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Everything posted by DropBearChick

  1. Hicks just tweeted, stable patch will be 42.116181
  2.  DropBearChick

    [Experimental]Tactical Bacon Confirmed

    Wat does the inside of the can look like?
  3. 9,001 pages layer... A new patch
  4. Woop woop cant wait to see which one
  5.  DropBearChick


    So sorta like for evry person who joins it spawns an x amount of loot then spawns more if someone joins
  6. Ive got some capsi-cum in exp servers!
  7.  DropBearChick

    Police Stations?

  8.  DropBearChick

    Ella's standalone guide

    Its an epilepsy guide
  9. Your living in the past my friend
  10. Jee wiz nearly 125 pages
  11.  DropBearChick

    Bugged yet exhilarating

    I always get put my disinfectant and give em a good spray (in the mouth) to see if there alive or not.
  12. So stuff in changelog: sickle, potatoes, tomatoes, capsicum
  13.  DropBearChick


    It gets fixed when t gets fixed
  14. No west coast? Oh well whats the performance like. And is there still heaps o seesion losts
  15. What are the new locations?
  16. A new city? You mean the north of neaf one? Thats been there since 0.37 came to 0.42
  17. I really dont know wat you guys are having problems with i can find exp easily, heaps o servers, goodnight everyone
  18.  DropBearChick

    barricading systems?

    What if i told you its a pretty town?
  19. I have like 40exp servers in my list dont know wats wrong with yall, try battle eye no and ping 0