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Everything posted by DropBearChick

  1.  DropBearChick

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    I like this patch for 4 reasons: 1.hopefully they fix rubberbanding, it was so annoying getting ruberbanned after 5 mins of running 2.i'm pretty sure there fixing the waiting period for loot dropping which would be great 3. player spawns will hopefully be better 4.finally a use for the bayonet instead of it just making snipers stick out
  2.  DropBearChick


    well maybe cause its in ALPHA and it still looks great
  3. you missed a few eg glitching through walls, hackers and so on as well as a dupe glitch and the chain rattling is meant to be there but animals make zombie noises another couple of bugs is the random character resets, logging in stuck in buildings, items not working such as pen and paper, character cloning eg eg
  4.  DropBearChick


    look at the official screenshot thread in the gallery and maybe change your graphic settings
  5.  DropBearChick

    Suggestion - Make the Ocean Useful

    I know the ocean is loud but DONT RAPE MY EARS ITS LIKE HE PUT OCEAN NOISE IN CAPS LOCK and salt water corrosion of vehicles anyone?????
  6.  DropBearChick


    because standalone is BEAUTIFUL (especially during the day)
  7.  DropBearChick

    How do I...

    what server are you on? if your on the development server there is bug were u cant eat, if not maybe server lag, just wait or swap servers
  8.  DropBearChick

    A Living-My-Life

    good idea, if your Australian we can team up and do it together
  9.  DropBearChick

    what was in the last update?

    1. player spawns should be better 2. bayonet for mosin nagant now opens tins 3.items should drop on ground instantly 4. player rubber banding should be better
  10. I remember on the 12th day of Christmas(standalone) I found a hacker with 2 servants made me play games with him he touched me in places I cant even speak of, he even took my banana, worst day of my life
  11.  DropBearChick

    Teleporting a lot

    its alpha just change server should work
  12. its cause of antihack, u see dean clever man, he release alpha for hackers to enjoy for 2 week make them all cozey and settled in then in update without warning puts in battle eye all banned and us people free of there cruel grasp :)
  13.  DropBearChick

    The Trollglitch

    what was that u used for bait????
  14.  DropBearChick

    Few questions

    loot doesn't respawn except on server restarts, no private servers
  15.  DropBearChick

    How bad is DayZ's community?

    I admit I do whine about kos ers but its because with less of them the game would be a better experience for all instead of me giving a guy some help and then bang u are dead
  16.  DropBearChick

    Next updates.

    u babies don't like spawns eh? well I have easy fix for you. be careful, tactical, don't go to balota DONT DIE, I understand there are glitches that cause death or character wipe but be careful and tactical and you should have to worry about spawn locations less EDIT: loot is meant to not be respawned until server restart this is what rocket intended to prevent loot cycling
  17.  DropBearChick

    Your favourite thing about the Standalone so far?

    well I understand it's alpha but I saw rocket using pen and paper but I cant use it that is what annoys me
  18.  DropBearChick


    well im not talking specifically about myself but sometimes it takes me an hour or so checking the coast to try and find my friends who are completely lost, then run up ou usual route (elektro, mogilevka, stary sobor, vybor military base, vybor nwaf, green mountain, zelenogorsk, berenzino, berenzino cargo ship. takes about 4 hours, then we run to cherno, 1 hour then check the apartments, 1 hour (7 hours so far) then travel around the south helping out fresh spawns until we get bored and log off. all the while doing all the things u said and more, keep in mind I've played this game for 120 hours and the mod since it's first week.
  19.  DropBearChick

    Your favourite thing about the Standalone so far?

    I like the pen and paper, rope walkie talkies, hammer, pliers (in case u didn't get the hint everything useless)
  20.  DropBearChick


    some pixels eh? those pixels are sometimes 10+ hours of work down the drain because some f**ker whose too lazy decides to click the left mouse button instead of interacting with the player
  21.  DropBearChick

    Next updates.

    I would like to see player based permanent features like tents to hoard gear and stashes and things plus all in game items to be working such as pen and paper, walkie talkie eg.
  22.  DropBearChick


    KOS is part of the game!! Its PVP!!! Its not a bug that requires fixing!! Stop bitching about it!!! Deal with it or play some other game!! I'm sick of you noobs and your constant whining about KOS all the time!! raynor has this as his signature, but raynor dean is trying to make this a realistic zombie MMO, IS IT REALISTIC TO SEE EVERY GUY WITH A SHOVEL TRYING TO KILL U???? no I didn't think so.
  23.  DropBearChick


    plzzzzz stop posting of course there adding guns probably will add more than you have brain cells
  24.  DropBearChick

    Since everyone wants to add random stuff to the game....

    I think theres 3 castles, I don't like the idea of medieval weaponry but katanas and samurai swords would be cool
  25.  DropBearChick

    Lets talk Hero's, Bandits, and Humanity

    maybe instead we reward bandits for using handcuffs and heros for using meds and both for killing other to encourage holdups and help outs