Its the PvP that makes DayZ interesting. Well not PvP exactly but the choices you make regarding other players. Do you trust the guy you just met? Do you shoot on sight? Do you use them as a decoy? Or do you get used etc. Sure you come across some right pricks who ruin the game, but that's what makes the game. If there wasn't the option to kill or help someone you might as well play by yourself. Helping someone isn't as rewarding if there isn't the option of killing them and taking their supplies. Can't have one without the other. Personally I prefer to go at it alone. The only person I trust are known friends or unarmed survivors. But even then, when you travel with someone you're not only trusting that they won't kill you, you're trusting that they won't get you killed :P Always assume everyone is an imbecile :dodgy: (including yourself)