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Everything posted by ersan

  1. We've had a massive hacking incident that is affecting every server and they are all currently offline. We do not have an ETA We DO have offsite backups of all databases and they WILL be restored, we do not know how long this is going to take we are still trying to sort out the hacking incident. What happened is that someone gained access to the control panel our host uses and issued OS reloads on all of our dayz.st-related servers. This is honestly a complete and total lack of professionalism on the part of our host. We are responsible because we chose them as a host. We are one of their larger customers so they are doing everything they can to get us back online but it will take time.
  2. If it was in Washington DC there was a bug on one of the nodes and it should be fixed now.
  3. ersan

    Dayz.st ser help

  4. We now have availability in Dallas, Seattle, and Amsterdam - Singapore is coming in a couple hours and Salt Lake City and London should be up tomorrow. EDIT: Singapore is now available.
  5. This is an ArmA2 bug that can't be resolved until Monday because we don't have availability, but it involves changing your ports: When we have availability at the other datacenters - to change your server's port switch to a different datacenter location and back again, this WILL change your port and MAY change your ip - please keep in mind that anyone who has your server saved as a favorite will not be able to connect until they update the listing.
  6. BE servers are pretty unstable and go down quite a lot, if your firewall isn't blocking it I would just wait and see if it manages to connect after an hour or so.
  7. ersan

    help with spawning LHD

    Oh is GLT_LHD rMod only? I thought it was a defined class in GLT_LHD.pbo
  8. ersan

    help with spawning LHD

    I still don't understand why you guys prefer to spawn it as a building when you can just use the GLT_LHD class to spawn it as a vehicle and it's already assembled. Can anyone explain? I'd venture that GLT_LHD works as a building spawn as well - what's the difference?
  9. In about an hour, will post here & twitter when ready. EDIT: Taviana added to the map tool (these are spawn points - there are a lot lol)
  10. The datacenters we use are widely considered to be on the best-connected network in the world (Softlayer) - if you're getting bad pings to Washington DC from Pennsylvania I'd wager that it's related to your internet connection. I live in Florida and I get 39ms consistently to WDC. None of our providers have datacenters any closer to Pennsylvania, unfortunately. We are currently sold out but have six new nodes on order (they'll probably not be setup until Monday because of the weekend :( ) Salt Lake City Seattle Amsterdam Dallas London (probably not until tuesday or wednesday though) Singapore (new) Singapore should provide very good pings to East Asian customers and significantly better pings than our other locations to Australia (75ms or so)
  11. New map added: Taviana Client files here: http://dayz.st/files/DayzTaviana-Final-V1.1.0.zip Will try to get dotjosh to add it to DayZCommander soon. Will also try to get the map tool working with it soon. Have fun.
  12. ersan

    Help urgent!

    We keep up to date with the versions that are available on DayZCommander, since something like 80% of DayZ players use that. If we updated to a newer version than DayZCommander has you would see a significant drop in players. Our versions are all up to date with DayZCommander as of right now.
  13. Okay we finally determined the problem with the players getting joined to the wrong server issue. The problem is that ArmA2 for some reason will attempt to connect to the port you specify plus 12 ports ad infinitum (or 15 times, from our test), so if your port is running on 2600 (right now we put 18 ports between servers) and you try to connect it will either connect to port 2600, 2612, 2624, 2636, etc. (or on our servers 2612, 2636, 2672, 2708, 2744, etc. because those are all multiples of 18 AND 12 from the base port). God knows why the ArmA dev's did this - it doesn't function like any other game I've ever worked with or played before, I think before it would just try to connect to the first port but the recent patches they implemented a system that will connect to the 'best' available server out of the list instead. We're working on an algorithm for making sure there are no port multiple conflicts and I'll post here and on twitter when we have it finished. As of right now switching ports will NOT fix the problem (switching to 18 ports from 10 actually made the problem much worse). The fix WILL involve changing ports when we have it implemented. EDIT: We have determined that spacing servers by 17 ports should have no collision problems and we have also changed the base port to 3000 to avoid any conflicts. To change your server's port switch to a different datacenter location and back again, this WILL change your port and MAY change your ip - please keep in mind that anyone who has your server saved as a favorite will not be able to connect until they update the listing.
  14. ersan

    Web-Based Map

    Sorry, there are already several map tools for Bliss and other private hives. http://killzonekid.com/arma-2-dayz-private-server-admin-tools-chernarus/ and https://github.com/UnclearWall/BlissAdmin are the most common. We have one as well that is much more robust but I've been too busy to clean up the code and port it over to a standalone version so the public can use it - I hope to do it soon.
  15. We do plan to add an option to upload your own custom server pbo file, but if anything breaks (and it almost certainly will) we will not support it, we'll just tell you to remove your custom server pbo - that's what I meant to say. I was able to login to your server and create a new character fine, the server was empty when I logged in.
  16. The spawning of loot in buildings is handled in the DayZ client itself, not on the server. The client tells the server to spawn the loot and the server tells everyone else to - it's a terrible system and is why hacking is rampant. Modifying the loot tables in buildings would require modifying and redistributing your own version of DayZ (or possibly a massive rewrite to most of the server-side code which is far outside the scope of our services). The only loot that is spawned by the server is helicopter crash loot which can be modified but requires a comparatively complex rewrite to the server-side code, which we cannot support because the server code is updated extremely frequently (every 3 days or so) and your version would quickly become outdated and unsupported.
  17. Backup system has been re-done and backups are now performed every 30 minutes. The new system should be faster and more reliable (and the issues with duplicate survivors after a restore should be gone on any backups made after now). You will have to wait for your DNS to update (it may take a couple hours) before you can restore the new backups. To people having problems with being joined to the wrong server when you attempt to join yours: You can now have your port switched to the new schema (port 2600 base + 18 per server) by moving your server to another location and then back again - please be quick as we don't want someone else to buy a slot there and take up the whole server before you can switch back. Your IP *may* change and your port *WILL* change if you do this. This means anyone who has your server saved as a favorite will not be able to connect through favorites until they update the IP/port manually. Will add it to the to-do list.
  18. This is a rare and very strange bug that we have yet to determine the cause of (and thus solution to) - it only started occuring with the latest ArmA2 patch (99153). I have a somewhat educated guess as to how to fix it that I'm going to try to implement tomorrow (it will involve opting to change your server port, so be warned). We will not force people to change their ports but if they want to do it to try and fix the problem they can. Yes, use the 'message' table in the database - the intervals are in seconds. I thought I had fixed this problem yesterday for future backups, when was the backup you restored from? What you can do is before you restore the backup go to edit database -> SQL and paste this: SET foreign_key_checks = 0; TRUNCATE TABLE survivor; SET foreign_key_checks = 1; Then restore the backup and the problem should go away.