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Sol (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Sol (DayZ)

  1. Sol (DayZ)

    Rarest Item?

    This. Also, sandbags are pretty fucking rare. ~Sol
  2. Sol (DayZ)

    Server 1931 FUNNY LOL

  3. Yeah trade the rarest gun in the game for something that appears every second town for the entire map... I bet that gun is legit and everything... no duped items here, no sir. ~Sol
  4. Sol (DayZ)

    Is this game dying?

    Do you play a driving simulator to go fishing? Why the fuck are you playing a zombie apocalypse simulator if you want to PvP? Go fucking play Quake 3 Arena or Unreal Tournament instead... Yes, I find hunting and surviviing fun, that's why I play DayZ and not YAYFUN-SHOOT-EM-UP all day long. Us "hatchet noobs" are the ones playing the game like a real zombie survival game... how long do you think you'd last in real life running down the road with a sniper rifle? Fuck all, that's how long. What's the point of the game you ask? I thought you said it was to PvP like some mindless douchecup... or it could be to survive the environment, like it would be if the same situation were real. DayZ is what you choose to make it... if you want to PvP all day through sheer stubbornness instead of thinking creatively, then you have no right to complain about not having shit to do and choosing to act like a dickhead as a result of your ineptitude to function as a human, on a basic level. In other words, in my humble opinion, if you find the game boring or "what's the point?" then you're a gargantuan imbecile, and DayZ is not for you! ~Sol
  5. Sol (DayZ)

    The Difficulty of DayZ

    I started on a fresh database on a server today, and within an hour I was driving a bus and had a coyote pack full of stuff... I found a van shortly after, and swapped it out for the bus. Game is too easy when it comes to zombies, but only because they are retarded. ~Sol
  6. Sol (DayZ)

    Another "I quit because..."

    Reported for abuse. ~Sol
  7. Sol (DayZ)

    Another "I quit because..."

    Well done. You are all sterling examples of EXACTLY what the OP was talking about. Congratulations on living up to the expectation that is, the DayZ general community. I think the problem is, you all missed that actual point that OP was trying to make... try reading again, it's like the second sentence in... you know, the typical way that English statements are constructed. He says "Unfortunately, the community is awful." All the crap you guys are moaning about was really irrelevant to the main point. Good job on picking the least important part of the post and making a perfect example out of yourself for our amusement. ~Sol
  8. Sol (DayZ)

    Introduction and First DayZ Experience

    Lol, fully kitted out thanks to item duping and spawning... What fun DayZ has become. Not to be a party pooper, but enjoy the novelty while it lasts... soon you will see the truth. ~Sol
  9. Sol (DayZ)

    Never Ask To Give What You Gave

    People miss the point of DayZ... they claim it's pure PvP simply because PvP is allowed. They have no imagination and are ignorant to the intended premise of the game. Hackers gonna hack... noobs gonna rage... I host a private server where this shit doesn't happen, so whatever. ~Sol
  10. Sol (DayZ)

    Never Ask To Give What You Gave

    Gun was hacked anyway... get used to the fail that is the DayZ community. Welcome. ~Sol
  11. Sol (DayZ)


    Seems legit. ~Sol
  12. Hahhaha wow it's this thread again. ~Sol
  13. Sol (DayZ)

    Dayz = PvP

    MORE GUNS MORE MEAT YOU SUCK NOOB HIPSTER FAGGOT RAWR! (And I'm sure a lot of people won't understand this post, and think I'm being serious...) ~Sol
  14. Sol (DayZ)

    Private Hive and no glitch?

    It's alpha... it's alpha.... it's alpha... You sound like a god damn broken record. STFU with the "it's alpha" shit, holy fuck. ~Sol
  15. Sol (DayZ)

    Dayz = PvP

    I have to seriously stand back and look at the people who claim DayZ IS PvP... No... it's not. Most of you are missing the entire point... by using your reasoning "PvP is in DayZ, and it's the easiest way to get loot, therefore DayZ is PvP" Allow me to suggest something; "PvE is in DayZ, and it's the most rewarding way to get loot, therefore DayZ is PvE" ...or how about; "Driving cars is in DayZ, and it's the most fun thing ever, therefore DayZ is a racing game" ... or maybe; "Sneaking is in DayZ, and it's the slowest way to walk, therefore DayZ is SplinterCell" In other words, you are taking a game that has SO much more to offer, and turning into a mid-1990's deathmatch shoot'em'up. Congratulations, you're boring as fuck. The problem with kids these days (and young adults) is that they lack IMAGINATION on a massive scale. Before computers and especially the internet was around, what do you think we had to do in order to experience this kind of stuff? Roleplay... that's right.... the "fag ass RP" you, meatheads call it... is like your imagination but there's a screen there telling you what to think and how to act.... you have been TRAINED like a MONKEY. ~Sol
  16. Sol (DayZ)

    Give me your BEANS or your SERVER gets it!!

    You must be new here. ~Sol
  17. Sol (DayZ)

    Why I host a non-hive server

    HEY COOL! It's MY THREAD all over again! http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/58602-why-the-hive-wont-work-until-we-have-some-stability/ ~Sol
  18. Sol (DayZ)

    Sig problems

    I'm 33... you can view my profile and see that. Are you stupid? P.S. Get on skype when you get home.... lol ~Sol
  19. Sol (DayZ)

    Why cant they get Zombies right.

    POOR ENGINE BUG BUGS BUGSSS ALPPPHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (Sorry but this is the typical reply to anything, anyone says here, about anything) Let's just turn off the forums since, clearly they aren't needed.... just a big picture that says "QQ ALPPHHAAAAA QQ" on it ~Sol
  20. I like how option 3 has no votes.... like OP is expected o have an ugly girlfriend. Everyone knows, men can look however they want, but the women have to be hot >.> *Waits for ball demolishing kick from local female members* ~Sol
  21. Sol (DayZ)

    Weapons will not go inside tent / ammo limit

    Yes, you will have room for all of that, and yes my bad it's 5 backpacks not 2 :/ ~Sol
  22. Just wait till she passes out, then put it in her mouth. ~Sol
  23. Sol (DayZ)


    So far, every post in here apart from the guy directly above me (and Seattle, a couple posts up), is a fucking asshole douchebag. OP is right. The rest of you are not worth spitting on. ~Sol
  24. OP is epic troll. Have some beans sir. ~Sol
  25. Sol (DayZ)

    Weapons will not go inside tent / ammo limit

    Tents have limited capacity. 10 weapons (I don't think sidearms are counted as weapons, but rather as items) 50 items 2 backpacks (these have their own special spot. Beware items in backpacks will not survive a server restart, so store bags empty!) ~Sol