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evil koala

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Everything posted by evil koala

  1. evil koala

    1st person perspective only (Message to devs)

    So if you acknowledge that people choose 3pp because its easier, then what exactly do you have planned to make 1pp more appealing? If you wont remove 3pp and don't want to make 3pp more difficult to use, then you must be thinking of either making 1pp easier somehow or rewarding its use. Can you share any details?
  2. evil koala

    where can i find the most pvp?

    Arma 3 KotH, End Game or Wasteland
  3. evil koala

    55. Experiencience Improvements

    If there's enough food on the coast for all the newbies to survive then there's little reason to move away from the coast.. The fact is, by design, you're not always going to be able to make it off the coast. Which will make it all the more exciting when you do. And will make everything else in the game more meaningful after that initial struggle to survive because you know how hard it was to get to that point.
  4. evil koala

    Suppressor for the Mosin and Other High-Caliber Rifles?

    A guy named Bush Wookieing doesn't advocate adding supressors to weapons which have no means of securing one to the rifle, but creates a thread to suggest it anyway. ...okay..
  5. evil koala

    Should weapon attachments only spawn on guns?

    There's a compromise to be had here.. Don't want to increase the rate of weapons spawning but still have accessories spawn on a weapon at their current rate? Have accessories spawn on ruined/irreparable guns.
  6. evil koala

    Weapon degradation

    Not necessarily. People who train with their guns regularly can wear them out in a few years. Proper maintenance doesn't prevent wear and deterioration from use, it just slows it down. If you happen across some collectors safe queen, then yeah.. it'd be pristine. But here in the US, you'd be just as likely to find a safe queen as you would find someones wore out primary 2 gun competition rifle.
  7. evil koala

    Walking slow is awesome!

    I play this way as well and I find it's much easier to get the drop on people when you take a realistic pace. Walking gives you time to scan your surroundings as you move. Running full tilt everywhere not only looks silly, but makes you blunder into danger before you can even react and causes increased weapon sway from exhaustion should you try to. The only up side is you're a difficult target when you can run as fast as a professional cyclist can ride and can still change directions instantly.
  8. evil koala

    Weapon degradation

    Are they assumed to have plates in them? Or are they not fully implemented and planned to have removable plates?
  9. evil koala

    Weapon degradation

    Cleaning kits shouldn't restore weapon condition, they should only decrease the rate of degradation. Clean regularly and you can get 5k+ rounds out of a pristine barrel (10k+ if its Nitride/Melonite/QPQ treated). No cleaning and you're likely to have malfunctions and faster barrel wear.
  10. evil koala

    Any plans for 3PP immersion?

    This definitely is a problem. But the solution certainly isn't a magic floating camera to allow you to look through the window while you hide behind the wall.
  11. evil koala

    Any plans for 3PP immersion?

    Classic DayZ is the best as opposed to what? A bunch of concepts and ideas that haven't been fully implemented yet of which no one has ever seen or experienced before?
  12. evil koala

    What do you think about realism in DayZ?

    Neo Scavenger did a great job of this. Given how cold Chernarus seems to be, it seems like a no brainer. Rather than having to win the lottery and find a pristine waterproof heavy coat, one could just layer a bunch of worn out shirts and jackets and still be warm.
  13. evil koala

    What do you think about realism in DayZ?

    I'd like to see them strive for as much realism as possible given their time and technology constraints. There are tons of arcade zombie survival shooters out there. We don't need another one. And for those of you wanting a more 'casual' experience. Think of flight simulations. It's always easier to develop a full simulation and have the option to turn off different simulation features to make the game easier. But if they make an arcade game it's an enormous amount of work to add those simulation features, and may even be impossible without rewriting the framework to support the new advanced options.
  14. evil koala

    Would natural gas pipelines work in Case of Apocalypse?

    It would last as long as the power grid does, then the pumping stations would go offline. I would guess a few weeks at most.
  15. evil koala

    carry more than one primary gun? why not

    You forgot the grenade launcher, rail gun, hyperblaster and lightning gun. Then maybe some strafe jumping to go faster.
  16. The game would be much better balanced overall with a more realistic movement speed. It makes the combat is woefully hilarious. The 21 foot rule becomes the 21 meter rule, and its incredibly immersion breaking watching some loon run around erratically at 23 kph, starting, stopping and turning on a dime with no momentum.
  17. evil koala

    Run or kill yourself?

    Running back to loot your own body diminishes the consequence of dying. Diminishing the consequences of dying lowers the inherent tension from being in stressful situations, when the entire point of DayZ is to simulate those stressful situations. There are plenty of PVP zombie slaying games out there that lack any kind of tension. There's even Breaking Point ArmA3, which is basically a TDM version of DayZ. That style of gameplay is better suited elsewhere, IMO. But you can play how you want.. All the more reason for private servers and hives.
  18. My work involves a good deal of statistics, but no, I'm not a statistician by title.
  19. You're taking the input of 95 people who don't want any change at all and using it to determine what change to make, when any change made is already unacceptable to them. You assume that some of the optional changes which they did not vote for may be more or less acceptable to that group. The data does not support that conclusion without subjective insight. It doesn't say anywhere what those 95 people would prefer should a change be made. Maybe they have no preference and would just quit because they didn't want a change at all. Maybe some would rather see it removed entirely than changed. Maybe some would prefer over the shoulder. It just doesn't say, so it can't be used to determine what change to make. That being said, I agree with you on one thing. If the poll were more clearly written I'm sure that removing 3PP would be lower on the list. But the data does not support that in its current form and can't be leveraged to that end.
  20. evil koala

    1st person cameraview is to low

    I move at a realistic pace. When traveling, I jog until my avatar starts breathing heavy then rest or walk. When looting, I walk everywhere unless moving over open ground between locations. I only sprint when I'm in danger. If the volume bothers you, why not just turn your effects volume down? The relative volumes should remain the same though. It's hard to hear well over the sound of heavy breathing in real life and that is currently reflected in game.
  21. evil koala

    1st person cameraview is to low

    Then slow down. That annoying sound isn't there to just to bother you. It's telling you that your avatar is tired, which has in game effects.
  22. Logic is hard. Better take a break. Maybe grab a snickers. :P
  23. I'm going to reuse your statement. Lets see if you can follow along.. Given: 95 people vote they don't candy 43 people vote they like Snickers 16 people vote they like Kitkat 47 people vote they like Gobstoppers "More people voted in this poll that they don't like candy. That is an undeniable fact". While the statement is true given the structure of the poll, you say this implying that the majority of voters don't like candy, which is not true.
  24. I don't need to. The numbers speak for themselves. The fact that the results of the poll coincides with my personal opinion is purely coincidental. A few more votes in the "Over the shoulder 3PP" bucket will make that option the overall majority. Twelve more votes in the "Leave it alone" bucket will make that the overall majority. So if you want the numbers to tell the story you want told, convince people to vote that way.
  25. brofist To use your wording, it operates under the assumption that if "Do something?" (ie. Do ANYTHING to change the game) is true (ie. is the majority), then the largest SUB-group of the "Do something?" votes is the majority of that majority. "Keep 3PP in game" vs "Get rid of it" combines the two questions to cherry pick data with intent to ignore 24% of the votes. That's not how it works. You don't get to ignore data because it doesn't fit your agenda, unless you're a politician.