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Everything posted by mphilippa

  1. mphilippa

    Any tips?

    Well it depends where you spawn sometimes, however a good general rule is to head to elektro/cherno and do whats known as a sprint and grab (http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Survival_Tactics#Sprint_and_Grab). Elektro is a favourite of mine as the route to hit the two firestations, supermarket, hospital and office building will often gear you enough to head north and its fast. Hit the north firestation first, then the supermarket, office, hospital, then the second firestation. After that RUN. Even if you find nothing, run. It's not worth looting all the other spawns for the risk of dying. Remember, the longer you stay, the bigger target you are. Ideally I like to find a weapon (however, you won't NEED one) and the tools needed to hunt then I leave. So a gun, hatchet, matches, knife and water bottle. Once I have that I leg it north, stopping along the way to pick up the rest of a standard kit. Once you hit stary, get yo'self a gun....son Remember, all of this is just my opinion etc so take it with a grain of salt and you'll go far
  2. mphilippa

    Camping Mr McBandit

    Many lol's were had, take my beans good sir
  3. mphilippa

    Some help fellas?

    I don't know man, most hackers I have come across aren't exactly the brightest guys; hence why they hack in the first place
  4. mphilippa

    Day Z Videos

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnzlz4f-TQQ&feature=youtu.be Short clip of standard Heli protocol
  5. So much no!! The whole concept of the game is immersion and realism (zombies are totally real man)
  6. mphilippa

    Remove that obsolete blood system.

    ^^ brilliant
  7. mphilippa

    bodyguards pllz help

    so much palm, in my face
  8. mphilippa

    DayZ Screenshots!

    I know its nothing special, but finally managing to fix and fuel a car after a year of playing was a big moment for me.
  9. mphilippa

    I am THE Bandit.

    Until you have emptied someones backpack while they are alive and fill it with TP then you are no bandit sir :P #yolo swaggins
  10. The main point now that has changed is probably the infection from zeds and water. If you get hit by zeds you have a chance of getting an infection (or it could only be viral zeds that give you infection?), and if you don't boil water you have a chance of getting an infection. Use antibiotics to cure infection, if you can find any
  11. mphilippa


    What country are you from?
  12. mphilippa

    Looking for Some New Player to Teach!

    Good to see players keen to pass on the skills of the wilderness. Been trying to do the same thing lately. My friends moved on to other games so I have been trying to teach newer players. Message if you need help etc.
  13. I've been playing this game for almost two years and while I don't claim to be an expert, I have my moments. My longest survival was 267 days and I died when I glitched at the NWAF. Got stuck on the bench in the barracks with zed agro :( I play as a Hero or survivalist usually, trying to help other players and avoid bandits. I don't go out of my way to kill players but depending on the situation will act with force where needed. I used to play with friends but they have stopped playing recently so I am looking for any new players that I can teach how to play and hopefully find a good team mate. Message me if you are keen.
  14. mphilippa

    looking for partner in day Z

    What countries servers do you play on? I'm looking for the same thing but I live in AUS
  15. mphilippa

    Looking for experienced players

    What country are you from? I'm looking for a group or wingman etc for AUS or NZ
  16. mphilippa

    Lone Wolf looking for a pack

    What servers are you on? as in country
  17. Looking for player/s on AUS or NZ servers to join up with. Experienced or new players welcome. I have been playing for over a year and would be willing to teach new players.
  18. I have zero blood and keep passing out etc and it will not let me heal. Pretty sure my player glitched as I also got transported to the coast randomly. Long story short, I want someone to have my gear so it doesn't go to waste. http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/mphilippa/media/Gear_zps3ebf546e.jpg.html
  19. mphilippa

    Free G36 Camo

    I have a G36 camo with plenty of mags plus heaps of other random items/tools etc. I have glitched and it will not let me heal myself with blood bags/meat so I am going to kill myself but it seems a waste of a good weapon. If anyone wants it please reply, cheers
  20. mphilippa

    Free G36 Camo

    Fair request sir http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r686/mphilippa/Gear_zps3ebf546e.jpg
  21. mphilippa

    Free G36 Camo

    really not haha I have zero blood, if i try and move I pass out. Obviously it could easily be a trap but just trying to share the loot
  22. A: Michael B: Next to zero blood, passing out every 10sec C: 67, 115 in the trees north of the powerlines D: g36 Camo, normal skin
  23. Check out pccasegear.com, they do pretty good prices on most things and have a decent range of all parts. If you haven't bought the graphics card yet, should have a look at the Radeon 7870 but it comes down to personal preference ultimately.
  24. Currently up to day 253. kitted out with all the tools etc and always keep my M4 for its versatility. Usually try and avoid unnecessary combat but lately I think I want to start hunting down snipers around Cherno and Elektro. My long life may end pretty soon I think haha
  25. mphilippa

    Average life expectancy?

    Realised the other day that I must be getting close to breaking a record. Up to 253 days alive. I usually play about 3 hours most days and stick to the midlands hunting and trying to find other players to help (or kill if they are hostile).