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Sol (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Sol (DayZ)

  1. Sol (DayZ)

    What Weapons Can Take Down a Helicopter?

    Hahaha damn, Fraggle... this will certainly work but it's overkill lmao. Take it out with an anti-vehicle round, easy single shot take-down...KABOOM! xD You can be a little more modest and still get a good fairly fast result. A Lee Enfield (easy to find at common/general spawn locations like supermarkets, apartment buildings and houses, and sometimes even industrial buildings) will put down a chopper with 3-4 good hits on the tail rotor. Any of the AK family guns will drop a chopper pretty fast as long as it's not miles away in the distance. Less than 150m you can sink one in less than a single mag (maybe 15 shots), again shooting at the tail rotor. I have actually downed a heli with a G17, but it was after it had been hammered by my M4A1-CCO with about 6 mags starting from about 550m... it flew in over the top of me as I emptied my mags into it, then I switched to my G17 after I ran out of mags. I got about 5 shots in wh-BOOM! I was pleasantly surprised and remember yelling some profanity while laughing historically at what had just occurred. Essentially anything is possible... you don't know what the repair/damage situation is like on the heli to begin with. This needs to be taken into account. Dealing with a 100% repaired helicopter would obviously take more damage to sink than a partially or severely damaged chopper. They may have snagged on some power lines or bumped into some other shit, and already be limping home, though they are most likely fully operational and out to hunt you. I have seen a video (probably on YouTube) of a guy that somehow headshots the pilot in a passing heli using a handgun (I remember it being a makarov) - (the guy was on top of some building in Cherno and the heli buzzed down almost level with the buildings roof line) that has two or three other guys in the back... it spirals out of control and slams into the side of a hill less than 2 seconds afterwards. It was hilarious. I guess anything really IS possible. ~Sol
  2. It's good to see most of the people like ShadowJack up there... are gone. The few that remain will eventually leave too. @OP: Too bad man. I'd come hunt if my latency wasn't so bad to the server that I get kicked after 20 seconds. Good luck though :) ~Sol
  3. Sol (DayZ)

    Randomly running zombies

    This used to be a big problem... I guess the fix was to try and detect when it happens (presumably, like when the player is an invalid distance away for the LOS to apply) and negate it with returning to idle state. This creates a new problem now though, where it is rediculously easy to hide from zombies now. In some cases you can literraly stand up face to face with them, and they cannot see you. I'm glad that standalone is being worked on already, so these kinds of insane problems can be properly addressed. ~Sol
  4. Sol (DayZ)

    DayZGame graphics...

    You can't blame Intel for your poor choice in graphics processor. ATI were the best for years and years (I sold them over nvidia for about 10 years) until one day they sucked, and have since never recovered. I'm not a fanboy of any company, I just buy and sell to my customers, whichever is best at the time. PhysX is actually quite awesome... are nvidia assholes for making it proprietary? Sure are... but that doesn't make the technology shit. ~Sol
  5. Sol (DayZ)

    Who the F*** is The Man From The Woods

    Yes, clearly DayZ is only a PvP game, where kids must kill kill kill each other on sight for no reason at all, since... there is nothing else to do in DayZ apart from that >.> </sarcasm> ~Sol
  6. Sol (DayZ)

    DayZ f2p??

    You can also earn any of those guns.attachments.perks/armour/gadgets by playing for free... it just takes time. Paying gets rid of the time sink only. It's not exactly pay to win... it's pay to not have to do the hard bit. ~Sol
  7. Sol (DayZ)

    People who murder bandits =/= heroes

    Yes you fucking well can. ~Sol
  8. Sol (DayZ)

    Are all the 20 minute players gone?

    Oh no, we have a bad-ass over here. Just a question, but... are you bipolar? In the other thread you're doing the exact same thing you're condemning the game for here... You either have a serious chemical imbalance, or there's something else I'm clearly unaware of. ~Sol
  9. Sol (DayZ)

    Is Rocket Trolling Us?

    Oh you mean like, how it is in real life... with all the money and things? Yeah that'd be stupid to have those features... ~Sol
  10. Look at all the stuff you're saying that I'm saying... I never said or came across like any of what you are accusing me of. "Don't demand from other people to make you happy" - I never demanded anything. Stop making assumptions about me based on your guilt, or wherever the fuck it's coming from. Continue justifying your behaviour/attitude to someone that cares man, because it's not me. I don't give a shit what you do, and get that chip off your shoulder, mate. ~Sol
  11. I just have basic respect for other people. Think whatever you want, you have no idea who I am or why I'm here in the first place. ~Sol
  12. Yep, sure did. ... and again, like I said the first time... it's your choice to be an asshole. Ever heard of "not just thinking of yourself"? I bet you haven't :) Sure, if you NEED something... whatever, kill whoever. You said yourself if your pack is full and you can't carry any more shit, you'd still do it even if they didn't see you? One word for that man... selfish. ~Sol
  13. I'm married with kids and am an ex competitive martial arts champion (won two titles and a few street level comps). I can prove I've fucked at least 3 times, and I'd beat the shit out of you even though now, I'm an old man in comparison. Learn some manners and respect. ~Sol
  14. Sol (DayZ)

    People who murder bandits =/= heroes

    People take lots of things seriously. Humans are competitive by nature, so regardless of the medium (IE. Physical sports, how much money you make, what kind of car you drive, or a video game) it's all the same shit in a different shade of pink. Stop being so judgmental, because I bet there's something that you take seriously that most of us would roll their eyes at it >.> ~Sol
  15. Every mechanic in this game also supports many many many many many many many other ways of playing. You CHOOSE to do that... the game doesn't make you, or even encourage it. You are choosing to be an asshole... nobody is forcing you. :) ~Sol
  16. Sol (DayZ)

    No more zombies killed... *ever*

    Awesome observation :D ~Sol
  17. Sol (DayZ)

    People who murder bandits =/= heroes

    This. All of it. ~Sol
  18. Sol (DayZ)

    Is this game dying?

    You're an idiot, just shut up while you still have some semblance of intelligence left. DayZ is a game... it's something you do for fun, and is classified as entertainment. The fact that it's a "mod" does not detract from the fact that it is JUST A GAME. This has been explained to you already in more than one way, and I expect the same childish drivel response from you again, no less. If you still can't get over it, just replace the word "game" with "mod" every time you read it, and stop bugging the rest of us normal people with your backwards-ass OCD bullshit. *EDIT* I think what you are trying to say, but failing miserably at, is; "DayZ is a mod for another games engine, and that's why it's buggy". It has nothing to do with being a game... you are trying to argue the validity of the state of the engine, which has nothing to do with the thread anyway. You suck at debating, sorry. ~Sol
  19. Sol (DayZ)

    how do the controls work on pc games

    A gamepad/controller is a lot like a babies toy... a keyboard and mouse are far more difficult to master, but with minimal practice you should be able to perform the basic functions fairly easily. When you want to play with the adults, you have to learn keyboard and mouse. Mind you, a gamepad is a lot nicer for driving and flying then the keyboard... nothing beats analog control for those activities. For aiming though, I laugh at gamepad users who think "it's better" for moving and aiming... I laugh because you look like a retarded seal trying to dance, meanwhile the mouse allows me complete freedom, and super fast tracking. Don't panic... you'll get used to it and wonder how you never understood it before. Like riding a bicycle... once you learn it's easy. ~Sol
  20. Sol (DayZ)

    Is this game dying?

    All I'm saying, is that these problems have been raised and addressed already many times by the community AND dev team... they are aware of it, trust me... there is only so much you can beat a dead horse before it disintegrates and floats away in the breeze. I'm not saying it's acceptable, and yes, it should be fixed... but whether it GETS fixed or not is another story. This all contributes to the fact that yes, the mod is in trouble... standalone may be fine, but if the community gets shafted on the mod, as OP states... then yeah, there won't be anyone left to even play standalone. DayZ started the basic paving of a road we have yet to travel as a gaming generation... while the idea has existed in some form or another for a long long time, this is the first time anyone has tried something like this on a semi-serious level. They have found themselves in-over-their-heads and are trying the best way they know to fix it... sadly the community isn't going to wait because the majority of them are spoiled kids with a bad attitude. And that, is the fact, Jack. ~Sol
  21. Sol (DayZ)

    Is this game dying?

    No kidding, but that is, in itself, and entirely different conversation. Whether he fixes the bugs or not is irrelevant to the fact they exist, and complaining about them does nothing except piss everyone else off after hearing it for the 9500th time... it's over 9000! ~Sol
  22. The reasons the HIVE server is a bad idea: 1. The login/out data recorded is useless... why? When a hacker starts mass killing the server, I log the fuck out. This now logs me as an ALT+F4 even though I'm sure as shit not going to hang around while some knob-jockey has his merry way with me. The log data has no way of distinguishing the reason someone logged in or out... it's sure as fuck not gonna say "Sol had to go suddenly because he has a sick 3 year old" or "Sol had to go because a client rang and he had to leave for a meeting". After all of that, I have to check my fucking "karma" status to make sure I'm not being flagged for logging out? Fuck me. 2. It's slow Disabling the respawn button, was to loosen the load on the server. Great lot of help that was now when the hackers from reason #1 teleport you into the middle of the ocean, and the shore is a 3 hour swim away. I'm glad the server load is better, I'd sure hate to waste MY time. 3. Data collection in general It's not even needed if the game was using a private server system (like Minecraft for example). It slows down server traffic, and generates more latency. Most of the data is going to fucked anyway due to countless bugs, crashes, hackers, and any other erroneous bullshit you want to chuck in the mix. Data collection should also be volountary. If you "want" to "help" then play on a hacker filled public server... if not, then give us the files for private servers. 4. Map size The map is way too small to have any form of "tranquility" server, where all players exist on the same map/instance. If the game was to be split into smaller instances with a smaller population limit, it would be no different to now, again strengthening the argument for private servers being allowed. Making a large enough map for all or at least most of the current GUID population to play on will take YEARS to build. How long are you going to wait? 5. Cost To support the current player base of 800k+ players, this HIVE server would need to be semi Google capacity. Last time I checked rocket was doing this shit for free... Dreaming about a central server where everyone plays is a liability from his point of view. It would be far more profitable for him to just release the shit and let us play the way we want. 6. The player base hates it No brainer. Enough of us hate the idea, so why keep pushing it? It clearly isn't working, so unless you can control the people fucking it up for everyone else, again your data is going to be useless if anyone can just run a script and make any kind of weird and wonderful crap happen. 7. It's good in theory This is NOT the first priority that the dev team should be focusing on. I know and understand FULLY the benefits of using a HIVE/Tranquility style server. This engine simply isn't up for any "testing".. it's just not. Just leave it alone, and go with a more suitable networking model that the players will actually ENJOY. If the dev team is trying to convince me to buy the standalone game after already buying ARMA2 (long before ARMA3 was ever mentioned, or a standalone game for that matter) then by perusing this bullshit, they are losing at least one customer I know. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Now, I predict the usual flame post, trolls, and whatever. I won't reply to you assholes... you know who you are (and sadly I do too, after a mere week in this place). Anything I have missed out feel free to add it. I'm also sure to expect a bunch of "expert opinions" from a bunch of dicks that don't know shit, but ok... I'm open to opinion. KGO ~Sol
  23. Private servers are winning over the HIVE already. The games has lost over 400k unique players to private servers, or outright quitting. In case you haven't noticed, I was offering means and suggestions for people who (like me) still WANT to enjoy the game, but it has been made near impossible by idiots with a "my dick is bigger than yours" and "QQ" attitudes. Where did I say I don't like the game, by the way? I think you need to take the cocks out of your eyes and L2READ. ~Sol
  24. Sol (DayZ)

    Is this game dying?

    I don't dislike PvP, I dislike people going though extreme measures to ruin other peoples fun, because "WAAAHHH I'M BORED!" Go outside and do something the fuck else if you feel the need to be such a useful contribution to the community. I love PvP when it's for the right reasons... The game is *get ready for it folks* ALPHA. There are bugs, and lots of them. If you can't handle said bugs, and they make you feel like raging on some beginners... go the fuck outside and take a walk? ~Sol