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About Jalen

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. I'd figure since they are making a whole new system for clothing and the like. That they would be introducing something similar to this already. It sounds like a simple thing to add, being a simple damage modifier and all.
  2. Jalen


    No, I'd rather not have some dumb unnecessary feature so that you can punish Lone Wolf players such as myself.
  3. Jalen

    Why do you chose Dayz over Origins

    I don't like walking 15 miles to find nothing and deal with horrendous lag. That being said. I don't play either much anymore.
  4. Jalen

    Would you play on a server that...

    Sounds like 90% of HelicopterZ servers. Obsession just reached a whole new level.
  5. I thought they were implementing just about all of this except perhaps the more detailed ballistics system.
  6. Jalen

    Earning Persistent Gear in SA

    I guess my distaste with how DayZ has progressed since its creation is that I prefer Roguelikes, and DayZ, in my opinion is moving away from that direction. Oh well. Good points btw.
  7. Jalen

    Earning Persistent Gear in SA

    I like the example of Diablo 2 Hardcore, it provides a real sense of permadeath. You die, you lose everything, with no chance of getting it back. The closest you would come to that in DayZ would be a ban until that particular server restarts and thus all the stuff you lost goes away. As well as deleting all of your tents, etc. Hyperbole will get you nowhere with me btw. Also the skill system to which I am referring would be that you do something a million times and level up so to speak. I think the class system is a better way to do this. Just having prior experience relieves the game of the need to make you do your chores before you can play, and gives you a sense of purpose in the game world Examples: player character was a mechanic in prior to the events of the game, therefor he is more able when it comes to repairing vehicles. Generally speaking being an autodidact in everything is pretty fucking hard.
  8. Jalen

    Earning Persistent Gear in SA

    If you want to create more RPG elements in DayZ, the best way to do so is to either, A: Have a skill system which breaks immersion, or B: Have a class system with varying pros and cons. Also, my own thoughts on permadeath in DayZ? There isn't any, there never was, and there never will be. Casual players will never, ever accept permadeath, EVER.
  9. I don't think the power of snipers are the issue, but the frequency of drops is. Duping doesn't help either. It seems that every other person I kill has one.
  10. Jalen

    Why does everyone have a hat?

    Hats are what drive the modern world. Every person of any importance wears a hat: Fact.
  11. Jalen

    The Reddit Rescue Force

    Neckbeards, assemble. For great justice.
  12. Jalen

    fast drop smoke grenades

    You can semi-run and throw grenades of any kind. Just walk and hold down left click. You will at least be able to move while throwing stuff. Huzzah!