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Everything posted by DropBearChick

  1.  DropBearChick

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    We have shit internet our governmentvreally needs an nbn or something so i get more than 1 mb/sec at start of month with everything else closed
  2.  DropBearChick

    Can we get some svetloyarsk screens?

    Hey guys thought id start a topic were you post high res screens of the new town! I was there once, fell in love so i would love to see your pictures.
  3.  DropBearChick

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    Anyone know how to speed up internet the peak for the dl is 42kb and estimated dl time us 2 hours so after the stable is released.
  4.  DropBearChick

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    Trying to download update but australia internet is shit so will probably take 10 mins plus ive used all most if my internet for month so its even slower my current peak is 24kb/s havent even downloaded 1 mb yet, wnyone know the patchnotes and if the new drinks spawn?
  5. Hello forumers, today i was playing on a US Server after finally getting in, i ran up to berenzino luckily it was daylight and out of the construction sight comes a fully geared guy but he has on his back the craftable backpack seen before. Not sure how to craft it and unfortunately wasnt able to screencap because just as he confirmed it was the backpack the session was lost.
  6.  DropBearChick


    So we need one rope and one burlap sack or more like sticks and how much rope?
  7.  DropBearChick

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    Is the maintenance done? If not when did it start also to those asking about the town its awesome not any loot innit though and thats not cause of there being lots of people theres also 2 new buildings innit a police station and a pharmacy. Im gonna replace woodsbury with svetloyarsk if anyone gets the reference to season 3 of the walking dead. Seeing as im the governor.
  8.  DropBearChick


    Yeah the fnx45 suppressor and flashlight as well as the mosin attachment i forgot the name and the red barns spawn loot, all added without patch nores.
  9.  DropBearChick

    New Experimental build

    I found a rotten banana you could eat.
  10.  DropBearChick

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    That test server is taunting me with its emptiness when all others are full.
  11. Just saying they did add secret stuff ang got mad because its alpha and i should know what im testing so i told you what the secrets are.
  12.  DropBearChick

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    One server has 38 of my friends apparently
  13.  DropBearChick

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    Cant even get in apart from one night time
  14. They didnt say they added a suppressor or torch for the fnx45 or that the red barns spawn loot or that there are 2 new buildings added in the new town did they? Or that theres a compensator for the mosin now? Try playing the experimental servers before posting this.
  15.  DropBearChick

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    So im in the new town, no zombies, plenty of friendlies, not many buoldings spawn loot, here are the ones that do to help you all out: the train station, pub, the single garage and triple garage sometimes, the 2 story shop sorta thing with the alley beside it.
  16. Also in the new town theres a 2 new buildings, a police station and a medical clinic
  17.  DropBearChick

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    Played for a bit tiday checked out the new town and claimed ownership, i fucking love it especially the new buildings. Guba bay, welcome your new governor. Met up with a guy there together we blew up the gas station, then went and sold torches in kamyshovo
  18.  DropBearChick

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    Was running to new town from berenzino and my gear got wiped
  19.  DropBearChick

    Weapon Maintenance

    They did in latest patch
  20.  DropBearChick

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    You have to use the filter just make make ping1000 then disable battleeye and hide passwordepd no
  21.  DropBearChick

    Server lag on experimental

    Hello all i live in australia and ive been playing the SE severs for a couple of hours and i left to get lunch, when i come back into the game its lagging and i cant do ANYTHING is this that glitch from the stable build or is it me? If you know a fix please do tell.
  22.  DropBearChick

    When you die.. at 2am and you try to sleep but cant.... \o/

    I want the alice acks personally and rifle bags, but ummm nice pics i guess.