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Everything posted by matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

  1. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    BattlEye, fixed?

    Oh, you mean just normal arma, without DayZ? I will check and post back. Just checked, first of all, it tells me that "Patch 1.62 is available for download", Then when I try to join any servers, it just says "Connecting failed"
  2. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    BattlEye, fixed?

  3. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    BattlEye, fixed?

    Edit; Now it's kicking me no matter what I do and I haven't actually changed anything. In "The Walking Dead" style, "Someone, somewhere, MUST know SOMETHING"
  4. Hey guys. So, it seems, I have FINALLY fixed my BattlEye error, after winding up even having my CD key stolen (Long story..) - after much trial and error, I seem to have found the way to stop getting kicked with "BattlEye stopped responding. Here's what I do in case anyone else is having it; if you're not - please skip and read on. Okay, so, I can still no longer play because I'm getting stuck on that final loading screen - the green one. The bar fills up - then nothing. I've tried multiple servers, and no joy on any of them. I've tried being patient (I have left it on that screen during the whole time I've been writing this and stopping to eat dinner too), that doesn't help either. I heard somewhere that I need to just "Keep joining servers until it works" - But I really don't think that's it. There must be something causing this surely? Probably my end. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated, I am so close to getting back into DayZ now! Thank you for reading and taking time out to help a fellow DayZ player.
  5. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    Final fixed my BattlEye error.. Now getting stuck at loading.

    Edit, completely disregard this post. BattlEye is STILL not fixed..
  6. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    Any word on an update to fix BattlEye?

    Checked the announcements but I couldn't see anything. Desperate for a fix nao, because I haven't been able to play in ages due to this annoying bug. I've tried everything and gotten no results :'(
  7. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    Any word on an update to fix BattlEye?

    Global Ban. Well serves me right I suppose, was just so damn desperate to fix it. Sad times when people need to do this kind of thing, a few bad apples within a great community. Thanks for everything chaps, guess I'm now waiting for the stand-alone DayZ ;_; This thread can be locked or whatever now. Peace out and thanks again for all the support.
  8. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    Any word on an update to fix BattlEye?

    Shittttttt - really hope nobody else used that, sorry I should've thought before sharing it. ANything I can do? How can I check?
  9. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    Any word on an update to fix BattlEye?

    Just gave it a quick scan, no threat detected :/
  10. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    Any word on an update to fix BattlEye?

    what why!?
  11. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    Any word on an update to fix BattlEye?

    Hey guys, I received a message from "Fixitup" that has finally seemed to have fixed my problem. ************ This for anyone having the issue. Download it. Run it as admin. And enjoy (not being kicked by BattlEye) Unfortunately I am now getting stuck on the last loading screen, but I'm hoping the fix for this is very straight forward.
  12. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    Any word on an update to fix BattlEye?

    I'll give it a shot tomorrow when I get home and see what results I get. As for the server, it happens on all servers sadly. When you say close everything, do you mean just launch normally (without selecting a server), then alt tab out and close everything including steam?
  13. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    Any word on an update to fix BattlEye?

    Just went into AVG and made sure all the .dll's were allowed - still nothing.
  14. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    Any word on an update to fix BattlEye?

    Did you mean AVG? Checked and can't see a Game Mode there, I will try turning it off with WIndows Firewall and see what happens. As for verifying, it is one of the many things I have tried unfortunately :'(
  15. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    Any word on an update to fix BattlEye?

    Getting the error now no matter what I do :/ I think we may have to call it a closed case lads, I have e-mailed BattlEye about it, he got back to me up until I told him what my router was, and then he hasn't contacted me back now in two days.
  16. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    Any word on an update to fix BattlEye?

    Ah got it, and yupp - seems fine. Minimum = 81MS, Maximum = 292MS 0% Packet loss, 4 Packets sent and 4 received.
  17. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    Any word on an update to fix BattlEye?

    You know what? I totally forgot to give that a try. Is getting stuck on the loading screen just a random error? Or is there something I need to do to prevent/stop that happening? Trying to do this, but I must be doing it wrong? Whatever I try variation wise with the command I get "Bad parameter "1"" or whatever number I put in there?
  18. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    Any word on an update to fix BattlEye?

    Hopefully getting closer to fixing this problem haha
  19. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    Any word on an update to fix BattlEye?

    Everything is running fine on my PC, all other applications are working flawlessly - I've done a defrag this morning as well :/
  20. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    Any word on an update to fix BattlEye?

    I gave it a shot, replacing the .dlls whatever way possible. Still no luck for myself. May try it again with the firewall turned off, but tbh I've not got enough faith left tot try much else!
  21. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    Any word on an update to fix BattlEye?

    TLOSS error SING error DOMAIN error R6034 An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library incorrectly. Please contact the application's support team for more information. R6033 - Attempt to use MSIL code from this assembly during native code initialization This indicates a bug in your application. It is most likely the result of calling an MSIL-compiled (/clr) function from a native constructor or from DllMain. R6032 - not enough space for locale information R6031 - Attempt to initialize the CRT more than once. This indicates a bug in your application. R6030 - CRT not initialized R6028 - unable to initialize heap R6027 - not enough space for lowio initialization R6026 - not enough space for stdio initialization R6025 - pure virtual function call R6024 - not enough space for _onexit/atexit table R6019 - unable to open console device R6018 - unexpected heap error R6017 - unexpected multithread lock error R6016 - not enough space for thread data This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information. R6009 - not enough space for environment R6008 - not enough space for arguments R6002 - floating point support not loaded Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library ... <program name unknown> Runtime Error! Program: ccs= UTF-8 UTF-16LE UNICODE InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount Just had a play, opening the BEServer.dll with notepad, and this came up, if anyone can make any sense of it? Makes me believe (for some reason) Visual C++ may be a problem here?
  22. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    Any word on an update to fix BattlEye?

    Ah, so say I launch with DayZ commander, but not to a specific server (Just to the ingame web browser) then copy the latest .dll files into the correct directories, I should have a better chance of it survivng? Gonna give this a shot, in the meantime I did e-mail support at BattlEye who told me to check my router firmware (Sigh) - I've told them what my router is, and that as far as I can find on google, it is fully up to date - there was a router setting guide out there on these forums - but I can't follow it because my router seems not to have ANY of the settings I need to change to "fix" this problem. Gonna launch DayZ then manually update BE just before I connect to a server and let y'all know. Thanks once again for all the positive help. Oh, and for you other guys having the problem, I attempted a full re-install of everything to do with DayZ - and had no joy, just to save you the time of trying that one!
  23. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    Any word on an update to fix BattlEye?

    Been little while since I've defragged to be fair, so I'll do that. But I do have 499GB free on it right now. I've tried this, I'd say about 9 times out of ten, I get kicked while I'm waiting with the same message :( Yeah, I had a look. But apparently my router firmware is up to date - so I'm sure the problem doesn't lie there. Say what? :/ Thanks for all the tips guys, might just have to try completely unintalling Armed Assault and Operation Arrowhead, then re-install them, DayZ, etc etc, and see if that works.
  24. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    Any word on an update to fix BattlEye?

    Finally connected for a server, asked me to create a new character, I did - played for a while, didn't get kicked. I figured it was fixed, and then I went to change server (Because I'm a noob who hates being in the dark and not knowing where he is) AND IT HAPPENED AGAIN ;_; Edit. Right, so manually updating my BattlEye seems to get me about 20 seconds of gameplay before I am kicked. Really don't understand this :/ Guess the only thing I can do is completely wipe it all off my PC and start fresh, and hope I get somewhere.
  25. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    Any word on an update to fix BattlEye?

    Update, tried going to the .dlls for BattlEye and making sure they were unblocked. Still nothing.