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Everything posted by Shuriken333

  1. Pretty sure this belongs in the bug reports section... By the way, that is the debug plains.
  2. Shuriken333

    Offline mode?

    Multiplayer makes this game what it is... and getting rid of that aspect completely gives you an unfair advantage. Now, maybe, if there was a way to make it so you could not import a single-player character into multiplayer, that's a different story. As of now, it doesn't seem possible.
  3. Shuriken333


  4. Shuriken333

    Day Z is insulting to LGBT people

    I would have gave OP a 0/10... But 27 pages for this? Holy shit people. Rule #1 of the internetz: Do not feed the trolls. Rule #2 of the internetz: DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS. So, I give OP a 6.34/10 Edit: Great. I started page 28. UPDATED SCORE: 6.512/10
  5. So, I was in an apartment building, looking around (during daylight on a populated server) and a zombie glitched straight through the floor and hit me while i was watching out for other players. Rocket, had my bowels been full, I would have kindly asked for a new pair of boxers. I, literally, farted and jumped at the same time. Almost fell out of my chair, too. :(
  6. Shuriken333

    Zombie glitched through the floor.

    Rocket, I accept your apology, giving me two crashed heli finds in less than 20 minutes, as well as the bicycle I found that spawned by the first crashed heli. Regardless, I am a little disappointed with me trying to snipe a guy who drove by on his motorcycle. I didn't appreciate that the surface of the top of that building ended so soon, as I was zoomed in and crab walking, trying to get a good shot. This has been a crazy day of DayZ for me.
  7. Shuriken333

    Zombie glitched through the floor.

    Well, the scariest part was, when he glitched through the floor, he literally teleported through the floor. Like, the zombie appeared out of nowhere and made his zombie yell noise. I think this is my first occurrence of nearly shitting my pants from a video game. Ever. God this game is awesome, even for being in alpha.
  8. Shuriken333

    Energy (Sleep)

    While this seems like a great idea for added realism, it doesn't sound good for actual gameplay. What would be great is having to go to the bathroom. Also, if your thirsty and have nothing to drink, but have an empty can or a water bottle, there would be a "Bear Grylls" option available when you have to urinate.
  9. Shuriken333

    Glitched out into plains of death

    Do NOT use the Canada 1 or Canada 2 trick. People are camping the debug forest and shoot people on sight.
  10. Shuriken333

    Debug Forest killing on Canada 2

    Same thing happened to me earlier. Same server. They know about Canada 2 helping people out of the debug areas for some reason, so they camp the forest...
  11. Date: 07/06/2012 Time: Around 9:15 AM EST Server: Canada 2 Reason: Somebody killed me in debug forest What was I doing: Somebody had dropped loot on the run out of debug forest, so I stopped to see what they dropped. Details: I was looking at loot that somebody had dropped on the eastern run out of debug forest. While I was looking at it, 2 sniper rifle shots went off. I was killed with the second shot. Right after I said "who just f***ing killed me in debug forest?" (or something similar along those lines), a player with the name Martin disconnected, and 2 people started talking to me about it.
  12. Shuriken333

    Killed in Debug Forest by a sniper

    Nothing but truth here.
  13. Shuriken333

    Debug forest spawn, dead.

    Ya, some fucking asshole just killed me in debug forest in canada 2.
  14. This may or may not have been done before, it probably has been, but this is to help snipers and partially help people avoid getting hit by snipers when they know they are being shot at. Snipers - Learn this equation: Height of target * 1000 / mildots FIRST NOTE: Yes, at first, using this equation and the mildots will take time. Your target will get away the first few times. Practice the hell out of this and you can figure out range and where to aim your scope in a matter of seconds, maybe even fractions of a second. If your target is standing, it is estimated that DayZ survivors and zombies are approximately 1.8m tall. Measure the height of the target in mildots (standing - bottom of their feet/top - top of their head///crouched - bottom of the knee on the ground/top - top of their head///prone - bottom of the lowest point you can see/top - the top of their center mass(their body, NOT their head)). This is NOT the target's actual height. The mildots are used to determine the range of the target (you can use the center of the crosshair as a mildot measurement, if you didn't realize that). 1.8m x 1000 / mildots So, a 1.8m high target times 1000 (don't ask me why 1000, it's just a constant number in this equation) is measured at, for example, 3 mildots high. 1.8m x 1000 = 1800 1800/3 = 600. The target is 600 meters away. Zero to 600m. If you are using the DMR, which does not have zeroing, here is a table to show you how to adjust your scope using the mildots. Instead of using the center of the crosshair, use the approx. mildot location on the scope to hit the target (USE THE MILDOTS BELOW THE CENTER OF THE CROSSHAIR); 300m - 0 (middle of the crosshair) 350m - 0.2 (just below the center of the crosshair) 400m - 0.8 450m - 1.1 (So, go to just below the first mildot under the center of the crosshair) 500m - 1.9 550m - 2.3 600m - 3 (exactly on the third mildot under the center of the crosshair) 650m - 4 (exactly on the fourth mildot) 700m - 4.6 750m - 5.5 800m - 6.5 Notes: -I use this chart for the DMR's "scoped" optic visual (zooming in --> hitting "+" on the numpad) -People say the DMR is zero'd at 400m, others say 300m. I've always gone with 300m and have hit my target. The mildot chart is accurate, as I can attest to that from experience as well. Obviously, scopes don't have this many mildots. You have to eyeball it at this point. Studying the spacing between the mildots will help. I practiced for a while and you can actually determine where a mildot would be. If the target is any closer than 300m, you may want to consider pulling out your M1911. Don't expect to have any effect with the DMR on a target greater than 800m away. Just sayin'. Let's go back to the target that we were just talking about. He/She was 600m away. When sniping without zeroing, aim for center mass. Do not go for a headshot unless you have practiced a lot and get a really good feeling for it. 600m --> 3 mildots under the crosshair. Put the third mildot on your target's body and fire away. For crouched targets, they are assumed to be 1/2 the height of a standing target, so 0.9m For example, let's say that a crouched target measured 2.5 mildots. 0.9m x 1000 = 900 900/2.5 = 360m From the table, I would use the 350m, 0.2 mildot range. Since this is so close, I would actually put the center of the crosshair on my target's head. I will either a) hit the target in the head or b) hit the target in center mass. Elevation plays a major role in this, but more on that in a minute. For prone targets, I have always guessed at 0.2m, which is close, but it's not exact. I have hit targets this way, of course missing several times. Target: Measuring 0.25 mildots 0.2m x 1000 = 200 200/0.25 = 800m At this range, you will need to have to eyeball where to put the scope, since you don't have the mildots to help you. Measuring this target will also be a pain in the ass and you will probably have bad measurements. This is why going prone can potentially be helpful at long ranges, but a closer sniper will actually benefit from you being prone since you are easily measured and extremely slow. Other notes: ---Elevation Being at a higher elevation means that you have to lower the range. For example, being on top of the hill behind the Elektro powerplant firehouse, approximately level with the top of firehouse, you would need to compensate by taking off approximately 100m from each measurement (I've had a lot of experience with this spot :D I've been an asshole in this game... Everybody has). From my experience - at this spot, the inner city Elektro firehouse (not the powerplant firehouse) is ~800m away, but I would zero my rifle to 700m (or use the 700m from the chart) and get dead on shots. I do not have any experience in uphill sniping, but I'm going to assume it works the opposite way. ---Avoiding sniper fire If you are getting shot at by a sniper and you cannot hear the gunshots, just the bullets whizzing by or hitting the ground near you, consider going prone, but try to observe your surroundings first to see if you can see muzzle flash. You most likely will not see a muzzle flash, but taking a second or two at a range like this is relatively safe considering how far away the sniper potentially is (KEEP MOVING! DON'T STAND STILL!!! DUUURRRRR). If you do go prone, wiggle as fast as you can to any cover! If you don't know the direction you're being shot at from, this is fine, but don't get yourself trapped on your cover (i.e. don't let your cover block your movement so you aren't wiggling in place). Just keep wiggling around it until the firing stops/you can figure out what direction you're being shot at from by how the shots are hitting your cover. If you feel as though the sniper is not very skilled or you can run away, do so. Going prone is a last resort and can definitely save you (as proven with the equations above, as well as logically considering how big you are in a sniper's scope). If you can hear the gunshots, instantly take off running, do not even consider going prone. Run and make sure you randomly zigzag. Don't just go back and forth in a repeated pattern. For example, go straight about 4m, slant off to the left for about 10m, slant off to the right for maybe 3m, then slant back off to the left for a little, go straight maybe 5m, etc. Randomize it. Don't be predictable. I hope this helps both sides. Sorry if this has been done before, but maybe someone can benefit from it. I found the equation and the chart. Compensating for elevation and tips for a prone target or going prone is from experience. The equation helped me become a great sniper. The chart is only useful for the DMR. If anyone needs help with using the SVD, let me know, but I am assuming that if you actually get your hands on that, you are very experienced. EDIT: I have the DMR mildot chart wrote down on a sticky note, sitting right to the side of my monitor. Easy reference on a small piece of paper. Very useful. I recommend this greatly, even if you never used the DMR. You may just pick it up one day...
  15. Shuriken333

    Stary Sobor : Sniper Haven

    Even going into Stary at night is dangerous. I've been there a few times at night and even had encounters. Some guy was using a military flashlight (I had NVGs) and flashed it right on me. Of course, I popped him in the face with my M4A1. Another time, I scanned the area with my binos just as some guy wired up the back entrance to the tents, then proceeded inside of one. I tried to be sneaky and crawl into a tent and wait, but aggro'd one zombie on the way in. Funny thing is, the zombie kept swinging at me, but missed every time. I just laid there while this happened, but the guy didn't do anything and I heard him popping zombies with a silenced weapon. After laying in that tent for, literally, 12 minutes, I got up, ran away from the zombies and proceeded inside of a tent. Ironically, the very tent that guy was in. He unloaded on me, broke my leg, caused me to bleed and caused shock, but I ended up the victor in that fight with 1800 blood left over, just enough to take out pursuing zombies, afterwards passing out, then immediately giving myself medical aid with 1200 blood left and running like a mofo to the nearest animal I could find so I could have a victory dinner.
  16. Shuriken333

    Sniper help and avoidance.

    I've used the DMR several times, and the chart that I have used is for the secondary zoom (forgot to mention that). I don't use the regular scope view. It has worked for me flawlessly every time, besides for prone targets.
  17. Shuriken333

    Database cleanup [2012-07-03]

    Oh my god... Ultima Online. I miss that game so much... Of course, T2A and before that. Man, you hit me with a giant brick of nostalgia. Can we expect the final version of DayZ to feel like the post-apocalyptic-survival-FPS-zombie-oh-shit-I-smell-a-sniper-in-that-forest-horror competitor for old UO?
  18. Hello. I just bought ARMA 2 and got the DayZ mod. I'm having several issues, and I hope I don't have to reinstall... Issues: The ear icon in the HUD does not give off the pulse when I make noise. Neither does the eye. I do not have the debug window that shows blood/zombie kills/etc. I cannot use any items in my inventory. How I tried to fix the problem: Restarting my computer, restarting Steam, running steam as admin., disconnecting from the lobby, restarting the game, when trying to equip a hatchet - putting the hatchet in my backpack then closing the inventory window then opening it back up and putting the hatchet back in my tool belt. The only thing I have not done is reinstall the game and the mod, which is the last thing I'd want to do. It took me 12 hours to install the game through Steam... EDIT: When trying to equip the hatchet, I had no other weapons. I did not have a primary weapon equipped. I would right click everything and could not get any menus to pop up to use anything at all.
  19. Shuriken333

    A new 'status' to encourage cooperation

    Woah, woah. You actually might be onto something here... could we get some feedback from lonewolf players? I'm not wanting to make things easier or force playstyles, but adding some psychological tension would be awesome. Something related to being around people, that could be medicated if you want to lonewolf. Thoughts? I'm a lonewolf. This actually seems pretty decent. Every time I venture out, I'm safe in every way, besides when dealing with a random survivor that wants to kill me, but you can only be prepared for that by being extremely aware. The point I'm making is that when I finally kit back up and I'm ready to get out to go get better gear, I'll have ~7 bandages on me, 4-5 morphine, 4-5 painkillers, 1 heatpack, a knife, hatchet, matches, etc. and I can literally survive forever if I stay away from hotspots. When I venture out, I'm just looking for crashed helis or other players. I'm not concerned whatsoever in regard to my current stats (hunger, blood, etc.) as I am always able to keep them at 100%. Maybe if there was an extremely rare item we needed to keep a certain stat up, I may be more concerned about one of my stats or actually fear walking around for days on end, looking for another survivor to stalk and eventually kill or hunt for crashed helis. Maybe then I would be like "Well, I'll go about ~80km out, as I am too concerned about the low amount of (item) I have and I probably won't find another for a day or two" Of course, this has it's ups and downs, but being a lonewolf and being able to travel with little to no worries seems a bit easy. I don't want a game breaker where I literally cannot do anything just because I can't find a certain item to cure a certain condition or abide by it, but just something that sticks in the back of my mind that adds a little worry. I know it's a little late to be posting this, but I thought I'd just throw in my $0.02
  20. I was playing on a server and couldn't pick up any items. Started picking off zombies that were around me so I could go loot somewhere else. The z's died, I still could not pick up any items. Couldn't put them in my inventory nor my backpack, so I decided to disconnect and attempt to reconnect. Could not reconnect to the server, let alone even filter the list to find it. I found the IP and port, but no server response. Checked gametracker and the server is in it's "dead" state. Nothing was announced about a restart, and the server has been dead for 20+ minutes. Just wondering, how long does it take for a server to restart? If this is a case of the server just going offline without the owner's knowledge, then that's fine, but I'm just asking in general from other server owners or people who have waited for a specific server.