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Everything posted by thorgold

  1. thorgold

    Alert Trap

    Search bar, dude.
  2. thorgold

    End game content idea

    Wow. Three posts and the thread already got derailed into a discussion of RDD:UN's similarity to DayZ. As for endgame HAHAHAHAHAno. DayZ isn't a "game," per say. There is no story. There's no tutorial. There is no "end game," because there's no "start" or "start." A survivor who's been alive for three minutes has the same skills and abilities as one with a jeep and a DMR. Hell, most of my lives end without me ever finding a non-Winchester primary, and I have a week average. There can't be any areas that are "inaccessible" (i.e. for longer-lasting survivors only) to other players. Does the apocalypse have a level cap, and keep all the greenhorns out of the super-secret military bases? Sure, there should be some variety and difficulty variance, but nothing on the scale you're implying. Cherno is the personification of our endgame. It's dangerous as FUCK to go there, but there's loot and challenge.
  3. thorgold

    A new reason to play

  4. thorgold

    A new reason to play

    You make your own purpose. It's a sandbox, not a campaign. Why are you playing? It's up to you - Freeside gets its kicks by organizing trades. Some clans organize vehicle operations. A bunch of guys I was with a few weeks ago organized a battle royale in Cherno. There won't be any set "story" for DayZ - it's not authentic. Zombie apocalypse hits and you're a survivor - does that mean you're now on a mission to find the origin of the virus and save t3h world? No, it means you're on a mission to survive and do whatever the hell you want in postapocalyptic Russia.
  5. thorgold

    What about adding AH-6X.

    The Little Bird IS in the game - just like Huey's are. They were in a pre-alpha build, but were removed due to balance/TEH DESYNC issues.
  6. thorgold

    DayZ Memes

    Uh, wut?
  7. thorgold

    Just saw this on Memebase

    Nice find! Note that we DO have a meme thread, already, if you find anything else good.
  8. thorgold

    Flashlights, Night, Hatchet, Ammo, Loot

    1) The military flashlight is a night-vision preserving flashlight only meant to allow you to read maps, not light up your path. The red light doesn't fry the rods in your eyes so you can maintain no-light navigation, but still be able to see when you need to read a map or note. It's not MEANT for navigation. Also, why throw it out? There's plenty of room on your tool belt, and it's... just as useful as the other flashlight (0 use is equal to 0 use), if not more so (less attention) 2) It's part of the ArmA lighting engine, can't be fixed. Turn up gamma or wait for the moon to rise - your "night out" was probably lit up by far-off lights and the moon, even if the difference wasn't detectable. 3) Then keep your hatchet out while in the city instead of a rifle you know you can't use. 4) You won't find Remington or 2rnd ammo in deerstands - you can find M1014 (which can be converted), but no 1886. Also, that just means' your SOL as for loot. Did you make sure to let everything spawn before you entered? Server desync can cause a delay on spawning zombies and loot, if you enter before it registers that you're in looting distance/time it won't spawn. 5) It took me two weeks to find my first matchbook. Rare means rare, the only reason NVGs and uber-rare equipment is relatively common is because it's rare enough for people to bother duping it. Deal with the lack of materials and survive - can't find matchbooks? Tough, gotta keep finding cans. Can't find a compass? Better learn how to navigate with the sun.
  9. thorgold

    Green Mountain.

    Bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, and login object render bug. You'll run into the same crap everywhere else, but "Haunted field at 063056" doesn't carry the same ring as "Haunted Green Mountain"
  10. Frankly, I try not to use waypoints. Ruins the fun of orienteering :D
  11. thorgold


    The server reset times are variable and determined by the owners. There's zero possibility of this happening - its just not within the powers of Rocket to do. As equally possible would be a clock saying when the Green Line bus in Chicago reaches 3rd Street - sure, it'd be possible, but that sort of information isnt necessarily Rockets business. If you want that info, go to the host website and see if they list it.
  12. thorgold


    I only doubt the conclusion that he's a troll that no one could act that stupid. There's troll stupid, then there's stupid stupid. There's a limit to the inanity that a sane mind can simulate. Let's just let it drop. He's clearly incapable of comprehending basic logic or the concept of failure. We know why this idea won't happen, anyone who reads the topic will know why this idea won't happen, it's just Massicor left who's deluded enough to continue the argument. He can sit in his little fantasy world as far as I care at this point.
  13. thorgold


    730 views doesn't mean it's widely supported. "Friday" has several hundred million views, and we all know how popular Rebecca Black is. I would legitimately like to see you respond to an argument without handwaving. Just once. I refuse to think that a human mind can be completely dereft of reason. So answer this. What would keep this mechanic from being banned in countries such as Australia, given the fact that other games featuring similar mechanics (Fallout 3, Fallout NV, even L4D2) have been banned?
  14. thorgold

    suggestion on pve coop

    Yes, we still do. In fact, come to Devil's Castle all this weekend at UTC 2000-2400 if you have something to barter with! Anyway, no. Two reasons: 1) AI more complicated than the zombie scripts are technically impossible to implement without causing massive server load. The engine is already being pushed to the limit with 500 zombies, 50 players, and massive down/upload data movement. Additional AI with traditional soldier programming would practically crash the game (this is Rocket's explanation TO THE LAST TIME THIS WAS SUGGESTED) 2) No. There is no safe place, there is no PvE. This world is a sandbox that Rocket designs and we, the players, determine what's in it. We want safezones? We build them. We want to have PvP tournaments? We organize it (Freeside is doing a Battle Royale this Sunday). Want to stop bandits from shooting noobs? Organize a posse and stop them yourselves. There will NEVER be any mechanic put into the game that simulates what players themselves can do.
  15. thorgold

    Accelerated Day Night Cycle

    Technically impossible. When this was suggested a while back (SEARCH BAR), Rocket replied that accelerating the in-game time cycle messes with the loot and zombie spawn system. Therefore, we're stuck with a 1:1 timeflow until he feels like rewriting the entire source code segment for ArmA's day/night cycle.
  16. thorgold


    The penalty for the last suggestion of cannibalism was that you'd take a humanity hit. Rocket said it may be interesting in that regards, but then mentioned the whole "can't do it, Australia lol" thing. It may be hard to gauge "penalties" for something like cannibalism until humanity is unveiled again (Rocket said that there are still plans for it when he removed bandit skins). Additionally, avoid the term "penalty." That implies a hard-coded punishment for an in-game action that's arbitrary in nature (Cannibal perk: +50 to daily hunger. MY IMMERSION). Instead, there should just be a consequence that is inherently tied into the mechanic - such as Kuru (yes, Massicor put that in another thread), poisoning, etc. Nothing like "You're a cannibal so you emit an aura of evil to let players know to KoS." Though its still irrelevant since it can't happen anyway
  17. thorgold


    Somewhere, a logician is crying.
  18. thorgold

    Some suggestions

    The thing is, this is post apocalyptic. The folks you're killing were the first to die in the outbreak, but do you think they went down without attempting to survive, first? No - they ran to the supermarket, tipped over the shelves, grabbed food and such... then, they started dying. Joe Shmoe over there got bit while running off with his can of sardines, Jane Doe never made it back to her stash of supplies she hid in a warehouse. Sure, a lot of loot doesn't make sense, but you're not working in a world where humans just spontaneously turned into zombies, it's scattered about. Also, the randomization is already optimized so that food, water, and basic survival supplies do spawn more often in small towns and such. Even if I cycle the NWA for hours, I'm probably only gonna come up with one or two cans of beans and a few cans of soda, but I'll find thousands of guns and bullets. Likewise, I can cycle a supermarket for hours and find nothing but food, soda, and civilian handguns.
  19. While your intention is good, it's too imprecise. Here's why it would fail: 1) The direct relation between Time in Server and the "Sever Switch Penalty" (let's just cal it the Timer from this point on) doesn't make sense. If this is a solution to ghosting, wouldn't it be more logical to have an inverse relation? If I'm ghosting through another server to kill you, I'll be spending 3 minutes, tops, in the alternate dimension. If I'm playing in a server for three hours, it's unlikely that I've spent those three hours stalking someone on another server. The function should look more like "y=1/x," so that for smaller times spent in each server there's a greater waiting period to join another server. However, this is irrelevant, because... 2) It would punish people who server-hop for legitimate reasons. Sometimes I'll join a server that says it's daytime, but the owner is an idiot and it's pitch black. *DC, join another server* OH SHIT TANKS EVERYWHERE, THE HAX! *DC, join another server* Cripes, I'm getting desync every 5 seconds. *DC, join another server* Ad infinitum. I've had days where, quite literally, I jump between 7 servers because of various legitimate problems. Heck, sometimes I login, think "Oh crap, I forgot to do something" and log out, only to find my server full when I get back. Good idea, I just think it'd be too problematic to implement.
  20. thorgold

    Punishment for banditry?

    *Eye twitch*
  21. thorgold


    1) This just goes to show you don't actually read the posts you call "TROLLIN" or "FULL OF HOLES." Yes, two posts back I put up the following quote, taken from a month-old topic on cannibalism (that you would've found if you actually used the search bar) that Rocket posted in: Removing the animation would do jack shit. Australia is a very conservative nation when it comes to games ratings, just removing the animation wouldn't sway them. For reference, this is the country that banned Fallout 3 for months because morphine was included as a usable drug. Just removing the animation for cannibalism, and not removing the mechanic itself, would do nothing. 2) Irrelevant. The argument is synonymous with those saying that players need to start with guns because zombies kill them on spawn. The problem isn't that there isn't enough food, the problem is you not looking in the right places. If, for example, you spawn at Berezino and starve to death while running to Elektro to look for food, the problem isn't that there was no food... it's that you're an idiot. 3) Again, irrelevant. Supposed "depth" for gameplay doesn't justify A) cutting the game off from an entire region or B) spending time on an arbitrary mechanic when other ideas could be implemented or bugs fixed.
  22. ^ This. Meat is the best way, hands down, to restore your blood while soloing. Only thing is you need all your survival gear (some of which is fairly rare) to make a fire - hatchet (common as hell), knife (less common, but still easy), matches (NVGS ARE EASIER, DANGIT)
  23. thorgold


    Speak for yourself. In reply to every post I've made, you just say "stick to the topic." Since you obviously can't be bothered to read an "off topic" post, here's a brief summary: 1) Why should we implement this suggestion when Rocket has himself said that such a mechanic would limit the game's availability? 2) Why should we implement this suggestion, given that food as a loot spawn is relatively common and survivors who are in a position to hunt other survivors for food are equally able to loot basic houses? 3) Why should cannibalism be implemented before less controversial and more logical concepts, such as eating wild food and produce?
  24. thorgold

    New Anti-Cheat system like this :

    The problem with this idea is that it's: 1) Too specific to one type of hack 2) Impossible The "screenshot to detect tags" is practically hand-detailed to detect people using detection hacks, and specific ones at that. This would do nothing to stop script hacks (what, will we check screenshots for helicopters and non-DayZ weapons?) and, therefore, does nothing that Battleeye doesn't already do. Furthermore, while OCR is interesting technology, it is extremely falible and creating a program to detect one specific type of hack would be a complete waste of time If I was a hacker and this was implemented, I'd just... turn off the tracker hack and only bring it up with a hotkey or suchNot only is the idea itself impractical, but even as a computer illiterate I can think of 20 ways to avoid it entirely.