont be able to go online every day, but if I do, mostly in the evening) but I will be online almost every day. I can't always talk on skype because there are more family members in the room with me... One question: Are you a "bandit", "ask friendly, if they don't reply then shoot" or are you "too friendly"? If you're interested please PM
  5. If you still want it, though you don't need it very much, I can help you. PM me
  6. 77Sam77 (DayZ)

    I'm Looking for a team?

    Hey, I'm also 15 and have been playing alone now for about 4 months... I have a camp with lots of guns, medical suplies, car parts, food and tools. Im from Holland. Pm me if you'd like to play with me.
  7. 77Sam77 (DayZ)

    Worst Way You Ever Died

    I went on top of the big mountain between cherno and elektro and found an ATV. It took me around 2-3 hours to find supplies. I repair it and drive down the mountain. I bump into a few trees but nothing happened. FInally I'm down and I make a turn to get on the road when there's a little bush in front of me. I drive against it and my ATV stops working. For about 15 seconds I try to drive it back from the bush but it wouldn't move.... then it suddenly explodes.......
  8. 77Sam77 (DayZ)

    Need blood transfusion

    If you still need it, I have a bloodbag and an epi-pen, If you're not too far away I can get to you. PM me if you need it
  9. I watched some dayz video's from sidestrafe, and bought it because I thought dayz was awesome!
  10. 77Sam77 (DayZ)

    I hate alt-f4'ers

    That's true, but alt-f4'ing isnt dayz too.
  11. 77Sam77 (DayZ)

    I hate alt-f4'ers

    I get shot and killed a lot, but when I do, I don't alt-f4 like a coward, I lost some great stuff, which I could have kept with alt-f4, but I didn't. I just began from scratch and just played on, that's the fun of dayz. Without PVP, you didn't have to be so cautious everytime because zombies are too easy to avoid and shrug off. I'm not a bandit and have 1 murder in like 3-4 months.
  12. 77Sam77 (DayZ)

    I hate alt-f4'ers

    I asked 15 times or even more times if he was friendly!! I had this before, I left them alone and some time later that same person killed me... too many backstabbers in dayz now to trust anyone. And why is that person innocent... I asked a lot of times if he was friendly, and if you don't answer then, you can assume they aren't friendly and soemtimes even bandits. So I think if they didn't alt-f4, I would have done something good for the players on that server. And if the person being shot at don't want to lose his/her stuff, he/she shouldn't play this game...
  13. 77Sam77 (DayZ)

    I hate alt-f4'ers

    I think that something has to be implimented, like if you switch servers you can't switch back to the first server for like 15 minutes. So you can't hop server, change position and then hop back in to kill the guy who actually would have killed you.
  14. 77Sam77 (DayZ)

    I hate alt-f4'ers

    I really hope that in the standalone, Rocket will do something about these Alt-f4'ers. I was looting Balota and the airfield near their when I saw a guy running from the airfield to the medic camp. I decided not to shoot him yet and follow him to find out if he was friendly. I sat in a bush and said for about 15 times: "Are you frienly", because I thought maybe he didn't hear me. But he didn't reply and I decided I had to kill him. So I took about 4 shots at him in a watchtower only to see him dissapear.... But that's not all. I looted a part of the medic camp when I saw they had logged back in, so i went to finish him off,. And that's when the bullets came flying past my head. He had a terrible aim but was able to hit me 1 time though. I didn't had much stuff and had tents full of weapons somewhere else so I decided to go to the body, hide it so they couldn't take it anymore, but when I arrived at the place ofthe body, it wasn't there anymore and I got shot. I think they had changed servers or something and moved position.... gmF|TehShadow and gmF|Deadnight.. I'm going to hunt you down and I WILL kill you.
  15. I have a m4a1 CCO or a m16a2 ACOG. Can I have a m107 for one of them?