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Yeti (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Yeti (DayZ)

  1. Yeti (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Also I seem to spawn briefly in some sort of Goat-Limbo. Looks like debug plains, but full of goats and pilot zombies. A second later I'm back at my last place. That and my camo-clothing disappeared.
  2. Yeti (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Not when it is so easy to rearm. Sure its 15-20 minutes vs a few seconds between a round in a dedicated PvP game, but still.
  3. Yeti (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Please read what I actually said. I never said anything about server hopping. A simple cooldown can fix that(simple idea, not application.) I was refering to looting bodies. As for the internet dropping, this isn't a competitive game. It's open sandbox. We aren't scored, paid, or anything of the like. This is a game mod. It's meant to be fun, not vindictive and ultra-super-real. People are getting way too heated over things that when it comes down to it, are not going to ruin your life. Change your play style and adapt. If you think they are going to hop. Do it yourself, or change servers and stay on the new one. Don't take the moral high ground on a video game, seriously, that will get you no where. I digress. The only bug I've noticed is the tent duping on server restarts. Put in equipment, save, take out equipment, server restarts and tent reverts back to the last saved version. You now have x2 the items. Add in a tent inside the tent and you can make a colony.
  4. Yeti (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    What happens if my internet drops out? Which it often does, and I get D/C'd? Will it be able to tell so I don't get smote by lightning from the game thinking I'm escaping? There is no good way to fix the D/C issue. It is a game, games can be turned off, internet can be disconnected. I can run it windowed and just ALT+Tab and hit the close button. There are too many clever ways to D/C without intrusive measures. Perhaps if people die they just simply drop all of their stuff instantly, before any D/C. A little strange, but at least it won't be attached to a dissapearing body. It might also be buggy, but you have a better chance to get loot. I also agree that there are bigger problems. So what if people do it often? Resource spawns are really high and you can get anything without ever seeing a person. Looting dead bodies is extremely far from necesary. It's not game breaking. The Zombie part of the Zombie Apocalypse Survival is what needs the most attention in my opinion. This isn't Bandit Survival after all.
  5. Yeti (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I find it intresting people quote only part of what I say and run off with it. Don't quote parts you can throw around your version of what I said, address the whole thing. I actually said I enjoy the danger. I also didn't say I condoned Alt+F4, but for the sake of this pointless argument, IRL if I could magically deny my would-be killer my stuff. I totally would, because I am a cruel and spiteful person. What I was trying to say, I guess my "noob" brain couldn't convey, was: (Disclaimer: DayZ is still in developement so this list will probably become moot.) 1. Pointless murder ruins the spirit of the game. I mean this in a video game sense, we are still playing a game yes? Did he need my beans? Was he about to starve? Was there any real risk to him? "Will these few bullets I put into his skull be the last I see for days?" Is it risky? 9/10 No. I'm talking about those few who play it soley on killing other people. TO my best knowledge it is supposed to be a Zombie Survival Simulator, not a How Many People Can I Kill for Fun Simulator. There are real bandits that I have no problem with. They see something they want, they take it. Classy Bandits, not "Everything must die because I feel like it and I will always have access to infinite ammo so why not?" 2. Resources are easy to find. This makes its less of a Sim and more of a PvP multiplayer match. The only reason it's not super rampant is because of the size of the map. 3. Zeds aren't dangerous enough. This is being tweaked a lot so I see it being resolved soon. So long as the main threat is the undead I don't care about how people play so long as they are put at risk. The can run around and do anything because they can exploit the unrealistic way the game functions. Being chased? Jog forever. Conserve ammo? Save at least 1 round in each mag then log in/out and its refreshed. Cornered? Log in/out. The more realism that is put in the more I'll accept hostile players. As of right now, it is way too easy to go on murder sprees and play it like a video game. Right now a lot of people are playing it like a RE:ORC deathmatch on a 200km^2 map. Where I see this as being so much more, it has potential to raise questions about morality and the will to survive. Again, I still have a lot of fun so if you quote me, at least do it properly. Picking out sentences to exploit and trying to make me look bad or name calling is just annoying. If the Dev's say it is now a PvP sandbox sim with secondary survial/Zed threat I'll accept it, but I have Racoon City for that. Until then it is in my opinion that certain things break the spirit of the the game(spawn camping, exploits etc). But I still play it, because it is still the best Zombie game I have ever played.
  6. Yeti (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I agree with a lot of this. The hold up would be hard, limiting shoot might get tricky because if you get shot at but you're not flashing and can't shoot, could be a problem. Anyway. It's just that it is SO easy to survive without murdering people. There is literally no reason to kill people unless it is self-defense. This isn't a training simulation so we aren't scored or what have you, it is a game that people want to play and have fun, have some courtesy. These so called "Bandits" are just murderers. I remember when Bandit meant something other than a DayZ troll. So until resources are actually scarce and worth killing over, I.E. even shooting at a fresh spawned player might be risky because you only have a handfull of rounds left, and that there might be nearby Zeds that are actually dangerous because you have almost no medical supplies, give a little leway. Let people play and explore. Murder is not cute, or funny. It's messy and traumatic. Game or not. It's still a game in the early stages of development so I already stopped caring about what I just wrote because its still fun to play. ALSO, I think having Non-PVP servers would be really fun. I would like to run around and rescue new players and show them the ropes and such, and not get my face murdered instantly. That or add "Hardcore" Servers where you have a seperate dedicated inventory and resources are extremely scarce.
  7. Yeti (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Maybe if people like you didn't go around murdering everyone you saw people wouldn't get so frustrated when they die/actively want to deny bandits loot. Do what you will, but don't expect people to take it lying down. Some want to play a game and just have plain bad luck and get murdered. A lot. I lke the danger but when everyone tries to murder you it does get tedious. It's a game so the world won't end(buh-dun-dun-dsh) but still, I stopped spawning on the south coast/went to empty servers because I was tired of bandits killing me for my painkillers and bandages every time I spawned or camping super markets. I get that that could happen, I like checking around and such, but random simple things like a bandit spawning in or sitting on a hill with a 50 is most taxing. Besides, on a server with only a handful of people is a lot more exhilerating when they could be anywhere, where as a server with 40 people I hear gunfire constantly.
  8. I keep encountering so many different threads and posts that contradict each other, I want to see some numerical breakdowns. Call it morbid curiosity. Also don't post unless you have something to give, I don't care what you think about me. I do want to know how everyone feels about their time spent however. Example: My DayZ experience 30% Getting Shot by “Bandits” (Heavy Sarcasm Quotes) 20% Running 10% Looting/Sneaking 10% Survival 10% Broken Femur 5% Respawn until you end up near where you want to be 5% Zombie Threat 5% COOP 5% Where the hell am I and how the hell do I pronounce the town on this sign? And I'm still addicted to this mod.
  9. Oh there is another thing. When people kill other people repetitively to stop them from playing. I like to play on servers with low amounts of players, sometimes it's night. Every so often when I have a fresh character people will just hunt me and my group down and kill them. They obviously have NVGs and know they're killing freshly spawned players over and over again. That's not fun. It's exploiting players limited ability to fight back/survive because they magically wash up on the beach every time they're killed with no means of self defense. It's the classic "If guns are outlawed(not given at spawn) then only outlaws will have guns(Bandits that just hunt people)" We do switch servers if this persists, but it happens a lot. Call it whatever you want, alpha, survival sim, dm, n00b lol, at the end of the day it is a mod of a video game. It's free yes, but it's still time from my life, which I care more about than money. That aside it only happens 20% of the time, with another 20% traveling between towns, but that last 60% of actual gameplay is still fun enough for me to keep playing. So that says something. Though I may get frustrated when it comes down to things that would only ever forever happen in "Video Gameland", there are some events that only a game like this can ofer and it is a thrill.
  10. I think one of the biggest cause is that they only consequence is that you might get shot yourself. If this were real that would be a considerable decision to make, where as in DayZ the worst that could happen is that you do die and it takes longer for you to re-arm than last time. Then the cycle repeats, because you don't stay dead. You're in a purgatory of violence and survival with killing being the only reward system. It's the limit of the game, so be it. My only gripe is that you might get sniped simply for being in someones cross hairs a KM away. One bullet, no big deal. Ammo magically re-materializes around me everyday. If one were actually afraid that these few magazines were indeed the last they might ever find they would think twice before expending them for fun. Or if shooting made yourself vulnerable to the horde. I can't count how many times Cherno was devoid of zombies and it was just a DM ground. Poor new players getting slaughtered. They'll learn, or not, I don't care. I just wish Zombies were a threat outside of the few towns up north where they seem to spawn indefinitely.
  11. Yeti (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    AT this point if I were Rocket I would update without telling anyone and just let this thread escalate, or delete it entirely. "For the lulz"
  12. Yeti (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I don't think there would be much of a future for DayZ in arma 3 if he quit now. Do not fret though I hear he is off planning the real world zombie apocalypse. It was the only way to stop DC'ing. Talk about immersion. I don't even know if you guys are joking anymore. Should I grab my fishtank and run? Where is this apocalypse starting? I don't even have a Makarov. -1 +100 +∞
  13. Yeti (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    You and you: Panic. The rest of you come with me.
  14. Yeti (DayZ)

    Emissions - forces players indoors every few hours

    Not enough buildings that can be entered. The map is mostly forest, there would have to be a significant warning period if you hope to find shelter. Also what if you join a server right as it happens? You'll die instantly. The other day I was watching the Silent Hill movie and thought; "What if there was a similar environmental effect?" Loud siren, fog rolls in, Zeds go berserk or a new type of monster spawns. Flares would keep it away, but attract Zeds etc. Also the subject line is too long to reply easily
  15. Yeti (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Then teams would just send one person into the area whilst rest keep watch/protect him from afar. SO they would provide overwatch? Ridiculous, what is this a mil-sim? Also I have only run into 3 armed people who didn't shoot me on sight in my month of playing.
  16. Yeti (DayZ)

    Player activated environment sounds

    +1 That fence used to freak me out when I was around in cities. Then I started hearing it in the woods and I was paranoid and questioning if I actually heard it. Until I heard it too often. Then the magic was gone. However that industrial machine sound/music still gives me chills. It reminds me of the book "Bonecrusher" (a steampunk zombie book, great read btw) like there is some mechanical machination below stirring up the undead... I digress. I like the idea of sound triggers a lot, especially if other sounds were also random but more rare.
  17. Yeti (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    The other problem I see with bear traps(besides spamming) is that say you've been seen by some Zeds you cut through a long cattle barn and see a bear trap between you and the exit on the center path. Now if this were real, normally you can go around it, jump over it, duck under the cattle bars etc. Not easily done in ARMA. Assuming the Zeds run indoors now(they will be on you in a second) and you don't need a toolbox, you have to stop and try to disarm the trap because if you try to side step it you might bump off a cattle bar and activate it and it breaks your femur(Really? Is this thing a chainchomp?) or you have to go prone and crawl slowly under and around. If this wasn't ARMA I wouldn't care about the traps being added, but it is and they will break the experience of a simulator. "If this is supposed to be so realistic why can't I just step over the trap!?" Yeah, no way in hell am I trying to press [V] to attempt it.
  18. Yeti (DayZ)

    Anyone Else Having Trouble Staying Friendly?

    That is a pretty great idea. Expanding on it, "Good" guys could get rewards like body armour, higher chance to find military loot etc, as they are not killing people and taking things it is the only way to really get anything if they didn't kill a bandit. They could obtain good by healing other players, killing bandits, etc. The only way to prevent bandits from exploiting the buddy heal is to have murders have a huge negative impact that's not easily attainable. The downside is if you encounter a fresh bandit that has no murders and they attack you and you get a murder just because you survived... Unless there is a humanity/karma system? While the bandits just kill people, that's how they get loot.
  19. Yeti (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Or spawning at a safe place outside the nearest town. Try server hopping/reconnecting you're sent to the same place, do it too often people catch on and just wait for you to come back. Otherside is camping "player entry points" would still happen, the only way to minimize it would be to have numerous points near a city in cover/concealment and using player range checks to ensure you don't start too close so you don't get camped or try to hop+flank.
  20. Yeti (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    A game to accommodate the world you describe can never exist. It would be literally filled with millions of objects. Too bad someone didn't make a mil-sim that simulated huge battlefields that are kilometers big with dynamic interactions, vehicles, AI with guns that have adjustable skill levels, maybe even mod it with a random loot system. If I made one like that I would call it ARMA or something. Too bad it can never exist though.
  21. Yeti (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Indeed. Realism? I materialize on the coast of a country full of the undead, wearing body armour and empty leg rigs, can operate any weapons I find, heal any laceration with a bandage, mend a broken femur with morphine, carry helo rotors in my pocket, repair vehicles with junk yet I can't melee unless I have a hatchet or crowbar? "I have Word-Class weapon training but how do I use fist?" Edit: Also I rematerialize when I die and can loot my body. Right now you can't call this Mod entirely realistic, just a simulator. I do love it, it's just easy to lose the feeling of realism the second I can't rifle stroke a Zed. Side Note: However if there was a reason for having little equipment... Infiltration all weapons and gear OSP had to do an objective then exfiltrate... Come back with some bonus item or loot. Make it nigh-impossible to do alone, boom teamwork reward. Side note to the side note: This is Alpha-Stage, save it for the Beta.
  22. Yeti (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    No! You shouldnt be able to simply respawn to get fresh magazines and full health. It is easy enough to either lose zombies in a building or find a hatchet and fight them. You should start with something, like a crowbar or invisible melee weapon "Push", if this is a simulator then you should be able to grapple/punch/kick. You literally have no way to defend yourself other than run-find weapon/stealth-find weapon/Receive items from friends. The problem is that there isn't a default for this. You start unarmed and essentially "let" the zombis attack you if they are close enough. You just stand there if you're trapped. Almost every time this happens or when I'm switching to the hatchet I think: "DAMN THESE HANDS! If only the could do something by themselves! I only know how to hold and operate things. Ever since I learned telekinesis to open doors... Maybe if I could make a some sort of bludgeon with them and hit things..." :| It's ARMA, I went over this pages back, it's not meant for Apocalyptic Survival Simulation or hand-to-hand. It's either "augment" the realism and add at least hand-to-hand or be forced to limit it to arcade like phases of ability.
  23. Yeti (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    So long as they don't clip through walls, have a big detection box, fall through floors etc.
  24. Yeti (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    i agree as much as it is possible to agree. the super-human zombies are absolutely game breaking' date=' despite what the sado-masochists may want you to believe. ignore for a moment how unrealistic that the undead would bear the tremendous speed and coordination these zombies manifest, the game engine simply can't handle fast zombies. the frame rates are too low, regardless of hardware specs, and the client-server communication is too laggy. arma 2 is not a run-and-gun engine, putting run-and-gun style zombies into it does not work well. [/quote'] Indeed. ARMA2 is about precision and planning over super-dynamic-seat-of-your-pants-CQB. That's why there's no standard melee. The controls and engine weren't designed for Zombies. It was designed for AI with guns and thought. You might be able to make Rage-Zeds realistic, but they player is so very limited in how they can deal with them up close. You can't rifle stroke/shove/throw/grapple etc, its shoot or hatchet, and if you have to switch to the hatchet it's a super convoluted method(not your fault Dev's). It should just switch positions with your primary on the tool belt. With that said, yes it is realistic. The rifle could have a sling which equates to "toolbelt" for the sake of the engine. Hell, theres even, I forget the name, hooks you can snap your rifle vertically to your belt in combo with a sling so its at your side rather than slung across your back. Also Tactical slings. Programming-wise to avoid walking armouries, easier said than done. Agree with this and the past you quoted. I do think the way the zombies are being made JUST DONT work with this engine as it should, the movement of your player is just too slow, clunky and unresponsive to be able to handle what is happening. Plus things like doors being super difficult to go through. For large scale slow paced gameplay this engine is perfect, for the way Dayz is being done, its quite bad. I bet if Dayz was made an any other engine it would be much better. That's what i think. The realistic gun mechanics, graphics and the map size is what this engine has that is very good, nothing else really. Im not mentioning bugs in the mod, i am mentioning bugs in the engine, same bugs present in the actual game. Even with all this being said, DayZ is still the best Zombie Apocalypse Gaming experience I have ever had AND it's still in Alpha? Most impressive. So I am excited to see where it goes. This testing is what this phase is about, so I am confident that the mod will be optimized for the engine and will be spectacular. Imagine ARMA3...