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Everything posted by ersan

  1. Updated Panthera to v1.3 Full download including the map here: http://dayz.st/files/DayZPanthera_1.3.zip Official download (just @dayz_panthera2, no map) here: http://www.mediafire.com/?2czo3qtjgi8ujrg Files are from this thread: http://www.tunngle.net/community/topic/97961-dayz-meets-panthera-island-updated-to-version-1-3/
  2. I think I fixed it - sorry forgot to copy the new key file to London - it should work the next time your server restarts. EDIT: I restarted it for you and it seems to work fine, sorry about that! The map creator doesn't seem very happy with me hosting servers for his map though, he downvoted my post on tunngle. I'll be on live chat for a little while to troubleshoot any problems.
  3. ersan

    allowed weapons list

    Those are just the weapons that spawn - for a list of all the allowed weapon classes see here: http://www.tunngle.net/community/topic/83421-dayz-big-vehicleweaponmisc-classname-list/
  4. ersan

    Seeking good DayZ hosting.

    Are there any other features you are looking for? Sorry for the double post.
  5. ersan

    Seeking good DayZ hosting.

    You mentioned quick setup being a concern - as far as I know we're the only provider with instant setup.
  6. Finished, new map added: Panthera - available for private and company hive only (there is no official hive). The vehicle map in the control panel will not work with Panthera until I get a higher-resolution image of the map and can do some testing. I have packed up all the latest files you need to play (including the new certificates and keys that were posted about an hour ago) - you can download the package at http://dayz.st/files/DayZPanthera_1.3.zip There is also a test server up at: IP: Port: 2302 Hive: DayZ.ST Shared Hive Side Chat: Enabled Max Vehicles: 50
  7. For some reason Vilayer only offers two options - passworded and private or unpassworded and shared hive, as far as I know there's no private unpassworded option.
  8. Yes we do Lingor (and you can switch between maps whenever you want). You can put as many vehicles as you want on it as long as you know how to modify the spawns table, there's usually only 70 or so vehicle spawns by default so you would have to add new spawn locations to the database if you want them (it's fairly easy to do). We can limit the server to less than 40 players if you desire, just contact support after you order. (though our servers should do fine at 40 players)
  9. New feature: You can now edit the items players who join your private hive server will start with in an easy-to-use graphical interface! It works well but isn't super polished just yet - will work on that a bit when my designer is awake. PLEASE let me know of any bugs or issues with it, any items missing (that you are sure aren't banned in the DayZ client), and any way you might suggest I make it better.
  10. ersan

    Help picking stable servers

    It means it's currently offline, yeah.
  11. ersan

    Help picking stable servers

    arma2.swec.se seems to have logs for when the server was first scraped - for instance ours @ http://arma2.swec.se...ver/data/280158 has its first record on 2012-07-29 17:51 - not sure how far they go back though.
  12. ... they are dual six-core machines for a total of 12 cores, as was noted in the CPU description in the instanceID requests, as all of the other servers I have ever ordered with you that were approved have been, and as is perfectly in line with and far below your two-instances-per-core requirement ... EDIT: apparently the world 'Dual' was left out of the form, my mistake. These are dual Xeon E5-2620 machines with 12 cores, not 6. In any case we freed up some old instanceID's so we have official servers available in both locations right now, and there will be more in the US if the dayz team reads the order again and clicks the accept button. Switching from a private to official hive now has to be cleared with support due to abuse/overuse. Feel free to contact us if this is what you want to do.
  13. Still waiting on getting more InstanceID's approved, been 7 days now with no answer from the DayZ team, others are having similar problems. Not sure why it's requiring an e-check payment, are you sure it wasn't just trying to use your bank account as a backup funding source for the subscription? Either way we immediately create servers that are paid for via eCheck and only delete them if the eCheck fails.
  14. ersan

    Time to get the Instance ID

    It's been nearly 6 days for us, we have 25 or so InstanceID requests pending...
  15. Here you go: http://dayz.st/files/DayZTakistan_1.2.zip
  16. Hey guys, sorry I was out of town for the last 3 days, glad to see the interest :) 1. Yep, UK servers are still available but we are out of official instanceID's and dayz hasn't approved any in the last 6 days so I'm not holding my breath - private hives are available. 2. Yes, you'll have to send an e-mail to support or open a live chat and we can add it for you - will work on a way to edit them through the panel soon. 3. Right now they are auto-updated at approximately midnight GMT if there was a change on Six Launcher - the servers are all given a 10 minute warning, shut down, files updated, and start back up. What I plan to do, however, is to add an option to the panel to select which arma 2 beta and dayz version to use - "Latest" will also be an option and what that will do is automatically select the latest arma2 or dayz version the next time the server restarts, so there will be no unscheduled restarts. That way it will run the latest version at the next restart or you can manually restart the server and have it update. Probably not for a couple months, not until we sell out at least 8 servers (currently there are only 3) We'll try to work on adding direct credit card processing to the site but this may take a couple weeks - sorry for the inconvenience. Indeed! Sorry about the problem it was a typo in the site code - it has been resolved. Absolutely, I've made it my personal goal is to be the first provider offering DayZ standalone servers. I don't know how the standalone will work but if it's not too difficult I'm sure I'll be able to write a script that lets you switch between standalone and mod versions. The hive databases will be different of course. I can probably provide you with a domain and a basic forum for the dayz.st community hive but I haven't got the time to moderate it - if you want to find people I'd be happy to set it up.
  17. Not yet, probably sometime this week just need to find some free time to work on it, it's pretty easy to implement.
  18. Still waiting on InstanceID's to get approved. Servers updated to the latest stable arma2 beta 97239
  19. The new server is setup. finally! - you can order private and company hives on it now, waiting on the official instanceid's to get approved before we can start selling official hive servers.
  20. Updated a lot of the things that work in the background today so you won't notice any real differences, but things should be much more stable now. Also updated the server stopping thing so that if you stop your server it won't start again until you click "Start" in the control panel, no matter what. Your private hive server will also be automatically updated to the latest private hive server files and database from https://github.com/a...m1/DayZ-Private every time it restarts. This means that any problems you are experiencing with bliss you should direct towards the bliss developers and ask be fixed & committed to their github. It should also resolve some problems with servers running an older version of bliss such as whitelisting not working properly and fuel not being saved between restarts. Still waiting on the new US server to be installed.
  21. I feel like bliss is a shoe-in for this.