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Everything posted by sr69mm-jc

  1. sr69mm-jc

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    The way Rocket posts promises like "devblog every friday" and is unable to carry it out is okay. It was quite a silly idea to post big stuff every week in first place if you ask me; however, if he did promise it then he had his reasons. And again, if he isn't able to carry it out then he has good reasons for that as well. Now what I'm personally getting a bit sick of, however, is the way he simply hides from reddit, these forums and other websites by the time a devblog has to arrive (which is obviously not done). Why so? Why doesn't he just go write a quick post about how busy the team is, how well you guys are progressing and apologize for no devblog this week (or even better: take that promise back and post devblogs whenever you feel like it, sigh)? He simply hides from loads of angry/disappointed fans and followers until the problem is gone by itself (read: until another week has passed). I do understand the possible "well, it's your problem of being angry or disappointed" approach. I'm just saying this problem wouldn't be the case for quite a bunch of people if they were simply told either that people aren't getting a devblog this week or that it will no longer come out weekly.
  2. Is all of this actually about just a bunch of canned food items? Like, really?
  3. Most likely no. You folks shouldn't really get all hyped up just because some forum user said something random like that, unless that forum user is Rocket or at least someone of moderators or something. The testers will likely just get hand-picked by the staff and you probably can't influence that too much I guess. That also doesn't involve buying anything from steam.
  4. sr69mm-jc

    New Dev Blog Report: November 2012

    [apparently I was wrong]
  5. sr69mm-jc

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    He is still a human being and he communicates whereever he wants to. He still posts official announcements in devblog and on forums as well. And he responds on forums too from time to time.
  6. sr69mm-jc

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Because people will go and spread the discussion to several other threads. Better keep it all here I'd say. Besides, some people here do state valid points regarding the last few reddit messages by Rocket.
  7. sr69mm-jc

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Yes Budheads, Rocket has mentioned SA optimization several times. Perfomance will be improved noticeably from what I've seen.
  8. sr69mm-jc

    New Dev Blog Report: November 2012

    VAC neither gets your account closed nor makes you lose steam games. It simply prevents you from joining multiplayer servers, and only VAC-secured ones.
  9. sr69mm-jc

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    http://i.imgur.com/v7y1f.png :)
  10. sr69mm-jc

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Says Roboserg and proceeds to quote the whole text the second time.
  11. sr69mm-jc

    Is it Exploiting When?

    You know, I think it's perfectly fine as long as you realize you shouldn't be abusing this. One thing when you have a reason to do this occasionally and another thing when you just do that all the damn time. Noone's going to argue when you took loot from the same spot on two servers when other nearby players hop through decades of servers to farm and abuse this. Either way most if not all of what you've mentioned will probably get fixed sooner or later so you'll eventually have to adapt to the new rules and mechanics. And as for now, I wouldn't be worrying about it at all if I was you. It's simply good enough that you're not abusing it terribly.
  12. So let's get this straight: overall my PC is pretty decent but my graphics card is completely not. Say hello to my GeForce 7600 GT with 256 MBs of video memory. As a result, DayZ is simply unplayable to me and I cannot afford a new graphics card right now so I'm looking for possible solutions for the time being. At this point I don't want all of us to go offtopic so I'd like to go ahead and ensure you that I did all I could - including setting *all* settings to minimum, having a crapload of launch parameters, tweaking the config files, and stuff like that. Back on the actual topic, I've recently stumbled upon an Arma 2 addon called PROPER Vegetation Tweak Visuals. While I can describe my FPS in cities as "seriously terrible", my FPS in forests is even several times as worse. So I thought installing this crap may improve my experience, but.. 1) First things first, is it possible that I get banned for messing with this? I mean I'm afraid the game might take this as texture hack or something, right? 2) How do I even freaking install and run it. Do I need to create @thismod/Addons folder in Arma2, put the .pbo files in there and write some additional launch parameter? Or what.. 3) People have been reporting that this addon has a side effect of removing collision with trees completely. T_T So this is another reason for me to worry about a possible ban. Should I feel safe about it in first place? Thanks for ya time.
  13. Alrights guys, thank you for the support :) Looks like I'm actually low on options here for real. As for the rest of system specs I got 2 GBs of memory and intel core 2 CPU @ 2.14 GHz. Yeah, I believe that must be enough to run Arma 2 on at least low settings; it's just the damned graphics card which I should've upgraded a long time ago anyway. P.S. It's just that I don't pass minimum requirements for several new games out there either, yet I was still able to find out soluitions to enjoy them at a decent framerate. Don't really care much about visuals. Looks like ArmA 2 is going to be an exception here, however. Okay then. Thanks again and /end of thread. :)
  14. sr69mm-jc

    A week Playing as a Non-combatant Medic.

    I'll tell you a story BaldBaBoon. We (2 players) were once hiding from a sniper who spotted us and missed first shot. We were slowly crawling away to safety.. Until a novice guy ran at us. He was unarmed and it looks like he's never heard about such thing as "stealth", as he never crouched or went prone no matter what. He said "hi" in chat. I briefly saluted him and repeateadly started to ask him to get away from there ASAP but he didn't listen. He simply ran at us as we were crawling away. So my teammate had to shoot him because the last thing we wanted there is to be perfectly revealed by that sniper or any other players around. That being said, I suggest you don't expose yourself as much as possible. Not only some people may think you have a teammate sniper covering you and distracting them, but you may also be an "attention-attracting suicide noob" who may cause trouble to nearby players.. You're simply safer dead rather than alive in this case for them. I mean, how many times have you been shot from unknown direction while trying to interact with other players? Fact: you've been watched; and there's also a good chance that those who you interacted with were spotted by your killer as well. And I don't think they'd want that.
  15. It's still worth a shot to try everything I can do; I don't just want to sit back and forget about DayZ for an unknown period of time.