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Everything posted by Shuriken333

  1. Shuriken333

    Trade and loot

    You can't remove a gun straight out of their hands. You cannot remove anything from their immediate inventory, only items from their backpack.
  2. Shuriken333

    Trade and loot

    Yes. Use your mouse wheel while staring at the player. Scroll the mouse wheel, select "Open (name of pack they have on)".
  3. lol the best rage comment I've seen in weeks. Don't worry, though. There are many steps to setting up DayZ, but if you find the proper guide, it's a breeze. I'd suggest a YouTube video (look up how to set up DayZ for retail, because many will show you how to do it for Steam) because you'll have a visual step-by-step guide.
  4. Shuriken333

    Ability to Play as a Zed.

    I don't like the idea for 2 reasons: 1) That would be mean a lot more development, and I don't see how it would be very fun (if it were to have added aspects to player zombies being more capable than AI zombies, that would be A LOT more development). As well, I don't see how it would fit into being a survival game. The only aspect would be to feed on other players... that's only one compared to the aspects a survivor needs. 2) People have guns. After doing a lot of research, I've found that zombies don't. You would have to remove a lot of realism from the specific realm of zombies that DayZ is targeting in order to balance this (there are many different zombies theories/mythologies and DayZ is targetting the super fast/weak/mindless one)... unless you could really muster up a group of 30 people who are also zombies to take on a team of 4 survivors.
  5. After a while, you will know where all sniper positions are at populated areas. Dodge the shots, grab a gun, go up to where they are, kill them... ??? PROFIT! You get all their shit! For example, the most well known and one of the best sniper spots that conceal the sniper is behind the elektro powerplant firehouse on top of the hill. I've killed two snipers up there myself.
  6. Oh, it's this thread again.
  7. Shuriken333

    I hope im not the only one?

    I love your name. It fits you quite well.
  8. I use Six Launcher to update and launch the game (but I bought ARMA 2: CO through Steam). I updated earlier, about 4 hours ago, saw there were problems, and decided not to play. Just loaded up Six Launcher again and got a new update. 1) Are the Six Launcher files safe now? 2) Is the ghillie suit / camo bug fixed? 3) Should I actually get on and play? Or will technical bugs send me crying into the jaws of Oblivion? inb4 don't get attached to your gear. Being killed legitimately - meh. Being killed by a bug/losing stuff to a bug - :'(
  9. Shuriken333

    Information with new patch please

    Aye, checked and everything is up to date. I just want to know if there are any load up bugs right now. Uhhh... wait a minute... so... snipers can exploit this? Oh fuck...
  10. Please, for the love of everything that has ever been enjoyed... NO
  11. Shuriken333

    How fun is this game solo?

    On the forums, we single players are called Lone Wolves. I am a Lone Wolf and have been the entire time I've been playing (about 3 weeks). I absolutely love playing solo, although having a friend get DayZ one day would be cool. I make sure I get all the things I need to survive out there (matches, hatchet, knife, water canteens) and I always stay aware of my surroundings and zombie activity, since zombie activity can indicate other players. After some practice, I learned when to shoot, which is a very useful skill because you don't know if another player has a friend overwatching him. Being alone means only one set of eyes, so you need extra caution. I have not grouped up with anybody yet.
  12. Shuriken333

    New Zombie LOS

    I didn't see other threads specifically on this (probably didn't look hard enough), but here is my opinion...
  13. Shuriken333

    [video] Stary Nuked! Hacker forgets helicopter!

    lol... *BOOOOM* "OH FUCK" *half the people lay down* *BOOOOOM* "HOLY SHIT FUCK!" I don't know why, but those random, obnoxiously loud explosions followed by you guys freaking out was extremely amusing to me.
  14. I find it odd that this is the only game that I've ever played where my offense is actually self defense.
  15. Shuriken333

    Poor kid at Pridorgski

    I would have done the same thing. That dude probably would have blasted you on full auto with his AK the moment he seen you.
  16. Something like this happened to me at the elektro powerplant firehouse. Was on a nighttime server, trying to loot and stay away from people so I could book it North after getting a decent stock of supplies. I went into the firehouse and some guy with a M14 Aim was just standing there. He scared the shit out of me, so I just kept firing my Winchester into him. He died, but his body was just standing there. I didn't know wtf was going on, so I put another bullet in his head. Out of nowhere, some guy appeared at his body, looked at me, then took off running out of the firehouse. Was my 2nd or 3rd day playing and I didn't know wtf happened.
  17. Shuriken333

    Dropped dead with 11347 blood, any ideas?

    Something like that happened to me not too long ago. Was just checking my map and out of nowhere "You are dead". 12,000 blood. No gunshot sounds, no bullet impact sounds (on me or the area around me), nothing was heard.
  18. It was either one of those towns. Anyway; You two were in the woods nearby, attracting zombies like crazy. If you find this thread, I just want to tell you how and why you died: One of you had an AKM and was firing it off like a madman. The other had a Winchester, which he should have been doing all the killing, but overall, you attracted a decent sized horde of zeds, then tried to heal up right outside of the town in the middle of that forest, not even hiding in a bush or tree. Think about this: when you attract zeds, other players can see zombies running in the distance. Obviously, they weren't targeting me, so you gave your position away. Then you tried to heal up without at least trying to hide first. You had plenty of spots to hide. That's a big no-no. I had a M4A3 CCO camo. Of course I'm going to use it on you. I'm not being a smartass or boasting, but I'm just letting you know how I was able to easily find you and kill you. As well, any other survivors, keep this in mind. I haven't ever had this problem because I watched others do this plenty of times (that's typically how I find my prey). I learned from other peoples' mistakes. Thanks for the GPS.
  19. I was thinking about taking either Russian or Korean.
  20. I can't figure out what town it was. I let them kill the zeds, I unloaded half a mag into them, looted what I thought was valuable and ran for at least 10 minutes to get as far away as I could. I ran either West or North. I didn't want to get killed by somebody that I may have attracted with my gun blazing lol
  21. Sorry, rather would have the people I stalk acknowledge that they could potentially be luring in another survivor/bandit. I don't sit up on a hill sniping people, but rather learn from how I die, how others die, how someone found me, and how I found someone else. You're so cool for avoiding a helpful learning lesson.
  22. Shuriken333

    Cokes are lethal.

    Because of this thread, I must make a new suggestion for the game: Hugs. You must implement hugs. If you wish to be friendly, hugging is the best way. Causes the players to be close, be vulnerable and if one of them has a friend trying to kill the other, you may shoot your friend. HUGS. THE ONLY WAY TO BRING PEACE TO CHERNARUS.
  23. Server: TX21 US95 - Shot's Bean Palace - Cherno DM Edition Time and Date: 11:40 PM EST 07/11/2012 What I was doing: Looting a NWAF barracks Details: I was looting the barracks and heard somebody shooting, so I watched the front door of the barracks, waiting to see if they would come inside. They never did, but I continued hearing shots. About 20 seconds into watching the door, I heard a jet fly by overhead. Knowing there was a hacker on the server, I instantly disconnected after hearing this, as I didn't want to become a party to death by hackers. Sorry for the lack of any media to prove this. I didn't wanna lose my shiz :/
  24. Shuriken333

    Don't move DayZ to Arma 3

    I'm back again with a brand new relevant meme picture.