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About novogeek

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    Durban, South Africa
  • Interests
    Game Development, Amateur Robotics, and Reading
  1. novogeek

    The Wishlist - Three things that need to happen

    @OP: Awesome post ... the rest was covered by @pacific_coast.
  2. novogeek

    New Player Having A Hard Time

    I stand under correction, but I think you have to find map pieces before your map actually works. The rest is typically explained by the ALPHA status of the game and the devs are working on the fixes ... I guess you either need to learn to stick with it and deal with the current issues or wait until the release gets more stable. There was a notification before you bought the game that this was an Early Access Alpha ... sorry.
  3. LOL ... ^^^ ... yep what RattleSnake said. :)
  4. novogeek

    Important Bug!

    New anti-kos system??? 8-}
  5. novogeek

    Encounter with an ace bandit

    Cool story ... 8-}
  6. novogeek

    First Impressions and Hopes

    @OP: Thank you for your insight ... I for one gave you beans because you took the time to make a meaningful post and explain things ... not just a random: "Oh Noes this Alpha Suxorz". I must apologise for some of the other posters sense of self entitlement and delusions of grandeur ... just continue playing the game and providing more of your outlook on the game ... some people are just Negative Nellies and always think their way is the only way. Good Luck with DayZ.
  7. novogeek

    suggestion for login dead areas around attractive areas

    I think you should not be allowed to log off in a Red Zone ... this would prevent you randomly spawning and ruining the immersion. If the game crashes and you are in a Red Zone ... it should allow you to log back in at the last Green Zone area. Technically this is not difficult to do ... but I am not sure whether it is doable on the current game engine. My game engine experience is based off other engines.
  8. novogeek


    There is a difference between fast roping and abseiling (rappelling). It is most typically used when deploying from a helicopter without a heavy load and is intended to happen rapidly. This is typically used when going down a surface at a consistent speed or with a heavy load. It would be cool to have both ... if they include helicopters in the game ... but definitely abseiling for buildings. 8-}
  9. novogeek

    Server admins

    As far as I know, they don't have a game play advantage but can do things like kick and ban. They can also restart the server in order to try and prevent the hive being updated and as such ensuring they keep their gear. They could also enable scripts that they have access to and configure them in such a way without it triggering the anti-cheat system ... but I suspect this is not the case or is not an easy thing to do. I am not aware of admins have a "invulnerability" mode or something like that ... but I stand under correction. If you suspect admin abuse, your best bet is to report the server or the admins ... but at the moment because of the status of the development, there is not much that will be done. Good luck.
  10. novogeek

    Taping gear

    Only difference in the army is we used a material style duct tape that was camouflaged ... loved that stuff. 8-}
  11. novogeek

    In desperate need of some help :(

    Previous post said it all ... IMHO in future don't buy equipment like that over the internet as you have no idea what the previous owner did. Overclocking can cause numerous issues if not done correctly or if the correct precautions are not taken. Hope you come right and haven't wasted your money. Good luck.
  12. novogeek

    2 headshots and saved my bro

    Kudos to you ... playing the game your way and saving your buddy at the same time. Nice shooting ... :beans:
  13. novogeek

    SA or Mod and Questions

    ArmaII and the Mod has more content than Standalone right now and as posted you get ArmaII as well ... which is a great game. Standalone is still a work in progress ... Alpha ... lacking content because of Alpha ... or whatever else you want to say ... so you may feel like you are wasting your money. If you can afford both ... buy both ... if you can only afford one, buy ArmaII and play the Mod ... you'll get more of a DayZ experience from that and can always buy the Standalone later. I bought the Standalone to help the developers but actually have very little time in the game ... I am still playing the Mod ... Vanilla version ... no Epoch or other stuff. :) The choice is yours ... but you probably won't get any sympathy if you buy Standalone and then post that there is not enough content or it isn't the full DayZ experience ... you have been warned. 8-}
  14. novogeek

    DayZ, the feels, man, the feels!

    Welcome ... you will be rewarded. DayZ is whatever you make of it. :beans:
  15. novogeek

    In Game admin menu

    Ummm ... qwkrdfsdnfasfkadsnfdkfds fdsf sdkfdsfsdfsdfds fsdfdsfdsfsdaf ... try those. 8-} On a serious note ... I have no idea. 8-{