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Survivor Tyler

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77 Good


About Survivor Tyler

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  • Interests
    Pc gaming, xbox, and my girlfriend.

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  • Bio
    Well i am Tyler, i am 17, i am from Texas. I have played DayZ since May. Yes i will be investing into WarZ. Yes i do YouTube Videos. Check them out! http://www.youtube.com/user/TylersLetsPlay/videos But if you need help with anything doest hesitate to contact me!
  1. Survivor Tyler

    As50 TWS

    Alrighty due to my lazy nature i am not going to multiquote anything. But I leave anything that doesnt appear in my logs to Battleye. They have been doing a wonderful job lately with catching people that i cannot. As well as all these "hackers" are scripters. They buy a hack they think is a bypass for logs, but they get caught anyway by Battleye.
  2. Survivor Tyler

    As50 TWS

    'You must run into rather retarded server owners. I myself find it quite easy to find if someone is hacking. If someone logs in with an As50 TWS and is killing people then go him. But he will eventually die, and the weapon will be passed around. Its not hard to tell when someone actually spawns something in.
  3. Survivor Tyler

    As50 TWS

    Woah. Don't drop it. Use the shit out of it. They are fun as hell man
  4. Survivor Tyler

    As50 TWS

    Lol. Dude you're fine. You cannot get banned for using a hacked weapon. http://www.battleye.com/support.html Read there. Although if a server admin has a stick up his ass he can ban you for using it, but fuck them.
  5. Survivor Tyler

    To you my friend.. Sal

    This is quite odd. Although. My experience is that when i logged in my humanity resets to 0 every time. My humanity when having a ghillie on because it isnt glitched. I have almost 26k
  6. Survivor Tyler

    To you my friend.. Sal

    Yes.. Hence my hero skin ^.^
  7. Survivor Tyler

    To you my friend.. Sal

    Its actually fun.
  8. Survivor Tyler

    To you my friend.. Sal

    I already know that. I have DayZ Commander. I use it to follow hackers.
  9. Survivor Tyler

    To you my friend.. Sal

    So i just respawned after being killed and highly geared. So i meet up with this guy named Sal.We are gearing in cherno and we both find some Ak's. Get decently geared. All of a sudden. A WILD BANDIT APPEARS. I start getting lit up by a bandit. Sal sees him and unloads a mag into his chest but the kid alt+f4'd and by this time it was too late. Sal was bleeding bad. I run over to his body. Trying to bring him back to life. Fuck man. I wanted to so bad. You saved my life and risked yours. Thank you so much man. Too bad i died from the same guy when he logged back in... >.> But if you read this.. Much thanks amigo.
  10. Survivor Tyler

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    No its a great griefing tool.
  11. Survivor Tyler

    Heroes few and far between?

    I was a bandit at -74k. I am now a hero with +14k. Theres hope!
  12. Survivor Tyler

    DayZ is just...damn.

    Who hasnt dreamed about DayZ?
  13. Survivor Tyler


    Um.. Yeah!?
  14. Survivor Tyler

    Will this run?

    I rock a 1250 But my pc is overkill.