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Everything posted by azimov

  1. azimov

    should they roll back the update?

    Rocket is working on a hotfix for the spawnproblems and the like. Within 48 hours he said, so calm down.
  2. azimov

    Leaderboards as replay ability

    I hope they bring "hours survived" back. Since the point of the game is survival this would make sense. It would also give people some sort of endgame goal to strife for without having to resort to non immersive game mechanics.
  3. Holy moly. That's some pants-staining material right there. Here's the direct link to the video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_41gZx09KVI&feature=player_embedded#!
  4. azimov

    Is the M4A1 Holo SD legit?

    The loot tables and wikis aren't official so don't use them as a definite source. I think Rocket has stated a few times that if it has an icon/image in the inventory it is in DayZ
  5. azimov

    Standing up from Prone when looting

    Make sure you have your primary weapon equiped, you'll stay prone while looting.
  6. azimov

    PKP in DAYZ cheat or legal?

    DayZ singleplayer does use all of the DayZ MP code no?
  7. YES Basically because of the pros you have outlined - the pros outweigh the cons vastly.
  8. This was in a readme file, don't know what purpose it serves or whether this gives an indication of what guns are in the game.
  9. Did you get to talk to them over direct chat? I always feel that people are less likely to betray you when you've heard eachother's voice. When you're simply typing to eachother to communicate there's still that anonimity that makes people more comfortable to "betray" you.
  10. azimov

    More filter options for servers

    Just type in the version number in the "host" field.
  11. Please don't give away his personal info. Most of the time innocent people become victims of the ensuing witchhunts. But please sue him to the full extent of law. People who do this kind of shit think they can get away with it all too often.
  12. Standoff at Krasnotsav Control Tower Don't mind the excessive reloading and the poor tactical decisions. My body was stiff of adrenaline.
  13. azimov

    You were kicked from game

    Redownloading just the code file seems to have done the trick. Weird.
  14. azimov

    You were kicked from game

    Same here - I get kicked as soon as I see the playerlist. Weird.
  15. I call them bulletcontainerthingys.
  16. azimov

    Tip - Peripheral Dots

    Something alot of people haven't noticed yet on their hud. But can be very usefull.
  17. And thus, civilisation regains it's grip on mankind.
  18. azimov

    Tape #11: 05-21-2012

    Excellent stuff.
  19. azimov

    M9 or makarov...

    I also think I pooped a little.
  20. azimov

    M9 or makarov...

    The title wasn't really referring to the gun that killed me. It was more a dig at me taking my merry time to make a choice between my makarov and the M9 that was in the deer stand. But I was very curious for the killer's gun as well. Sounded brutal.
  21. Seconded. I'd love to know how to do this.