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Sol (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Sol (DayZ)

  1. I'm married dude... like that's going to happen >.> ~Sol
  2. Never heard of lurking? I never said I didn't post at all... but the majority of the posts has been in the last 3-4 days of me posting (excluding the days where I haven't posted at all, since I've been busy with other things). Why do you even give a shit? Does it make you have bigger erections when you nose around in shit that doesn't even concern you? I'm genuinely interested in your reason. Yes, this. The animations are all custom made, and quite well done I might add. Cool story brobro. Props for the astoundingly awesome counter-argument by the way. ~Sol
  3. Sol (DayZ)

    will dayz stand alone come to consouls

    A good PC is an investment... and spending that tiny amount on a computer is nothing. It will last you 3-5 years easily, so stop being a tight-ass and just go get a computer instead of wishing for something that will never happen. Think of all the other cool shit you will be able to do as well... 8 year old computer.... I'm astounded that it even still works. Does it have valves and run on steam too? PS. It's "consoles" not "consouls", just FYI, ~Sol
  4. Sol (DayZ)

    They Fix 1 Bug 10 More Create!

    I can't disagree with that. All the more reason he should stop trying to fuck with it, just fix what he can, and get on with standalone... instead we are forced to be guinea pigs for some kind of twisted experiment... I can't even figure out why I'm playing this game... which is all the more reason to play it. Until I figure it out, I can't stop... it's part of my field research and it's frustrating as hell for someone who knows himself pretty damn well to not understand why he's feeling a certain way. I almost feel, feminine :/ ~Sol
  5. Hey man, thanks for stopping by to further prove my point. ( A ) I already stated that, it's doing me a favour by fucking up so hard. You should try reading a little more, this is a forum after all. ( B ) I'm self funded meaning I have a shit tonne of money already from doing other crap that I've already succeeded at. What's your point? ( C ) I made all 250 of these posts in about 3 days... again, what's your point? ( D ) It's true, so why would I not claim it? Oh, you're just used to 99.99% of everyone who lies about shit. I understand, no hard feelings mmmkay? ( E ) I've beta tested more games than weeks you've been alive most likely. Again, you have no insight into my life, what I do, or who I do it with. Keep it to yourself please. Conclusion: I don't have to prove shit you mate, this is the "DayZ discussion board", not the "Sol's life discussion board" :) Also, I don't fucking care what you think ;) Hugs anyway. ~Sol
  6. Agreed. I'm a douchebag, so what? Later on, if my game fails... call me all the names you want. I still won't care... but at least you'll have the right to make fun of me for being an over-confident prick. All I want to agree on now is that, even being alpha, it doesn't have to be so fucking BROKEN, and getting WORSE by the patch. If you're going to add something, at least make sure it doesn't break 5 other things (because that's subtraction, by my book). ~Sol
  7. Sol (DayZ)

    They Fix 1 Bug 10 More Create!

    I'm sure they will, which is great... My beef is that the prioritization of the fixes are ass-backwards... and a lot of these mechanics (especially the HIVE) are the brainchild of Rocket who is clinging onto them for dear life, for his "amusement"? Damn man... and you guys think I'm a douchbag/asshole. ~Sol
  8. Since when is it ok to be an evangelist for someone else? If he has a problem with me, let him deal with it... much like I'm doing with you. You want to insult me, at least get some perspective. If you want to break it down, he insulted my intelligence by whining at me that I don't understand what alpha means. Fuck him, he doesn't know what I understand and what I don't. I call him an asshole for implying so. I believe that's "check"... *EDIT* And yes, I am an asshole... when someone sticks there finger in it. ~Sol
  9. Sol (DayZ)

    They Fix 1 Bug 10 More Create!

    I'm calm... why doesn't everyone think otherwise? Stop using your "angry voice" when you read my posts. Just use your Fluttershy voice, and add an upward inflection onto the end of each sentence like Dora does. The mechanics I'm talking about are: - Eating and drinking every 45 minutes (73 litres of cola and water in a 24 hour period, really?) - Zombies that have ESP and can see you from over 800m away in pitch black, yet zombies 20m away don't give a shit - The HIVE system (I made a thread about why this is the worst idea to have, especially at this stage in development) - The systems in place to deal with hackers and hoppers that simply punish legit players more than they help - barricading (wire fences, tank traps, etc) not stopping zombies, only used to troll players (should be fixed or removed until fixed!) - Inventory system makes zero sense and needs total rebalancing Those are to list a few. I realise the zombie one is more like an unintended bug than a mechanic/design problem... but I thought this was a zombie game. I would have thought that getting the zombies to behave properly would be, I dunno, the first fucking thing I'd do. ~Sol
  10. Where I started to unjustifiably call someone names. Just because I see a belligerent asshole, then point my finger and vocalise it... doesn't make me the bad guy. If you think that makes me a douchebag for not taking someone's shit, then hail to you, because you must be Jesus fucking Christ. ~Sol
  11. You called me smart followed by a sentence or so later, simpleton. You contradicted yourself. I never said Rocket didn't care, but clearly he has his own agenda and there are numerous thread replies from him where he blatantly ignores the majority community response in favour of his own "amusement". My 3d engine, is for a game, not for anything else. It will function solely as a game. Fuck me sideways if I didn't go into the juicy details of what I was talking about. It's irrelevant! Also, your definition of game only defines games as made by the industry so far. Many MANY game ideas do not have a start or finish... like mine. Everything thinks DayZ is so "revolutionary" with it's open world sandbox style game play... I had that idea 15 years ago. My idea will far supersede anything that DayZ has shown us so far, but again, irrelevant! I also never said it was a 90% tested game... I said I am in alpha and it's 90% free of bugs. You should try reading it again, instead of reading what you want to read, and interpreting it thusly. Lastly, I said I've been planning this for over 10 years. I didn't know shit about developement when I started, and it's been a long journey. I have made several prototypes over the years, all aiming towards this goal. Again, treat me with all the disrespect and candid "lolfag" behaviour all you want. I DON'T CARE! It just proves, once again, that this community is fucking disgusting. Shit and fuck... here let me wash your eyes out for you. At least I don't direct it towards someone in the form of a personal attack. I use shit and fuck as emotional "punch"... not to blindly assault someone because they didn't agree with me. I never called you anything, or treated you poorly, so yes your "one time" was unjustified no matter how you look at it. ~Sol
  12. I don't care what people think of me, because they don't know me. All they see are words, and they make those words into whatever suits themselves at the time. What I do care about is the way the general community speaks to each other, and needlessly insults them because they have conflicting views on a topic. I keep posting, hoping that they will realise one day and snap the fuck out of it... and just BE NICE for a change!? The same reason you keep replying to me... even though YOU were calling ME all sorts of wonderful names... something I'm doing that you don't like. I don't CARE if you think I'm a piece of shit. At least I have some form of moral conviction and don't treat people around me like dirt (unless they do it to me first... give what you get) and in general try to remain at least objective about my views. I don't spout bullshit crap that has no meaning or backing... when I say something I (usually, under normal circumstances) give examples of how it could be done better, or at least suggest thins in a constrcutive manner... not just be "oh its shit, and by the way fuck you", though in this instance most of you can "suck my dick". ~Sol
  13. Learn to read. Feed my rage? Lol. I'm as calm as possible while writing these posts... I am however in disbelief that no matter WHAT anyone says, you people just like to tear them apart. It's disgusting and quite frankly in a situation like this, it's kill or be killed. I am the nicest person ever, until you act like a self-important douche-fag around me... who spouts transparent bullshit about crap they know nothing about... or even better, try to tell me (or anyone else) "how they are" as a person, or how to run their lives. I take extreme care not to directly INSULT someone for the FUCKING SAKE OF IT. For the exact same reason you keep posting. ~Sol
  14. Half of what I said wasn't directed at you. I did quote the person to whom I was respond to directly above each section of text. So am I smart, or a simpleton... you contradicted yourself, again. Just because something is a quick prototype, doesn't mean you keep slapping the shit on it when there are fundamental issues with basic function, unless of course you don't give a shit about your potential player base. Engine also = game... at least, in the way I design an engine. The engine is modular, and easy to add/remove features. I guess to suit your definition of a "game" we just have to add pretty pictures to show what our code is doing... then it's a game, I suppose. What am I claiming to be that I'm not? Enlighten me... I'm dying to know, how you know so much about who I am, or what I stand for and believe. This ought to be great. I'm not liked here? Haha ok, and I care why? I don't like any of you assholes either, so I guess that makes us even? Or you could tell him where he went wrong, then beat the shit out of the fucking dickheads that stand around giving you shit for trying to help. ~Sol
  15. My attitude turned to shit when, after 30 years of my life, doing things for everyone else and leaving myself last... I had enough of being shit on. Now I see the same thing happening all around me... the only difference is (now) I don't try to hide it with some passive-aggressive bullshit (like everyone else does), like I'm hiding under mum's dress while thorwing pickles across McDonalds at the old people on the balcony. I just come right out and say, eat my shit fuckface... don't like it? Suck my left one. Also, my game will be (hopefully) the best depiction of a zombie survival game ever made. With 10 years of planning and testing, it should be solid. Graphically you will want to vomit I'm sure since it will probably "OMG IT LOOKS LIKE SHITTY ASS MINECRAFT WITH PIXELS DEAR GOD", but I"m going for content and integration of content... interaction with an unlimited world... not WOW that CONCRETE LOOKS AMAZINGLY LIKE CONCRETE! I can see the CRACKS IN IT! Again though, not really going deep in to that here... Because your track record is brilliant. Whatever man. ~Sol
  16. Feel free to not buy it. Again, I don't give a fuck. I'm going "apeshit" because of the elitist fucking comments left here from people just like you. See how you needlessly insult my character? Good job, another hypocrite! *EDIT* I'm really curious as to HOW I'm being a "douchebag" as you put it... By getting angry at the disgusting behaviour here? Or trying to defend what little character I have left thanks to the unlimited amount of elitism present? Maybe by trying to be helpful, nicely, then getting ridiculed endlessly? Fuck you. ~Sol
  17. I'm an indie developer with a team of 4 other people. We are self employeed and self funded. I am the project director and fund manager, as well as lead artist and mechanic designer. Calling me a whining asshole? That's rich. Read your post again, whining about me whining... fucking hypocrite. If moving to beta is so dumb, then why has Rocket skipped that part and started the standalone already? Because he realises that what I'm saying (as well as many many others have been saying) is correct. The mod is pretty much unfixable, and will never ever BE fixed. He SHOULD however, stop adding shit, fix the bugs then let us have some FUN while he makes the SERIOUS version of the game. Go ahead, tell me how I'm wrong etc, I really don't give a fuck. I'm not trashtalking the competition... I'm fed up with the (99%, there are some of you I love and adore!) dickhead community that fills this jackass shit-hole up... and the frustration is bleeding over to the dev team who take a month to release a patch that breaks more shit than it fixes... IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE! Also, I'll PM you some stuff you can check out, if you like. I have an almost fully working 3D engine with realtime day/night lighting cycles... you do understand that, before you have something to "show" you have to make the thing that drives the graphics... IE the engine, right? In simpler terms: None of the math has pretty pictures actually attached to it yet. Oh, you mean like say... pretty much everyone here? I don't give a fuck :) You don't have to like me... I'm not forcing you to. I'm the nicest person you'll ever meet outside of a place like this. So infuriating reading the absolute SHIT you people post about each other, claiming you have some special fucking right to treat others like utter garbage. ~Sol
  18. Sol (DayZ)

    They Fix 1 Bug 10 More Create!

    Realism is extremely EASY to portray in a video game.... it's also perfectly fine to NOT go that route... The problem is when you try to portray realism then fuck it up with stupid mechanics that not only don't make sense, but don't even fucking work at all. The worst part is, those broken ass mechanics just get left in there, despite what the majority of the community thinks! Yes, it's fine to realise your idea in your own way... I'll be fucked if I let a bunch of dumbass kids direct my game for me... but when something is CLEARLY a bad idea, there is a time to listen and man-the-fuck-up. ~Sol
  19. My game will be announced later this year. Unless you understand long mathematics and 3D engines, then you won't see much apart from a tonne of code you won't understand. Also, this is HARDLY the place to be plastering screenshots, concept art, or anything of the like. Once there is something to show... you will know. I drop the "I'm a game developer" line because every asshole here is a god damn expert "oh it's alpha you faggot" etc etc. The fact is, I AM a developer with many years of experience... whether you chose to believe it or not is not my concern, I really couldn't' give a fuck either way. I have alreayd been contacted by a few members of the board via PM, and shared some screenshots with them of our current art direction and a link to our in-house "puppet dressing room" software that we use to test fit new clothing and items to the characters. So, whatever-the-fuck. I don't care. *EDIT* Being anal in bug testing, means that down the road you don't have to rewrite the entire god damn game 3 times *cough*Minecraft*cough*. It also means you don't have a message board full of kids who just try to brain each other over nothing! ~Sol
  20. Sol (DayZ)

    They Fix 1 Bug 10 More Create!

    I get pissed off because DayZ is supposed to be a "realistic take on a zombie apocalypse" yet there is nothing realistic about it. I expect bugs, I just don't expect new bugs being made constantly and not addressed even though they render the game almost completely unplayable. I know inventories are bugged and I couldn't give two flying fucks about that right now... but for the love of God fix the god damn artifacts and the new coastal spawning bullshit. O.o How can we test something, when we just get fucked over constantly? Am I testing my patience or this fucking game? ~Sol
  21. You don't need THOUSANDS of machines to test something as simple as a corrupted model. You need to hire a descent model maker... end of story. It's also obvious that it's not been tested at all, since these problems were immediately obvious with more than 90% of the player base, moments after the pre-patch was made available. Was I expecting any different to what happened? Sadly no... I knew this would happen, and waited for the shitstorm to ensue. This, if anything, is helping me tremendously since my project is in direct competition with DayZ and the more team rocket fucks this up, the more fanboys I'll have to endlessly suck my epeen when my patches don't make the game 10x worse with each update. I can't wait to see what bullshit happens next... bitten by the new dog that get's added, teleport to the fucking MOON? I really couldn't give a shit if you want to play my game or not... chances are though, you will. I also don't give two flying knobs of goat shit what you or anyone else thinks of my P.R. skills either... I'm frankly sick to death of the inane excuses made by the kids-of-today, and the total lack of respect for anyone elses opinion. In my day, it wasn't called "trolling" it was called "being a fucking dickhead"... you want to play games? I'll show you how it was done in my day, mate. *EDIT* My game is written from scratch... 100% engine built from the ground up. I'm not stupid enough to build a mod on top of some shoddy engine that has never worked good from day dot... Operation Flashpoint was the buggiest POS ever, and nothing much has changed. I wonder how BI is even still around? ~Sol
  22. Blow it out your ass... I'm a game developer asshole. Alpha does not mean, break it more with every patch. My alpha is currently 90% bug free... and the bugs that DO exist are MINOR. They don't generate massive artifacts that block the entire fucking screen so you can't see anything, then make you log back in 15km away from where you were because you logged out to fix it. It also doesn't eat your inventory for random reasons at random times when it randomly feels the fuck like it. Inevitably making the game unplayable... Stop using the "it's alpha" argument, since YOU are the one who clearly doesn't understand "what alpha means". Fuck sakes. Alpha = add shit Beta = fix shit I'm saying, MOVE TO BETA. The standalone game is already being worked on, which means there should be NO MORE FEATURE ADDING to the mod! Learn to fucking READ. Any programmer worth anything, will at least do a test compile on his code, since it takes about 5 fucking seconds. This is the epitome of LAZINESS. ~Sol
  23. I agree with OP. 99% of the rest of you are simply spoiled brats and/or rocket fanboys. OP is right... this was never even tested, not even for 2 seconds. Reminding me of another Notch here... The mod is done and dusted, and standalone has started. Fix the mod and stop adding more dumb shit to it. ~Sol
  24. Character data is only committed to the database every few minutes or so... so if you log out really fast after moving 5 steps, that's probably why it's not registering. It could also be the server you are playing on, might be experiencing problems. Try changing server and see if that works any better. ~Sol