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Sol (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Sol (DayZ)

  1. A lot of the rest of us too that too... take this game seriously, etc... we get FLAMED over it though because we aren't a "pretty girl". Goes to show how much you people have self-important double standards... like she's going to sleep with you for being nice instead of being the assholes most of this community really is. I applaud you OP for thinking outside the shitty little box most of the players here seem to linger in. *EDIT* Just to clarify, I'm not saying that you are like that Kalle... just a lot of people here in general ~Sol
  2. Sol (DayZ)

    Best places to set up a camp/base

    Not on a HIVE severed, private server :3 ~Sol
  3. OH fucking LOL xD I'm amazed at how many people think OP is serious... I mean, I know that sarcasm can be hard to detect sometimes but shit guys... brain dead much? ~Sol
  4. You're so clever. This happens on like, every board I've been on for the last 15 years. I'm glad you hate it... it means I win :) Deal with it. So I've been messing around on a private server, and apart from the usual DayZ bugs and unreliable MySQL data trafficking... I have to say I'm enjoying not being skiddied. No more carpet bombing, teleporting, or insta-death. I can finally enjoy the game, though I do miss the bandits :/ For me right now though, I'm happy enough with that trade-off... who knows I might invite some of you bandit types to play, just to liven things up a bit. ~Sol
  5. Sol (DayZ)

    So it is true. It really is.

    Hahaha I love the overtone, OP... have some beans :3 ~Sol
  6. Every time I see this, I simply close the whole game and open it again... and the problem goes away (at least for a while). It's supposedly to do with a leak in video memory for the engine. If a restart doesn't fix it... how much VRAM does your card have? Maybe it's not enough? :/ That's.... the glitch.... ~Sol
  7. Thank you for the support! :D ~Sol
  8. Sol (DayZ)

    Interacting with vehicles

    NOTE: If you can't enter the vehicle, then it's non-repairable. Some cars are just totally burned out and fucked... those can't be fixed. ~Sol
  9. I wasn't having a tantrum.... I was mocking him. @TheOCD Agreed in all aspects. Thanks for stopping by to post :) ~Sol
  10. You bring up a good point with clothing, however I can think of several things that people would pay money for... like a camo Alice pack for example, or special boots that make less noise. I guess we aren't really discussing that here, but it would to have a brain storm about that to see what models might be able to work nicely. I know there's a thread about that already but it's full of "crap" posts (what a surprise!) and hardly worth trying to contribute too. I think having the separate HIVE setup for non-standalone would be fine... there would be no need to "recombine". Once the bugs and problems areironed out, and the standalone engine has been hacker-proofed, it can go back to the HIVE system leaving the old "DayZ Beta" to the private crowd. ~Sol
  11. Fucking awesome. Thanks for taking the time to do that... it illustrates my view perfectly. The only downside really to private servers is that, it slightly cuts the immersion because random people aren't going to be there to jump out of a bush and gank you. True and point taken. I guess I hate to see him waste any more time on something that is going to be superceeded by a new engine or standalone version. I think most people would be happy enough to call this complete but I could be wrong. Well, not to give away my ideas... but people love looking unique. If you made clothing a micro transaction purchasable item, it wouldn't affect the game as such (in terms of unfair balance etc) but people would pay loads just to look different. Obviously clothing of this nature would "respawn" with your player, as it would be the default look of your character. Well as I said, it would be a temporary measure, or for people who simply don't want to play in a public environment. If it wasn't for the hackers and such, I would never have even brought this up since I wouldn't have a problem with the HIVE system at all. I think it's a great idea... for the future. ~Sol
  12. If you're happy with the hackers, then again... I'm not forcing you to go anywhere else. I personally dislike it enough to want private servers. I think there are enough other people, also fed up with it, to warrant this. ~Sol
  13. Random generation yields unpredictable and often ugly results. It would need to be procedurally generated, which takes a long time to make nice algorythms, especially if you want nice variations in structure design (otherwise it ends up looking a little copypasta). Again, these types of things are ideal, I just can't them happening in the time frame that Rocket has outlined with standalone unless of course, he's been doing stuff without telling us. I'm fairly certain though that he's busy working on the current mod and not secretly working on standalone. Honestly, he has already proven that this mod has merit... He should call it a complete feature set now, move to beta, fix the bugs then move on to standalone. The "experiment" has already taken place, and has proven the value of the project. Anything from now on, is not really an experiment any more... On the note of subscription, I do agree there needs to be some form of payment being made to maintain. I'm not entirely convinced a subscription is the only way to go, rather a micro income system would probably also work. Giving the game away free, and allowing people to play for free, but having a "shop" where items can be purchased for real money. One thing I do agree about a subscription though is, it wouldn't cause any imbalance in the game (like being able to buy a high powered military grade weapon for real money, that's better than any other gun in the game, etc). doing so however might eliminate a large player base (mostly kids, so I don't really care) but keeping it free would broaden the demographic massively. ~Sol
  14. Hey I agree that getting help in the long run isn't a bad idea... I'm sure he could use all the help he could get. Making a larger map is, I think, still going to be a massive undertaking that will take a lot longer than most people realise. This would easily be the biggest challenge in making the terrain different enough without simply repeating Chernarus over and over again, rotating the map each time to give "variety". I'm all for private servers... since I'd no longer be at the mercy of abusive admins, inattentive admins, greifers and hackers. ~Sol
  15. Because you replied with valid points. Thank you for that, but yes still... it doesn't address the fact that by allowing private servers and private HIVE systems, at least temporarily... it will solve 90% of the complaints and problems from 90% of the user base, I figured this out pretty fast... sadly I was hoping for more, but I was sorely mistaken. ~Sol
  16. By completely dismissing the fact that the HIVE is currently not working. I never said it couldn't be fixed... but it need to be re-routed at least for now. The hackers are destroying this game, and by dumping MANDATORY participation to the HIVE will almost 100% eliminate the problem. ~Sol
  17. HOW IS THIS FUCKING RELEVANT TO MY THREAD?!?! My thread isn't about "how to make a HIVE server work" it's about how broken the game engine is, and how HACKERS are using the HIVE to FUCK EVERYONE. OH MY GOD! ~Sol
  18. This 1000x You should go make a thread about it, and watch the ensuing irony of dumb posts and people actually trying to defend shitty behaviour. I said something yesterday along the lines of, you actions (even though anonymous) still have real impact on people... the people on the receiving end of your "boredom" are real, and the behaviour affects the victim on the same level as being spat on.... and someone said I was WRONG! What the fuck is this shit-hole planet we live on becoming? ~Sol
  19. lolthread You made me smile.... typically something this community here will never make me do. ~Sol
  20. Actually I hate stupidity, and people who make imaginary connections with irrelevant shit. If you're going to disagree, make a case and point about it. "HURRR UR GAY" doesn't constitute as a valid counter argument. Not a single person here has provided a valid solution, or made a comment worth holding water. So far, it's full of people who haven't read the thread (or even the entire OP for the look of it) the hackers themselves that don't want this to change, or Rocket fanboys who (even though Rocket agrees with this idea as of two days ago) don't want to see it change because of some opinionated rationale. Feel free to correct me in any way... I've been waiting for someone to do it, instead they just insult me like a child that's had it's chocolate bar taken away. Oh and, if you don't like my attitude... suck it, up big boy. Also, blame this community for my attitude. I started off all nice and pleasant until I realised I was fighting an up-mountain battle riddled with caltrops, tank traps, trip wires, land mines, and sniper nests. *EDIT* My opinion as you put it, is fact by the way. If the HIVE was removed, the hacking would almost stop completely (at least on private servers). Prove otherwise. So it's my fault somehow that you put an irrelevant post in the thread? Grow up. ~Sol
  21. I think I'm going to simply put myself out of my misery now. Thanks for reading... since clearly, you didn't Let me spell it out just one more time for you: The HACKERS are causing the HIVE system to FAIL, because of the shitty holes in the ENGINE. The HIVE is the "transportation device" for these hackers. The HIVE is not essentially the problem, the hackers are.... removing the HIVE (at least for now) disables them. Get it? It has nothing to do with needing to "learn" anything... holy fuck people you're on a forum... READ! ~Sol
  22. Sol (DayZ)

    What is the point of being a alpha tester....

    It's a forum, where you are supposed to READ. Why are you even here? To add to the already massively overgrown shitpile? You're doing a great job of it... ~Sol
  23. Wrong. Unless you live in a country where this behaviour is already common practice, you will find this type of thing will happen no more often than it does now. MOST people will band together, there are always going to be the few that will want to cause harm... unlike a video game though, you can usually sense these things in real life. ~Sol
  24. Sol (DayZ)

    population on the decline?

    Are you insane? That's no reason to quit playing. It's clearly boredom. I mean geez... not being able to see shit, then turning into a goat has absolutely NOTHING to do with it. /sarcasm ~Sol
  25. How am I making assumptions? I am going by what rocket himself has said. Show me how I assume anything. Looks like you are the one assuming. Good job. If you knew anything about data collection, you'd realise that the server would be so laggy from recording all that shit the game wouldn't be playable. There is only so much traffic that you can squeeze without reducing the network to a crawl. When you're a networking engineer (like I am, by trade) then come talk to me again about, shit. Well I'm glad you're "pretty sure", I'd hate for you to be wrong about something... since I'm completely wrong about everything and I'm slightly more than "pretty sure". Which is why the HIVE needs to be dropped, at least for now. Wrong again. There is a difference between not liking something because it doesn't suit your play style, and not liking something because it's destroying the game. If you want to keep playinhg on Dean's HIVE, I'm not going to stop you... since I'm guessing the only people that defend this ludicrous idea are the ones causing all of the misery. Money says, you're a skiddie. The grass outside is really long... It will change though when I get the lawn mower out and run around with it for a whlie going CHOO CHOO! Oh wait, alpha isn't a reason why bad ideas should exist... just buggy code. Go ride your alpha bike elsewhere. ~Sol