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Everything posted by DropBearChick

  1. Yes you will well hell be on stable servers but not on expetimental
  2. No cooking, maybe fridges akm and new pistol probs maybe physx
  3. I heard from an explicit source that there will be new content in the new update!!!
  4.  DropBearChick

    Weekly Report: Smashing Bugs for 0.37

    Thanks for this
  5. Now to moan about no 0.42 changelog! Yay!
  6. Smasht i would suggest you look at throwers recent posts hes neing extremely disrespectful to islamists and its starting to annoy me, he is not contributing at all to these forums.
  7. Haha experimental update! Fuck yeah bitches!!!
  8. This neither confirmed nor denied the friday push to stable
  9. I call for full release during. Maintenance! Jesus christ you guys are spoilt, stop ranting on about jihads, stop coming to conclusions and stop whing about the patch when there not even an hour late!
  10. (From debs) what patch? We dont know what the hell our talking about!
  11. your humor levels are low when your tiered get some sleep man=) Im not trying to be funny *yawns*
  12. But i need to know what next experimental is
  13. Jesus this guy is annoying tonight
  14. Jesus christ guts stop jumping to conclusions And hicks goddamit i was gonna go to bed now i wont be aboe to till its out/not/dayz cancelled
  15. Who knows? If they were aiming for 17:00 GMT thats nowor is it 18:00?
  16. Isnt that just server restart??? Time ill next patch: 11 years.
  17. Im typing not writing you crazy man.
  18. I thought that was miley cyrus??? And im dead anyway
  19. Not yet about an hour to go
  20.  DropBearChick

    whats the first thing ur gonna do after the patch ?

    Play experiental
  21. Huh nice job #dissapointment #0.42
  22. Sweet the patch should be pit by dawn or maybe a littlelater! Good news.