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Everything posted by Sw1ft

  1. Sw1ft

    Looking for honest team players :)

    Reading comprehension there chief. I said I play with friends and coworkers. I mention the server BECAUSE it is heavily modded. I don't want people coming in expecting something it isn't.
  2. Sw1ft

    I need helpp pleasee!!

    The true limiting factor for Arma is your cpu. If you have a good processor everything else can be a little under par and things will still run smooth. Bad cpu and everything in the game will suffer.
  3. I would be more than happy to show you the ropes. I will be on around 1pm EST today. If this works for you and you want the help PM me with some contact info and we can get you rolling.
  4. So much for trying to be helpful. Best of luck to you.
  5. Sw1ft

    Looking for honest team players :)

    There is a difference in helping a newer player and giving them everything. The latter does not help them in the long run and is not the way we do things. We have a new group member joining us tomorrow for our monthly LAN party and he will have just as challenging a time during his first week as I did a year ago. Teach a man to fish and all that jazz...
  6. Sw1ft

    Looking for honest team players :)

    I saw your post and thought I would drop you a line and offer some help and invite you to join our server. Our server runs a modified version of the 2017 mod (version 1.1) for a unique play experience. We have basic starting gear, a bandage and a box of pain killers, no weapons, tools, etc. Low server population (great for new players) Custom AI squads patrolling the map hunting zombies and/or players. Full moon every night to aid in playing in the dark. Friendly and helpful admins. We are mostly a close group of friends and co-workers casually enjoying the game. Just filter for "DayZHerd" in DayZCommander. IP: If you have any questions or would like additional information feel free to PM me.
  7. Sw1ft

    Hello , I need a server to bend in.

    Make sure you are running 2017 version 1.1 not 2.0
  8. Sw1ft

    Finally online with Dayz

    I saw your post and thought I would drop you a line and offer some help and invite you to join our server. Our server runs a modified version of the 2017 mod (version 1.1) for a unique play experience. We have basic starting gear, a bandage and a box of pain killers, no weapons, tools, etc. A low population (great for new players) Custom AI squads patrolling the map hunting zombies and/or players. Full moon every night to aid in playing in the dark. Friendly and helpful admins. Just filter for "DayZHerd" in DayZCommander. PM me if you want/need additional information.
  9. Sw1ft

    Looking for a Dayz Partner

    I saw your post and thought I would drop you a line and offer some help and invite you to join our server. Our server runs a modified version of the 2017 mod (version 1.1) for a unique play experience. We have basic starting gear, a bandage and a box of pain killers, no weapons, tools, etc. A low population (good for new players) Custom AI squads patrolling the map hunting zombies and/or players. Full moon every night to aid in playing in the dark. Friendly and helpful admins. Just filter for "DayZHerd" in DayZCommander. PM me if you want/need additional information.
  10. I saw your post and thought I would drop you a line and offer some help and invite you to join our server. Our server runs a modified version of the 2017 mod (version 1.1) for a unique play experience. We have basic starting gear, a bandage and a box of pain killers, no weapons, tools, etc. Custom AI squads patrolling the map hunting zombies and/or players. Full moon every night to aid in playing in the dark. Friendly and helpful admins. Just filter for "DayZHerd" in DayZCommander.
  11. Sw1ft

    What map is best for me?

    I saw your post and thought I would drop you a line and offer some help and invite you to join our server. Our server runs a modified version of the 2017 mod (version 1.1) for a unique play experience. We have basic starting gear, a bandage and a box of pain killers, no weapons, tools, etc. Low server population. Custom AI squads patrolling the map hunting zombies and/or players. Full moon every night to aid in playing in the dark. Friendly and helpful admins. Just filter for "DayZHerd" in DayZCommander.
  12. I saw your post and thought I would drop you a line and offer some help and invite you to join our server. Our server runs a modified version of the 2017 mod (version 1.1) for a unique play experience. We have basic starting gear, a bandage and a box of pain killers, no weapons, tools, etc. Low server population (great for new players) Custom AI squads patrolling the map hunting zombies and/or players. Full moon every night to aid in playing in the dark. Friendly and helpful admins. Just filter for "DayZHerd" in DayZCommander.
  13. If you want a more difficult survival experience try 2017. No military loot, sparse loot spawns, and nearly no canned food. Dying from dehydration or hunger is an actual concern early on. Our server runs a modified version of the 2017 mod for a unique play experience. We have basic starting gear, a bandage and a box of pain killers, no weapons, tools, etc. Custom AI squads patrolling the map hunting zombies and/or players. Full moon every night to aid in playing in the dark. Friendly and helpful admins. And a whitelist to help protect against hackers and script kiddies. You are more than welcome to join us. Just filter for "DayZHerd" in DayZCommander.I
  14. Sw1ft

    Need a server

    Our server runs a modified version of the 2017 mod for a unique play experience. We have basic starting gear, a bandage and a box of pain killers, no weapons, tools, etc. Custom AI squads patrolling the map hunting zombies and/or players. Full moon every night to aid in playing in the dark. Friendly and helpful admins. And a whitelist to help protect against hackers and script kiddies. Just filter for "DayZHerd" in DayZCommander.
  15. Sw1ft

    New player

    Our server runs a modified version of the 2017 mod for a unique play experience. We have basic starting gear, a bandage and a box of pain killers, no weapons, tools, etc. Custom AI squads patrolling the map hunting zombies and/or players. Full moon every night to aid in playing in the dark. And a whitelist to help protect against hackers and script kiddies. Just filter for "DayZHerd" in DayZCommander.
  16. Sw1ft

    Day Z Mac Compatible?

    I play on a 27" iMac with an i7 and 8 gigs of ram booting into Windows 7 Ultimate via bootcamp and it runs just fine. Word of advise, DO NOT try to run it in a virtual machine. Take the time to setup bootcamp and you will thank yourself later.
  17. I'm not stuck in the debug forest, I was outside the factory. I was crawling over some rocks and began clipping through the ground. I can interact with my gear and attract zombies but I can't move at all. I've tried switching server but the issue persists across all the servers I tried. Please help. Player ID: 26044230
  18. Sw1ft

    Having difficulty?? We got your back.

    I will be logging in for the first time today and would love to know that someone has my back. Way to be a team player Fish.