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Everything posted by DropBearChick

  1.  DropBearChick

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Yeah, abpit six hours sleep and a cofee
  2.  DropBearChick

    How to get to the signs in cherno ?

    Stay on the ladder there should be a thing saying climb ladder up as you reach were you gut up to
  3.  DropBearChick

    Some funny pictures

    That message spam
  4.  DropBearChick

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    How many exp servers are there?
  5.  DropBearChick

    Not a lucky day

    Shitty day
  6.  DropBearChick

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Night everyone
  7.  DropBearChick

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Well apparently they fixed loot spawns so everywere spawns loot now.
  8.  DropBearChick

    44. experimental servers not up?

    What is the filter on? Set ping 0 and battle eye no
  9. If you pm me what to do i can help you
  10.  DropBearChick

    44. experimental servers not up?

    Theres currently 4
  11.  DropBearChick

    pills should act more like ammo

    Nice idea, maybe mixing pills to make your own remides?
  12.  DropBearChick

    Does it get dark in SA?

    Yes, but not on the 24/7 day servers
  13.  DropBearChick

    Strange DayZ

    There was a face in the rock wall
  14.  DropBearChick

    Finding somewhere called home

    Left of khelm looks nice
  15.  DropBearChick

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Cant sorry, stupid ipad touch keyboard
  16.  DropBearChick

    Strange DayZ

    Atleast now i know were to counter snipe people like you from
  17.  DropBearChick

    Finding somewhere called home

    That red house at the treeline near prigodorki looks pretty good
  18.  DropBearChick

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    I wanna go to bed so i have time for experimental b4 school but i can leave these forums
  19.  DropBearChick

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Not the daylight noooooooo
  20.  DropBearChick

    Finding somewhere called home

    The school in elektro looks like a good place to board up, or maybe an aircraft hangar.
  21.  DropBearChick

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    I work at 7/11 lol
  22.  DropBearChick

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

  23.  DropBearChick

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Only if you wear those glasses the red shirt guy had.
  24.  DropBearChick

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Ok, but no cofee tomorrow :P
  25.  DropBearChick

    Want to prolong your pvp action
