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About Petrollium

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. This is my single biggest complaint about the standalone. I'm close to redownloading the mod for this reason. I'm not asking for pity or anything. Just facts, or even opinions. Apparently, with this new exp update, the server fps is where the devs want it to be. So, think they'll start adding more infected? This is a deal breaker for me. I love lone wolfing. I love just surviving. I try to avoid other people like the plague. Its just how I play. Without zombies (or respawning loot which is another story altogether but let's just focus on the REASON the game world is the way it is {lore wise}) I end up logging off after running around for five minutes. I don't even care that the zombies suck at the moment. If the devs could just increase the infected count by ~10 times, the game would be much, much better IMO. Right now, fighting in a town carries zero repercussions, aside from the danger of encountering another player. With more infected, people WOULD think twice about firing their AKM (the dinnerbell 2.0) due to being swarmed by the infected. Ammo would become more precious and looting towns wouldn't be so easy. Right now you spawn in, sprint into the nearest town, loot and repeat. With more zombies, the amount of time spent in game would increase as you wouldn't be able to sprint into town, grab everything you need and sprint out. It trivializes the entire experience. Zero infected make dayZ lameZ.
  2. Petrollium

    Admin privileges and server time rant

    @doxholiday if you're going to research me at least research 100% don't pull the info that supports your point and no one elses. I posted that on the mod. Over a year ago. Back when, in the mod, hacking was rampant and playing a full play session on a populated server was impossible due to thunder domes and rabbits spawning crates for everyone. Lrn2notbias. I have zero issue with clans. What I take issue with is the kids who rent servers just to farm loot and more likely than not, its a clan server. I bet dox is under 18. God damn dude. Way to pick and choose what to read. Next time I post something, unless you read everything, don't post. YOU can go now. Anyways, yes I'm mad. I'm sorry Admins don't have the opportunity to control the server as they wish. I was unaware of the inability to set correct start and restart times, etc. You can't blame me for thinking the contrary (that admins were abusing power) I learned that admins abuse power from... guess who? Admins. Why should I think any differently.
  3. Server admins have already demonstrated (in the mod) that, if given ANY power they try to make the game "easier", "more playable" and "what their community wants" in turn, ruins the overall DayZ experience. If you go back and watch some of Rocket's streams hes more than excited to babble on about the new lights! The "community" hates it and flips the off switch. Who the HELL wants to play DayZ during the day. All. The. Time. Every single one of you server admins are ruining the experience by turning nights off. It loses the reality of it for me, to have the sun in the same place on every facking server. I LOVE playing at dusk. The time crunch to get supplies before dark really adds to the near non-existant atmosphere of the game. (Let's face it, there's entirely too much color and the game is too happy and bright. Also, the server admins, yet again, ruin the experience by making it sunny all the time too - by the way, over 130 hours logged and have yet to see it rain, thanks admins!) Is it that hard to just rent a DayZ server and not screw with it? All the server admins out there complaining about having certain privileges taken away from you need to stop and look around. You did it to yourselves. You're doing it to yourselves. Look at the pathetic excuses for server admins who host servers just to farm loot. Its incredibly pathetic. I'm going to love life when server time is hive controlled and admins cant have passwords, are unable to kick people (because they aren't in your fancy, weak, "guild") and no fucking donor load outs < for god's sake this is even worse than 24/7 day you money grubbing pansies. /endrant tldr; Rocket, the same community that you are making the game for, is ruining your game. Admins should have ZERO privileges over the average user in their server.The only tools in game should be a restart button and maybe an official "this guy is hacking" command/button. Please don't give too much control to the guys. Look what happened to the mod: TDM? I think not, this is muthafackin DayZ you CoD kiddies! /doubleendrant /startquestion Does anyone know of a 1st Person Only, Weather enabled, 24 hour day/night cycle server with an on average of 10+ people online?!?!
  4. I recently purchased an i5 4670k and landed on a stable overclock of 4.4 (Noctua air cooled). I ran DayZ every 200-300 MHz increase while overclocking and stress testing and total I went from 38-39 FPS outside of cities to 39-40 FPS outside of cities. My frames drop to the low 30s in Cherno. My rig is fairly decent I feel and though I'm not unhappy with my FPS it could use some help. I haven't edited an inis yet and would rather not kill my object render distance but maybe that's what it would take. i5 4670k @ 4.4 GHz HD 6950 2GB reference (stock clocks) Kingston 8GB 2x4 @ 1600 Antec HCG 620 watt PSU I'm willing to OC my GPU and have tried a couple times but MSI and CCC conflict together so... brilliantly that it makes it very difficult. I feel I'm going to break something.
  5. Petrollium

    Fps going down after time

    My guess would be temps. Grab Coretemp or something like it and watch your cpu temps. Monitoring GPU temps would be a good idea too. Turn your settings down for sure. You may be stressing your system too much. Could use a new cpu and gpu.
  6. Petrollium

    Not Many zeds in SA?

    Idk man. It looks clunky in the vids but performs flawlessly in practice.
  7. Petrollium

    New Server - Hardcore

    1st person? I'm in.
  8. Petrollium

    Not Many zeds in SA?

    They usually get a few smacks in before you're able to kill them with a melee. Best I've been able to pull off yet is only taking a single hit before killing the mindless wretch. They are very sparse but I attribute that to server stability - they'll gradually increase the amount until servers become unstable or the zombie pop is solid. A lot of people were complaining about the clunkiness of melee. I think its perfect. It also seems that zed damage is turned way down compared to 1.8. I've been hit a total of 8 or 9 times and I'm still all gravy. Just got my feedback to say my wounds are clean. :)
  9. Petrollium

    Searching for help on crashing

    This happens to me too. Sasquatcho, gotten anywhere? Has anyone gotten anywhere in relation to this issue? I made a video of what happens....
  10. Petrollium

    dayz goes crazy

    Well still experiencing the issue. I emailed bi support and they seem to think its a software conflict... any way I can stress test my HDD and recreate the issue?
  11. Petrollium

    dayz goes crazy

    Well still experiencing the issue. I emailed bi support and they seem to think its a software conflict... any way I can stress test my HDD and recreate the issue?
  12. Petrollium

    New DayZ Loot Spawn Locations??

    did you not see i said around and around the house I went? these a new. its claiming that rubble piles have loot spawns. have you ever found loot in a rubble pile? I know loot spawns in sheds. click on some of the dots and it shows a picture of the building that contains the loot. this is for sure a new thing i kinda just wanted confirmation instead of trolls.
  13. Whats up with www.dayzdb.com/map Showing static, broken down cars and weird houses carrying loot. WHere are these spawns? I run around the house like 6 times and see nothing. What about the static cars... where does their residential loot spawn? pics or locations would be nice. I swept through the changelogs and didnt find anything.
  14. Petrollium

    dayz goes crazy

    Thanks for reply. I ran lifeguard diagnostics last night and I passed with zero errors. I'm running fur mark right now to see if I can replicate it... I also just ccleaned my registry. It was pretty bad... over 75 errors.
  15. BUMP... I have an open thread, this exact same thing is happening to me and I continue to post to myself. Need assist!!!