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Everything posted by jostino

  1. jostino

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    I've decided to play with them from the window. and later I take a moment for myself, with some stuff...
  2. jostino

    Dayz Suggestions Part #3 [With pictures]

    These are all amazing ideas, Hordes are something very interesting, because make players in the situation of helping each others I think.
  3. jostino

    Realistic Log-Off System.

    I think should be a "mode" that you can enable or disable on your server. A plus option of the hardcore mode.
  4. jostino

    Realistic Log-Off System.

    Yeah, opinions are free in this world :p
  5. jostino

    Realistic Log-Off System.

    We are talking only about to make the game more realistic. Nothing more in particular. With some limits, for sure and without exageration. ;) PS sorry for the double post :(
  6. jostino

    Realistic Log-Off System.

    Sure, these peculiarity could make better the game or simply decrease the server hoppers.
  7. jostino

    Realistic Log-Off System.

    What you just write here is clearly better. Agree, log off inside a building or a city should decrease these status, I think. Another cool idea, but I think the first change of the server should be "free". Because often you enter in a server is bugged or with some issues and you need to change. Should be placed a timer about, after 1 or 2 hours won't be effect on changing server once.
  8. jostino

    Status of 0.62 on Experimental Branch

    Thanks, I was confused about but too shy to ask :p
  9. jostino

    Realistic Log-Off System.

    I agree, this idea of Dayz is too much like Rust.
  10. jostino

    Status of 0.62 on Experimental Branch

    Many thanks for these info :)
  11. jostino

    Status of 0.62 on Experimental Branch

    I'm so curious to try the 0.62 version.
  12. jostino

    How old are you?

    This is so sad dude :( Done mate!
  13. jostino

    How old are you?

    I will turn 26 this year (1991). Still trying to survive inside this game :p
  14. jostino

    Introduce yourselves

    I recently come back in game, after like 2 years. I'm pretty happy about some new fix and new features. I've only 60hrs, so i'm still a little newbie of this game.
  15. jostino

    Stable Update 0.61.138957

    I hope next time we will have more luck. :p
  16. jostino

    Stable Update 0.61.138957

    Unfortunately he respawned dead :')
  17. jostino

    Stable Update 0.61.138957

    So last week I noticed a curious event. My friend fell down unconscious, I tried with the CSR compression several times, so his character stand up and move from commands my friend send to him, but on his screen there was the same message "you are unconscious". :')
  18. jostino

    Stable Update 0.61.138957

    There is an house with 2 entrance and red colour where is not possible to enter, player remain blocked and is not possible to get inside. I tried entering from the side of the player too. PS Sorry for any mistake about english language.
  19. jostino

    Stable Update 0.61.137871

    I finally got a better machine where testing Dayz, I hope to help you with some reports about bugs etcetera. For now, I'm stable on 60 fps, but there are some drops of FPS inside City and sometime i will jump forward for unknown reasons. I'm still trying to understand if it's a problem of my configuration or not.
  20. TO EVERYONE WITH THIS PROBLEM: launch options like this -nosplash -noPause cpuCount=4 -maxMem =4096 don't changes dayz.cfg or reset it to default
  21. Thanks for posting this.
  22. jostino

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    Thanks, thanks and thanks again!
  23. jostino

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    So, when will be opened pre-order? Rocket talked to release later this year. is not it?