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Everything posted by thorgold

  1. thorgold

    Hi need help

    Do you have Operation Arrowhead? Yes: You can play. BAF and PMC aren't used, except for hi-res textures for the camouflage skin. No: You can't play. Read the damn instructions on the main site. "You need ArmA 2 and Operation Arrowhead to play this mod."
  2. thorgold

    Zeroing with an AK?

    Yes, the AKM can zero. No, it's not a bug - most weapons in RL can be zeroed. In ArmA, however, only the AKM can be zeroed of all the iron-sighted ARs (for some reason or another).
  3. thorgold

    How do i use the flashlight?

    First, remove it from your toolbelt so that it's in your secondary weapon slot (will push out any pistol you have there, so be careful). Then, equip the flashlight and press "L." Protip: Gamma is a better way to see at night, and flashlights will give away your position. They are good for signalling, though, since it can be seen from a good ways off.
  4. thorgold

    Admin of server: US 216

    I'm getting pissed, too. They're resetting every 6 hours or so, and now one of my vehicles got despawned. WITH MY BOX OF MATCHES, DAMMIT. ...weird that I'm more upset about the matches than the tractor.
  5. thorgold

    To whomever parked the URAL...

    Pretty sure you found the original spawn. Might wanna go back and claim that shit :D
  6. The only reason I'm not a bandit is because I've only come across other survivors that have no weapons. I won't shoot spawners - why waste the ammo on good zombie bait? - but anyone with a weapon is fair game. My RoE: 1. If unknowns are aware of presence, KoS. Do not pursue, and make attempts to retreat if possible. 2. If unknowns are unaware of presence, fall back. Do not engage. It's worked for me. I'd rather run and live than fight and possibly die. Currently have escaped a few dozen encounters. Most importantly, I'm still alive.
  7. I generally define "bandit" as someone who will conscientiously see a survivor, take stock of the survivor's gear, and decide "I want his shit" and kill him. Banditry, by my definition, is centered on gear theft and personal gain. People who kill out of paranoid KoS are just "Cynics" People who kill for fun are just "Psychos." Sure, it's not canon terminology, but it helps my rage if I can justify someone's murder.
  8. thorgold


    Given the fact you were looted before you got back, you were probably sniped through a window.
  9. thorgold

    M1911 or Revolver?

    Pretty much why I carry the revolver. The reload sound just on it's own pretty much seals the deal for me ;) Is there any difference to the rate of fire between the two ? Only problem I see (well hear) with the revolver' date=' is that after shooting you hear a shell dropping. It doesn't normally eject shells. [/quote'] Blame BI for that :\
  10. thorgold

    M1911 or Revolver?

    It's fairly 50/50. Both do the same amount of damage and use the same ammo. Consider the following: Revolver downfalls: 1. Slightly louder (negligibly so) 2. Slower fire rate (by about 33%) 3. 6 round capacity, M1911 has 7 round capacity Revolver upsides: 1. Larger effective range (100m to the M1911's 50m) 2. MUCH better iron sights (pointed front sight to the M1911's clunky flat front sight) 3. Slightly more accurate (range-appropriate zeroing and better sights) 4. Looks badass Both are one hit kills on any body part, so the choice comes down to whether you'll be using your sidearm at significant range. For longer-range accuracy, choose the revolver. For a more versatile, close-range defense weapon, the M1911 is your gun. As well, if you're going to rely on your sidearm for PvP at all, use the M1911 - the M1911 has a faster kill window due to its perfect semi-auto action (allowing for point-blank spam), but the revolver may screw you over if you need it to fling lead in a "We're both gonna hit each other, who takes more bullets" fight.
  11. thorgold

    The return of the cans(an Issue)

    While I have no problem with the current rate of junk spawn (if anything, it's low), I'd like to see more of a Fallout NV approach to junk loot. 90% of what you find is useless, but that 90% can be recycled into something badass.
  12. thorgold

    Dead Body De-Spawn Timer?

    Search function FTW, dude. Tents: 7 days (reset on use) / 3 days (after owner death) Cars: 2 days (reset on use) / 24 hours (if outside map) Loot piles: 30 minutes Player bodies: 15 minutes Zombies: 5 minutes
  13. thorgold

    Map for crashed helis (WIP)

    How so? Crash sites are randomized even more so than vehicle spawns. This map serves the same purpose as a loot map - here is where shit has a chance to spawn. This is even better than most loot maps because it deals with a subject that is impossible to exploit. Server hopping crash sites? Yah right. Anyone who follows this map to cover all the possible landings in order to camp them probably has the capacity to search for/snipe them, anyway. And the purpose of the game is, to paraphrase rocket, to "elicit genuine emotions/reactions from players." How does this defeat that purpose? Does knowing where the chopper may or may not spawn defeat the surprise and tension of looting it? Does it make the hills around the crash site less imposing and the seconds less nerve-wracking? Bugger off, you self-righteous twit.
  14. This is incredibly fishy.
  15. thorgold

    What the hell?

    It's sort of hard to feel bad for you when you got killed in a barn. Stairs + walking zombies + any damn gun = killfest. Even ammo's no excuse, a hatchet can handle zombies in a building no sweat, broken leg or not.
  16. Tents: 7 days (reset on use) Cars: 2 days (reset on use) Loot piles: 30 minutes Player bodies: 15 minutes Zombies: 5 minutes
  17. thorgold

    Prone invisible / no running

    1. While prone, you're visible from about 1 meter. If you move while prone, you're audible from about 1.5-2 meters. In context of most movement, you're pretty much invisible to the zeds - as long as you don't try and pick one's pocket, they won't spot you. At night, you're pretty much invisible no matter what you do, as visibility is reduced to .5m and you're only detected by noise. 2. The other posts have it down - you probably double tapped something (lean, sneak/run toggle, etc) that threw off your movement.
  18. thorgold

    Any friendly severs?

    Friendly as in no pvp? Doesn't (legally) exist.
  19. thorgold

    Luckiest loot you've discovered?

    Running around NE airfield, oh hey a G17 *BANG* Crap. *Respawn* Alright... no way I'm getting my gear, let's check this deer stand. *AK74 with three mags*
  20. thorgold

    Difference between SD and Non-SD bullets...

    Silenced guns (M4A1 SD, M9 SD, MP5SD) can only use the SD variant of their ammunition. SD rounds also have less of a "crack" when they pass the target (supersonic rounds can be heard whizzing past your head more easily, even if you don't hear the shot itself). Normal guns can use SD rounds normally.
  21. thorgold

    How do you add waypoints to map?

    You need to have a GPS to have waypoints that appear in your HUD. Shift-click the map to set a visible waypoint. Waypoints are only visible to your unique GPS, which means if someone picks it up they'll get your waypoint. Now, on maps, you can put markers. THOSE are visible to everyone in the game, and are added by pressing "M (map hotkey) -> Notes -> Double LMB"
  22. thorgold

    Daytime server

    Doesn't exist. Arma 2 uses a dynamic day/night cycle based on the server's set time zone. The only thing you can do is join a server that has a timezone different than its location - like a Chicago server (UTC -5) running at UTC +7 time (which would make its day/night cycle completely reverse). It's a good idea to have one home server that runs your local time and another that has reverse time. That way you can play day at any time if night is too annoying to use (though keep in mind that the moon is in cycle, too, full moon is a beast to play under).