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Redrick (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Redrick (DayZ)

  1. Redrick (DayZ)

    Day Z Wallpapers

    Alright yo, check it. You take that guy from The Road, then write "DayZ" above it. BAM, my new wallpaper
  2. Should of gotten a screenshot of him "paraphrasing" kicking you. Not saying you did it, but I could easily just take a picture of me getting kicked from a server and saying it was this guy, and why.
  3. Redrick (DayZ)

    Rockets jar of tears

    I am proud to present the amount of tears accumulated thus far into the life span of DayZ. How many more jars do we need?! YOU DECIDE!
  4. Redrick (DayZ)

    Some inspiration from S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

    I don't think you could so far as to add anomolies and artifacts, but no doubt you could add things like "creatures" in the forests in the wild. Not like packs of them like zombies, but perhaps spawn 10...beings similar to that of the bloodsucker to spawn on the map. These beings are powerful, with lots of health, but they are so rare they are almost never seen. I can't even think of a design, maybe just an oversized bear to keep the realistic feel?
  5. Look back at his hotfix. He acknowledges that he knows that the temp is imbalanced, and the infection thing is imbalanced. He knows the wood spawn is broke, the patch hasn't even been out a full day but he is getting his head torn off. You should only complain if he states something like "Temperature is remaining what it is, so is wood, and so is infection, deal with it".
  6. Redrick (DayZ)

    How does one add a signature?

    Weird, thanks blackfuse.
  7. Redrick (DayZ)

    How does one add a signature?

    See, I tried that. I go to edit signature, then I put in the html code blackfuse gave, and I get this.
  8. Redrick (DayZ)

    How does one add a signature?

    Hmm let me see here...
  9. Redrick (DayZ)

    I just have to ask

    And don't forget the feeling after you have a close call and kill the person attacking you, and how for a good hour or so afterwards you cant think straight.
  10. Redrick (DayZ)

    I just have to ask

    I thought I was alone, this REALLY pleases me :) Doesn't make me think I have some sort of birth defect or disease.
  11. Redrick (DayZ)

    Help me understand.

    Think of it this way, even IF the story about self defense is true, imagine what they have gone through since being changed to the bandit skin. All they have encountered is outright hostility from survivors and other bandits alike, they've chosen to adapt to their environment biding a very hostile one even more so because their skin. So don't trust him, shoot on sight.
  12. Redrick (DayZ)

    I'm a bandit already?!

    Solid, dont sweat it. In the next patch bandit skin is being removed.
  13. Redrick (DayZ)

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    This is good news, sort of a wild card I think, this will end in one of two results: 1. Players will shoot EVERYONE they meet on sight... 2. Players will be more inclined to team up, and less intimidated by what someone looks like Obviously the initial greeting of 2 players will be as thin as ever, but this will give all those "self defense" bandits another shot.
  14. Sorry if it's already been asked, but what kind of RP do you guys do? Like campfire chilling and story telling or what?
  15. Redrick (DayZ)

    DayZ Stories

    Great work Cluis, twas a good art and read! Got my first bandit kill, down to 3k of blood I logged back in Chern. Found some stairs to the factory, a dead bandit sits at the top, I turn to find another prone to my right. He fires off a round, missing me, I aim and pop a round into the fuckers head. He dies, I win beans. A small but good victory, fucking asshole bandits.
  17. Redrick (DayZ)

    Anyone else found their own...

    Some castle way inland, I've only seen it once, but it was so off the beaten path that I imagine only a handful of players have seen it.
  18. Redrick (DayZ)

    Time to join the dark side.

    Unfortunatly I am getting to this point to, I really sincerely try to help newer players, and just help other people in general but when a situation like the following happens I am beginning to just consider shoot on sight: Side Chat: REDRICK YOU FRIENDLY? Me: Yes Side Chat: Coming to you now, we'll help you (Im being attacked by 6 zombies) Me: Awesome thanks The two bastards arrive, and proceed to put a round in my head. Why even announce yourself if your just going to kill me.
  19. Redrick (DayZ)

    Playing dead...

    I think it'd be neat if one could like the sit animation actually do the "dead" animation. It'd give players a nice rush to be able to have a chance at the one that attempted to kill them. Or even, just in a group vs group firefight stand a chance for survival.
  20. Redrick (DayZ)

    Playing dead...

    Well this is why it's a suggestion, down the line when the debug monitor wont be needed and a more updated version is put in it's place.
  21. Redrick (DayZ)

    Why kill yourself?

    So I spawn in Electro, walk a few meters, come across the school (I think it is). I hear flies, so oh boy, some loot. I make my way to the top of the roof where the body is, and square in the middle, slightly off the edge is a body. On this body are: -Alice pack -Matches -Hunting knife -Winchester x5 ammo mags -Compass -Map All this good starting gear, I try studying but its unknown. Now im wondering, why did this guy die? He wasn't killed by zombies, he had way to much ammo to let that happen. He didn't die from food or lack of water, 3 cans of pepsi, and 2 canteens filled. And I don't think he was shot, any person in their right mind would go and take his stuff. So, any idea what happened to this guy, or why? It was a lucky break I guess on my part, but yeah.
  22. Redrick (DayZ)

    Playing dead...

  23. Redrick (DayZ)

    Low texture models?

    Now before you ask: -I do own Arma 2 -I do own Arma 2 OA -I just bought Arma 2 PMC pack This are all off of steam, and legally. Now, why is it that even though my settings are on high, the models still look like poop? I bought the PMC, now after its installed and in my library all I have to do for it to take effect in game is just right click OA and click "Launch Combined Op's" right? Any help is appreciated, thanks.
  24. Redrick (DayZ)

    Low texture models?

    Alright, check out my previous message. Did I do it right? and thanks
  25. Redrick (DayZ)

    Low texture models?

    Wait, so for the high res models to work I need the british pack to? And thanks! Sorry for double post, but here is my main menu. Would you say its enabled? At the bottom it says the PMC logo...