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Everything posted by spartanxapathy

  1. spartanxapathy

    Item loot spawn

    I remember that stream. On his more recent one he visits a few of those houses and said something about how he needs to check on those places. Thanks for setting this up on the tracker however, will be nice when we have all the loot spawns we should :)
  2. spartanxapathy

    Item loot spawn

    On the construction site, you can't always see items on the top floor, but if you keep your inv open and move around you'll find items. Its like treasure hunting in DayZ
  3. spartanxapathy

    Neutral safe zones that physically prevent combat

    Gotta get that rare drop bro
  4. spartanxapathy

    Neutral safe zones that physically prevent combat

    if you want a safe zone, make it, keep it safe yourself.
  5. spartanxapathy

    addition of tents.

    While I am not really worried about when they come in, they will when dev team is ready, I used to do the same thing in the mod. I actually didn't mind a Kamenka spawn because I could just east of the western debug area and camps all over the place. Kitted and someone else did all the work :)
  6. spartanxapathy

    My first brushfire (and combat log)...

    You are fine man, nothing wrong with what you did. A combat logger would have logged as soon as possible, you put space and time between yourself and him. Honestly, I respect that you realized you were out positioned and got out of there. Also, good read.
  7. Pretty much. That's generally how my group operates as well. Depending on the person we run into we may give him food/water, tell him where stuff is, or we may take everything and send them on their way. Sometimes we shoot, just not usually unprovoked in some way.
  8. spartanxapathy

    What is 5 Meters?

    Seems accurate as far as fall damage goes IMHO. Maybe not instant death off the crane, but shortly after with no immediate medical attention.
  9. spartanxapathy

    What is 5 Meters?

    ^ Beat me to it. :beans:
  10. spartanxapathy

    Would you approach me or KOS?

    I would probably not KoS, I would however, ask you kindly to remove your stupid hat or risk death.
  11. spartanxapathy


    Well that escalated quickly. OT: I was thinking there should be (much later ofc) lootable items such as guitars, so when we are sitting around camp fires at night we can play some music, shortly before the campfire is spotted and the group dies.
  12. spartanxapathy

    Fully Kitted M4?

    With the right attachments and on semi, it can be quite accurate actually.
  13. spartanxapathy

    To all of those who yell ALPHA at any sort of suggestion

    Thanks for the laugh mate.
  14. spartanxapathy

    New Boonie!`

  15. spartanxapathy

    Why did he just sit down?

    Then he is playing the wrong damn game isn't he? You should to expect to be shot from anywhere, at any time. Can't deal with that, play something else. Ah shit, what was this thread about again? Play styles? Nah. I think it was something else, but I forgot.
  16. spartanxapathy

    Why did he just sit down?

    What's that? Combat Logging as soon as you take fire? Yeah, that is lame. If he wants to shoot at people, he can, at least he isn't quitting the game when something happens to him.
  17. spartanxapathy

    Am I a Combat Logger?

    Yup, that was pretty much my rule of thumb as well. Your fine man, they shouldn't have waited 30 minutes if there was still someone there.
  18. spartanxapathy


    Makes me think of City Life. You could go out thru the floor of the bank and out a grate if you robbed it.
  19. spartanxapathy

    Server Hopping > Critical problems

    It's 5 minutes, grab a drink, a smoke, read a magazine article. It's really not that long. QQ
  20. spartanxapathy

    Why did he just sit down?

    Well, with your whopping 3 post's I can see how you are the authority here. KoSing and Banditry are 2 different things, also, who gives a shit what category you put people in. "KOS BANDIT SNIPER" lolol.
  21. spartanxapathy

    Why did he just sit down?

    I agree with this. Apparently anyone that shoots at anyone is a "butthumper"... interesting. What you should have done Kage was yell "Friendly" 73 times and ran around him in circles asking if he wanted to be best friends.
  22. spartanxapathy

    A tool to simplify reporting dodgy servers

    Actually there are quite a few servers that simply do not follow the rules. You are renting a server with the knowledge that you have to run them a certain way for the time being. I don't know how many times in the past few weeks the server miraculously restarted 30-45 seconds after I get into a gun fight and get a kill. Shit is stupid and lame. This isn't Pay-To-Win Stories like that other game. Just because you rented a server doesn't give you the right to be a dick. Especially when you are hosting a PUBLIC hive.
  23. Pretty sure just a hotfix for the FPS drops.
  24. spartanxapathy

    I want to be a HERO!

    This dude knows whats up. Follow his advise.
  25. spartanxapathy

    More Zeds

    They are getting better, I've seen some track around/thru houses and fences.