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Everything posted by DropBearChick

  1.  DropBearChick

    Experimental Branch: 0.46 Discussion

    ……………………………………..________ ………………………………,.-‘”……………….“~., ………………………..,.-”……………………………..“-., …………………….,/………………………………………..”:, …………………,?………………………………………………\, ………………./…………………………………………………..,} ……………../………………………………………………,:`^`..} ……………/……………………………………………,:”………/ …………..?…..__…………………………………..:`………../ …………./__.(…..“~-,_…………………………,:`………./ ………../(_….”~,_……..“~,_………………..,:`…….._/ ……….{.._$;_……”=,_…….“-,_…….,.-~-,},.~”;/….} ………..((…..*~_…….”=-._……“;,,./`…./”…………../ …,,,___.\`~,……“~.,………………..`…..}…………../ …………(….`=-,,…….`……………………(……;_,,-” …………/.`~,……`-………………………….\……/\ ………….\`~.*-,……………………………….|,./…..\,__ ,,_……….}.>-._\……………………………..|…………..`=~-, …..`=~-,_\_……`\,……………………………\ ……………….`=~-,,.\,………………………….\ …………………………..`:,,………………………`\…………..__ ……………………………….`=-,……………….,%`>–==“ …………………………………._\……….._,-%…….`\ ……………………………..,<`.._|_,-&“…………….`\
  2. There gonna add the features first so then when they optimize they can do it knowing no new features will screw it up also as stated before the infusion engine shuold improve fps.
  3.  DropBearChick

    The new NEAF..it brings a tear to my eye

    It sure is can't wait for custom civ act and hangars
  4.  DropBearChick

    It is possible future of DayZ?

    Alpha All this except zombies will be fixed I beta zombies fixed very soon
  5.  DropBearChick

    6 slot top-wear.

    Learn maths Ttsko= 6 slots Next best= 4 slots eg hoodie That's 33.3r% more not 50% 50% would mean the next best thing would be 3 slots eg a down jacket. Also the biker jacket had 4 slots not 3
  6.  DropBearChick

    Why are people complaining?

    So because 1game released dayz will never finish? If onl this waa true with cod
  7.  DropBearChick

    New Updates

    Crossbows, binos things like that
  8.  DropBearChick

    Randomize the map.

    Weekly? With the games development speed atm thats a joke
  9.  DropBearChick

    PC Build Help

    What currency? Also id suggest a 4670k and gtx 750ti
  10.  DropBearChick

    Randomize the map.

    If they Randomised the map then the ingame one would be incorrect
  11.  DropBearChick

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Probably but i'd suggest getting a rig with an intel cpu in the i5 or i7 series and nvidia graphics card in the 600 or 700 series intel is single thread cpus which is what the dayz engine uses and heavily depends upon, if you can get one with 3.0ghz or higher with nvidia not only did they release a new driver a few weeks ago which users reported a 10-20fps boost in game with but also they perform better, are cooler and have better customer support especielly the new cards using the new maxwell system such as the 750ti. Hope i helped
  12.  DropBearChick

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Yes, probably on med to high with 20+ fps
  13.  DropBearChick

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Wtf y are all the aus servers not working
  14.  DropBearChick

    Green Mountain Launch 3...2...1..

    Wa DA fuq day adderd rorkerts!
  15.  DropBearChick

    How to survive?

  16.  DropBearChick

    Animal locations (Experimental Build))

    If you go to vybor I've found plenty of animals around there also just south of svetlo and about 500m South of those sheds on the north highway also on the road to Polana from dolina there's a barn to the left after the t intersection in the field to the north I found a boar there
  17.  DropBearChick

    Plan for release of 0.45 to Stable

    When rubber banding is fixed it will be released Also http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/27js5y/suggestion_how_to_bring_some_life_to_islands/ci1hoyi?context=1
  18.  DropBearChick

    random bans

    It's not easy switching anti cheat providers you know
  19.  DropBearChick

    What has changed since 2011

    Actually the standalone was release in December 2013
  20.  DropBearChick

    Kevin Thursting

    Good to see you took some of the advice though I miss your co pilot
  21.  DropBearChick


    Mods mate
  22. I still think that A) if there is any dlc it wont be till full release B) it will only be maps C) even if you factor in steam costs, hiring costs, licensing costs etc etc etc, it still means bi is making 30 plus million wich is more than enough to make more games as well as the revenue from arma 3 and 2 and dayz was pretty cheap compared to games who made similar sale figures seeing as theres no publisher, next to no marketing and so on. D) there will be no point if the modding community is good enough.
  23. What, they need more money? They e sold over two million copies each at 30 Au a pop thats over 60 million dollars AU, plus i have quite a few friends waiting till barious milestones to play eg vehicles, fixed zombies, release, base building or bananas in holsters.