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Everything posted by billyangstadt

  1. billyangstadt

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Yea, I play on the Southeast 04 server, which was one of the 5 or so servers that disappeared for a few days. I'm wondering if they wiped them? Yea, I hid it very well right against the bark of a tree, surrounded by 3 others trees forming a triangle about 2 meters apart. Even at a distance when the leaves didn't render, you couldnt see it. That, and I've never seen more than 10 people on the server so I highly doubt it could have been found or that anyone even tried.
  2. billyangstadt

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    I can understand if I was raided if some things were missing, but 2 barrels, 2 backpacks and all contents gone. Backpacks and barrels too.
  3. billyangstadt

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Is persistence broken or is my camp being raided? 2 different barrels in different place gone, and they're not near a dynamic spawn.
  4. billyangstadt

    Bluescreen after joining a server

    Try running windowed and see
  5. billyangstadt

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Was there a persistence wipe on the servers that went missing for a few days?
  6. billyangstadt

    Can we agree this is feesable?

    I think you'd need a carpentry skill to do so in game. Maybe that comes with soft skills. Lord knows I could never build anything like that, but I can fix any car. Skills will encourage teamwork especially if you need a mechanical aptitude to fix a car, but you're not a mechanic
  7. "Im starving" "I am dead"
  8. billyangstadt

    Remove the Vicinity "panel" in the future.

    I'd love to see this, would give the ability to miss loot. Tired of seeing people run around the heli crashes with tab open.
  9. billyangstadt

    Abundance is Realism

    Maybe the patches simulate this. 57 has tons of weapons (outbreak) and zombies..58 has weapons being less common and zeds are gone. Obviously kidding.
  10. billyangstadt

    Abundance is Realism

    Now, I completely disagree with 100 person servers. This map does have enough points of interest and is far too small in my opinion. As is, your camp is found within a day on a 40 pop, double that plus 20 and there will be no use to even try and establish yourself. I think 50 is perfect given the scenario were in.
  11. billyangstadt

    Abundance is Realism

    Well, until an ELE happens where we have records, it's all going to be a matter of opinion. We don't know what society in this area would be like. This may have been the largest suburban and rural area in the region. Everyone, residents aside, could have migrated to Chernarus for it's resources, and durable goods can also be a form of consumable. (I.E. ammo being used) You're never going to create an accurate parallel to what would happen in the real world, because we're not there. We have the luxury of logging off when we get tired and going to bed...or just sitting out the next few days to play Rocket League..these are not luxuries the Post-apoc world would have. I am excited for persistence to come back as I feel most of the player base will hoard if given the opportunity. The thrill of the mod to me was searching the wooded areas for camps. I do like this topic, though. I do look forward to see what others' opinions are.
  12. billyangstadt

    Abundance is Realism

    The reason for the scarcity is that we're playing months after the outbreak, not days. Food has spoiled and ammunition has since been looted or destroyed.
  13. billyangstadt

    DayZ SA Modding: A New Map

    I would love to see a map with varying altitudes and weather for those areas. We already kind of have the temperature mechanics in place, now we just need the map! I absolutely loved Namalsk for the cold weather reason, but I'd love to see a map where you don't have to pick the map based on the weather you want. One where the north is blanketed in snow and the south is scorching hot (yes, I realize that this conflicts with the solstice). One where we can see mountains, and even scale them to various points of interest, or make a long trek south and end up looting a run down beach town. Frosty Pines on the ISS map was very different to see, I just loved the feel seeing the run down ski lifts against the snow covered mountain. This is what I'd love to see. That, and a map more current. I love DayZ, but the 1945 vibe just doesn't do it for me. Something where there's a large city, but plenty of rural are for those to setup camp or do small town looting and live off of the land. Not endorsing the game at all, but I also loved Boulder City. It looked so modern. Yes, I'm aware that the game was not very good. I'm just using it as an example.
  14. billyangstadt

    Waiting for stable and what to do

    Yea, well imagine hitting 40 hours before Thursday and working Saturday and half day on Sunday...all while having kids. Trust me, getting 30 minutes to yourself to play is hard to come by. Enjoy it while you can.
  15. billyangstadt

    Don't allow players to host public servers

    That and with persistence coming back players can have massive camp as their global GI essentially safe.
  16. Don't play stable,and yes it will be better. The hardcore pvpers are up in arms and threatening to quit next patch because the CLE is doing its job.
  17. billyangstadt

    Waiting for stable and what to do

    One thing I did love about infestation was how the map went from lakeside beaches up to a mountainous area with a ski resort, cold weather, etc. really hope we could get a map like that. Not have to pick one or the other. (Cherno or namalsk) Taviana kind of tried, but the mountain was just that. Had no points of interest and no threats from elements
  18. For me, it's two things: The grind and working persistence. I can't wait for weapons and ammo to be rare, and canned food be scarce. I can't wait until you're eventually forced to live off of the land because all canned food will be depleted. I'm also really looking forward to persistence to set up camp. What I'm not looking forward to are the large amounts of threads claiming loot is broken because they can no longer gear up on the coast and characters will take time to get the kit you want. How about you? What has you counting the days until the patch?
  19. billyangstadt

    Streamer tears in exp.

    People are already crying that loot is broken. I'm watching a streamer now who's complaining about it, yet he looted starry and Novi and looted a total of 10 houses. When you pattern yourself to the same houses , you're gunna have a bad time.
  20. billyangstadt

    What are you looking forward to most with 0.58 stable?

    Because the game was made to be one way, harsh They're not here to cater to everyone. They're going to make it the way it's meant too, but they know there are people that want all out war..that's why they're opening up modding,and the generalization of "people want this" comes from actual people on this forum.
  21. billyangstadt

    How many hero's out there anymore

    Playing the hero is fun for me. What I'll do is if I see someone looting, I'll follow them and track them, but keep distance. Alot of the time it will end in nothing, but if I see them engage someone else, I'll take them out. The thrill of having someone in your scope and the power to take their life, but hold off until you see the man they really are.
  22. billyangstadt

    sizes in clothes and equipment

    As the title reads, just like a blood type, we should be assigned a size when we spawn in. "Yes!!! Gorka pants" "damn they're small, and I'm a large" "Smersh vest hype!!!" "Ah, medium and I'm an xl" also, if you're wearing gear that's too big, you'll drop items from it as it swings around. See the idea? It doesn't make a ton of sense that everything found always fits.
  23. billyangstadt

    Streamer tears in exp.

    I'm having an absolute blast
  24. billyangstadt

    Why is the amount I can look up limited?

  25. billyangstadt

    What are you looking forward to most with 0.58 stable?

    LOL, as if making weapons more rare will kill the player base. More players left during this last patch, which is why you see so many threads about "is it safe to come back yet". There will be plenty of military style overwatch servers for you to join when modding comes out. For now, they're going to focus on what they think DayZ should be and what their vision has always been, a cruel/harsh world. Not one where you can have full military load outs in 30 minutes. Just like in life, if you want something...work at it and hope for a little luck. People want a true survival game, there are dozens of loot up quick and kill games out there, yet everyone ends up back here. If anything, the last 2 patches killed player population, despite how you like it.